Lets get a slacker/bum sort of thread going

Lets get a slacker/bum sort of thread going.
The last one sucked so imma get this started with some based maccie and whatnot.










leave my thread and take ug-mug with you.



>tfw the 90s revival got played out so hard and fast by indie kids
I waited years for this you little shits why couldn't you have taken it a little more slowly

last one for now

W2c that long ass green shirt

thrift it



>tfw you know the person in the pic irl

Mac is overrated and his fanbase is horrific but i appreciate slackercore threads.




comfycore is not slackercore



well whenever i see pics of the faggot members of "DEEV" i want to dismember them and light the pieces on fire so

guy on the right's pants are giving me an aneurysm

>Mac is overrated
>posts DIIV of all bands

pic related is my fit today

camera cut out shoes, but theyre meme smiths

holy shit that shirt, hope I can cop that somewhere

w2c sweatshirt

drop trip, move out of parents house.

I like it, it's pretty unoffensive. Where did you get your jacket?



LMAO fucking laggard go back to 2011 le sxsw pitchfork re d d i t o r

pants too tight for this style
shirt oversized beyond what is acceptable
pink t-shirt, stan smiths, too dressed by internet

ask where he got his shirt

w2c ur long shirt

DIY Veeky Forumsggot


as stupid as the whole "slacker-core" thing is, the general idea seems to be just going to thrift stores any buying whatever makes you say "oh sweet" and wearing it to pieces

DIIV always looks like the epitome of tryharding the fuck out of that concept. fucking vomit inducing.

music sucks to boot

literally all of sydney 18-24

im gone for a couple hours and come back to this. yuck


>le sxsw pitchfork re d d i t o r
Can someone translate this?

Get with the times grandpa