Depravity is the opiate of the masses. Religion is what disciplines them and increases their willpower and sense of identity beyond the self. Bread and circuses are opiates to the masses far more than telling them not to fornicate or masturbate and to look out for one another.
Depravity is the opiate of the masses...
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No shit man.
Marx was just a retard Jew who misunderstood Hegel.
He can be safely ignored as the disaster of his ideology is clear to almost everyone. Even actual Marxists are visibly embarrassed to call themselves that.
(Thing I hate) is the opiate of the masses. (Thing I love) is what disciplines them and increases their willpower and sense of identity beyond the self. Bread and circuses are opiates to the masses far more than telling them not to (do thing I hate) and to (do thing I love).
Wow really incisive critique there buddy.
Gravity is the opiate of the masses. Satire is what disciplines them and increases their willpower and sense of identity beyond the self. Bread and circuses are opiates to the masses far more than telling them not to be grave and to satirize.
>Depravity is the opiate of the masses.
There is no such thing as depravity
>Religion is what disciplines them and increases their willpower
>and sense of identity beyond the self.
There are other sources of identity, ones that are less servile
>Bread and circuses are opiates to the masses
religion is bread and circuses
>far more than telling them not to fornicate or masturbate
Control over morality is part of the eternal priests methods of subjugation
>and to look out for one another.
People do that better without religion.
Fuck off tranny.
>There is no such thing as depravity
So diddling a child is not depraved?
Why would it be?
Some Priests think otherwise
Because it is wicked, harmful and promotes degradation of morals?
It's harmful to the child and needs to be stopped. Whether it's depraved or not is a non-issue.
According to who?
You don't have a sense of identity beyond yourself. You've convinced yourself you do, but it's still just a self identity without the intellectual honesty.
Why do you think harming a child needs to be stopped?
Why are you so made at Marx? He's basically Christ's successor
*Jesus accused the Pharisee of using religion as a means of gaining political power and money. Marx took the next logic step and extended it to all religions
*Jesus promised a heaven on earth would be establed when he returned. When he was reborn as Karl Marx he gave us the gift of Communism which is exactly what is promised
*Both Jesus and Marx preached on the virtures of poverty and where poor themself
*Jesus spoke against the Jewish ruling elites critisizing them for their bank. Marx did this and exstends it to all ruling elite
He's your Messiah!
This, Marx is Jesus reincarnated
>Why do you think harming a child needs to be stopped?
Because it inhibits the material betterment of society. :^)
Or are you just going to play the "why" game with me? Because we can do that with your faith if you like. But it's not really all that insightful, all philosophical stances eventually come down to "because I said so, that's why."
Marx never worked a day in his life. His ideas are trash.
>So diddling a child is not depraved?
no. """depravity""" is the last thing I would be worried about if someone was diddling kids
Sounds like something a Pharisee would say about Jesus.
>ITT marxists defending pedophilia
Color me shocked.
Jesus did work. He also taught actual good lessons, instead of acting like an entitled shit head saying gibsmedat.
I ALWAYS wanted to do this. Thank you for providing the opportunity.
>virtues of poverty
Yeah, Marx, who was never really poor, bitches about "lumpenproletariat" aka hardworking people who weren't buying into his socialist horseshit. He's the enemy of the workers.
>paeodphilia would be fine if it wasn't """depraved""
Christcucks in a nutshell
On the lessons or work? He was a carpenter during his early life. This is common knowledge, especially on this board.
I love how anti-communists think it's some grand conspiracy by Marx to seize power even though being a communist only made his life more difficult.
Why can't other christcucks learn a bit from catholic priests, these guys have their shit together.
No, I mean on Marx saying "gibsmedat".
Nice non sequitur you cuck.
Great strawman, go back to /b/ until you learn a thing or two.
kek. never seen it this way.
Obviously you haven't read his "works", that's what you're looking for. It is "gibsmedat" from beginning to end.
Actually Joseph was a carptender. People just assume Jesus followed his father's profession. There is no evidence for this. Jesus never worked a day in his life. He was supported by John the Baptist, the Engles of his time!
>Ah ha, yes. This will surely lead me to world domination.
>Visibly doesn't in any way and just makes his life a million times harder than if he just said some pro-establishment nonsense.
