More like Mementine Memepire it's history can be summed up with ''being bitchslapped by everyone'' they were nothing more than fucking failures.
More like Mementine Memepire it's history can be summed up with ''being bitchslapped by everyone'' they were nothing...
>stood strong for over 1000 years
It's one of the longest lasting empires, bitch.
the stood for that long. I dunno if I'd say they stood strong.
It's the best empire the world has ever seen.
Best people (Greeks)
Best religion (Christianity)
Best denom. (Orthodox)
Kept shitskins, mudslimes and turkroaches away from her walls, protecting Europe.
you sound like a butthurt Romanist OP
Gibbon pls go
T. Mehmet McTurkroach
>Best people (Greeks)
t pavlos kolokopoulus ibn turkiyye
It lasted longer than any modern empire today
Longer than France
Longer than uk
Longer than Germany
Longer than US
only country that's lasted as long would be maybe china and Japan but those don't really count since they changed government so many times
>Kept shitskins, mudslimes and turkroaches away from her walls, protecting Europe.
t. Akchmed Mohammed Jamal Al-Khawarij
Which is why their capital in the heart of roachland.
>only country that's lasted as long would be maybe china and Japan
>but those don't really count since they changed government so many times
So by that standard, the the Byzzies are short lived as well because they Changed dynasties like the Chinks & Nips.
>T. I don't know history.
To Byzantium, the barbarians are both in the east as well as the west.
Papal Rome was indeed barbaric.
I dunno, I'd call an 1100 year empire, a city wall that was virtually invincible until the advent of Gunpowder, and a civil law code that serves as the basis of law and order for over half of humanity a pretty notable set of achievements.
3/10 made me respond to this b8
Who even makes threads like this? I hope trolls.
Going by the standard that government change equates to empire change the Byzantine empire ceased to exist fairly early on in it's existence. It violently changed governments every 10 years with some exceptions
>you sound like a butthurt Romanist
>literally was created by Romans, of Rome, ruled from the capitol of Rome
>even called yourselves Romans, as if you were worthy
go into more detail on their law being the basis for modern law
Why is Ron Paul a legionnaire
That image is about as reddit as the byzantine empire was
>Be in between two great continents, the most desired position in the known world
>Be attacked constantly from all sides by people who want your wealthy and valuable land.
>All Empires before and after you who inhabit this area manage to last less than half of your lifetime at the very best.
>Hold out against Persians, Arabs, Turks, Heretics and Latins for more than a thousand years.
>The biggest meme event in history, the 4th Crusade happens and fucks you up irrevocably
>Still reclaim your capital and go down fighting against a much stronger opponent who would have been btfo centuries ago had you not been fucked over.
>563 years later some fag calls you a meme empire.
>Hold out for more than 1000 years
>563 yars later some fag
You're going down OP
Japan's dynasty has never changed.
You mean like when the Latins carved up the empire and ruled the area after conquering it in the 4th Crusade?
Plagues wrecked the population and their first the gdp and fighting strength.
While western and northern europe kept getting new people from the ne europe and west Asian steppes.
You mean like when Michael VIII Palaiologos btfo that little fuck Baldwin II.