The way /pol/tards describe him you'd think Marx was a saturday morning cartoon villain.
I have. What in it is "gibsmedat".
I know he advocates for the abolition of private property, but that isn't anyone getting anything. It's just the bourgeoisie losing their unjust claims to God's land.
I know he wants the proletariat to control the fruits of their own labour. But that's the opposite of "gibsmedat", as a matter of fact it's depriving the bourgeoisie of their "gibsmedats" derived from the absurd notion of private property.
Who's talking about world domination you imbecile? I'm saying that Marx talked shit about everyone who didn't like his ideas. He was probably the most butthurt individual in the entire history of philosophy.
Fucking every philosopher ever does that.
Even Christianity is predicated on the notion that everyone who doesn't like Jesus' ideas is going to hell.
>a million times harder
>Gets to travel, read and write books on Engels' pocket instead of working 8+ hours a day in a law firm like his dad wanted him
>Is able to have a family, more than one wife and kids and to live a comfy bourgeois life style
"Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon?” Mark 6:3 CSB
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t His mother called Mary, and His brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?” Matthew 13:55 CSB
>New Testament: be patient, frugal, submit to the authorities
Not only it's not the same thing, they're literally opposites.
>the Engels of his time
Engels was a wealthy robber baron's son. John the Baptist was a raggedy ass poorfag preaching in the desert.
>Getting kicked out of every country he settles.
>Living in poverty, with your kids being liable to die.
>Comfy bourgeois life style
>Great strawman
It's not a strawman if priests literally rape kids (not in a depraved way though)
That's a good argument for abolishing philosophy.
Heaven=glorious workers paradise
Hell=The gullags
Holy spirit=the spirit of Communism
>more than one wife
Actually scratch that. He actually had a bastard child with his maid
That isn't actually true.
And he kicked her out on the street pregnant.
This is why I detest most of these egalitarian philosophers, in real life they completely lack compassion and they're preaching water while drinking wine. Rousseau is another good example, absolutely detestable cunt.
It's definitely a Strawman because that's not what he was arguing. Also he didn't imply that either, it is deprived. Period, it matters not who does it.
apparently marx' kids loved him
were they evil as well
Including the kids he didn't acknowledge and kicked out on the street?
Well that is one opinion. But
>She is best remembered as the mother of a child believed by most scholars to have been fathered by Marx
>believed by most scholars
That isn't true, not only did she continue to live with Marx but was a family friend until the day she died.
>Both Jesus and Marx preached on the virtures of poverty
Jesus said it's not worth anything if you don't gain humility from it (Pharisee vs. Publican, salt losing its saltiness, etc.) Marx said it's not worth anything if you don't gain pride from it
Marx doesn't encourage doing something for pride's sake
To which it gives exactly 1 source.
Also note that the linked book points out that this legend is an extremely recent thing. It is literally one of those flagrant lies that people believe for literally no reason other than they heard someone else say it.
>pedophilia would be fine if it weren't wrong
You're just playing semantics now
Name literally 1.
Marx encourages resenting prosperity and attaching value to oneself based (purely) on productivity.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Kingdom of heaven=communist Utopia
Marx is literally the second coming of the Messiah but you are too blind to see it. Marx Christ tried to warn all the churches are corrupt and deceptive and here you are defending them.
The Publican, while more materially well off, was poorer in spirit than the Pharisee, who was downtrodden.
Look you can twist and turn and try to read between the lines what but that doesn't mean that this was what Marx really meant
He says you should work so that all receive the boons of the earth. Communism will be a return to the way societies originally ran. It's Eden again. This is the march of history.
Marx really meant that material distribution is the sum of all concern, and everything else is just nonsense, including morality and piety.
Well that's all fine, but communist revolutions are not driven by piety and compassion, if they were then they'd bear better fruit. When they are, then you can get back to me.
Yes, but that's what you do not understand.
The Kingdom of God is literally right before us with the world of communism, this is the prophecy come true. Once you liberate yourself by achieving class consciousness, it is only a matter of banding together to teach out and make God's will manifest.
>comparing the Kingdom of God to an idea humans have
>comparing a man that did horrible things to the sinless Messiah
I have bad news for you. You are the one who is blind. Keep being deceived. You have time until you die, I hope for your sake you make peace quickly, lest that day come unexpectedly and you die the second death.
>Marx dindu nothing he was a gud boi
JK you could be right.
The Pharisee were what the modern church is today. They use religion to gain money and power. Christ destroyed their corrupt temple. Now Christ has come a second time to destroy ALL temples.
Each time Christ is rejected by the very church that is awaiting him. The Pharisee rejected Jesus. The so called Christians reject Marx.
The Kingdom of God is the Church. I'm in communion with everyone in it, not with my class.
Good but that is NOT acting for pride's sake! You are seeing ghosts, Marx never meant something like that
The Pharisees didn't have money and power, that was the Sadducees. The Pharisees were popular with the poor, and hated the Sadducees.
Marx certainly wants to instill the notion that everyone who works is valuable solely by being productive, and those who are unemployed or wealthy, are worthless.
>Well that's all fine, but communist revolutions are not driven by piety and compassion,
Yes they are. The Russian revolution is 100% Bible approved.
The outrageous excesses and idolatry of the House of Romanov was a disgrace to all that is holy. So their tyranny was stripped bare before the Lord and smashed upon the rocks just as the Israelites of old would do.
The Pharisee also could not beleive Jesus was sent by God. By denying Marx you are just showing that the Christians are modern day Pharisee.
The Kingdom of God is within you.
And it is class consciousness, thus the constant class agitation in the bible.
The church today is what the law of the moses in the time of Jesus. It's became a way to deceive.
Just as Christ destroyed the Jewish church, he destroys the Christian church. Accept Marx as your saviour.
No. Marx did not come from the Heavens with the glory of His father and all the Angels. When Jesus returns everyone will know. He will have His scars from His crucifixion. And lastly, we wouldn't be here right now. You are spouting nothing but unbiblical, heretical, mumbo jumbo.
>The Russian revolution is 100% Bible approved.
Marx wanted a classless society where the means of production are actually in the hands of the people who work and where property is shared by anyone, people who didn't work would still benefit from his society, it's just that they wouldn't have the means of production under their control
Geez talk about misrepresenting Marx
No, the Kingdom of God is not of this world.
Marx denies God.
Yes, yes, of course, he just wanted a utopia where there is no religion or family
Rememer how the Jews were expecting the Messiah to be warrior. They could not beleive it was just an ordinary man who went around preaching. They denied their own Messiah.
You are doing the same thing. You expect the Messiah to be a supernatural being. But he was a man that wrote books. Like the Pharisee of old you have denied your saviour. But don't worry, all will be saved, you will be sent to re-education camps. God gave you free will, you have a choice between glorious workers paradise and the gulags.
Christ is a supernatural being, just not the kind the Jews wanted.
>Abloo bloo muh poor oppressed nobles.
When the Church is celebrating oppressors and condemning the righteous you know the synagogue of Satan is now.
Jesus didn't write any books.
You are nothing but wrong. Marx was entirely evil. If you believe the Bible stop now, because you have been greatly mislead and deceived.
He just believed that religion was used to control the masses and he wanted to have the masses emancipated from that, when they'd be emancipated they should be allowed to practice whatever they want as long as it wouldn't undermine communism and make the people revert to living under bourgeoisie
But it is.
Communism is absolute 100%, in every possible way the fulfillment of the prophecy. Ethereal interpretations have clearly been proven false, just as the Jews were blindsided by Jesus' message being nothing like what they expected.
He was talking about Marx.
>You are nothing but wrong. Marx was entirely evil
Get behind me, Satan.
No it is not.
He was and if you don't see that you are being controlled by Satan as we speak.
>begs for her husband's murderer to be spared after a communist assassinated him
>After Sergei’s death, Elisabeth wore mourning clothes and became a vegetarian. In 1909, she sold off her magnificent collection of jewels and sold her other luxurious possessions; even her wedding ring was not spared. With the proceeds she opened the Convent of Saints Martha and Mary and became its abbess.
>She soon opened a hospital, a chapel, a pharmacy and an orphanage on its grounds. Elisabeth and her nuns worked tirelessly among the poor and the sick of Moscow. She often visited Moscow’s worst slums and did all she could to help alleviate the suffering of the poor.
You're telling me this woman deserved to die?