The Sentinelese people, also called the Sentineli, the Senteneli, the Sentenelese, and/or the North Sentinel Islanders...

>The Sentinelese people, also called the Sentineli, the Senteneli, the Sentenelese, and/or the North Sentinel Islanders, are an indigenous people of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal. They inhabit North Sentinel Island, which lies westward off the southern tip of the Great Andaman archipelago. The Sentinelese maintain an essentially hunter-gatherer society subsisting through hunting, fishing, and collecting wild plants. There is no evidence of either agricultural practices or methods of producing fire. Their language remains unclassified and is not mutually intelligible with the Jarawa language of their nearest neighbors.

>In 2006, Sentinelese archers killed two fishermen who were fishing illegally for mud crabs within range of the island. Their boat's improvised anchor failed to prevent it from being carried away by currents while they were asleep. The boat drifted into the shallows of the island, where they were killed. The Sentinelese buried them in shallow graves. An Indian Coast Guard helicopter that was sent to retrieve the bodies was driven off by Sentinelese warriors, who fired a volley of arrows.

Why didn't the Indian government go and arrest these murderers and bring them to justice? It's quite obvious this island and its people are under Indian jurisdiction and they obviously committed homicide, a serious crime.

Other urls found in this thread:

>You'll never impregnate some of their women bringing them the first new genes in 40,000 years.

Anchote is not from India. Those are Amazonians.

Secondly the sentinelese have survived much and are defending their island resources. There is a ban on fishing, hunting a poaching there. The fishers could have killed them all with diseases, they died because they broke the law.

The natives did nothing wrong

That picture is from an amazon tribe

>killed two innocent fishers
>did nothing wrong


>Quite a few discarded their weapons and gestured to us to throw the fish. The women came out of the shade to watch our antics... A few men came and picked up the fish. They appeared to be gratified, but there did not seem to be much softening to their hostile attitude... They all began shouting some incomprehensible words. We shouted back and gestured to indicate that we wanted to be friends. The tension did not ease. At this moment, a strange thing happened — a woman paired off with a warrior and sat on the sand in a passionate embrace. This act was being repeated by other women, each claiming a warrior for herself, a sort of community mating, as it were. Thus did the militant group diminish. This continued for quite some time and when the tempo of this frenzied dance of desire abated, the couples retired into the shade of the jungle. However, some warriors were still on guard. We got close to the shore and threw some more fish which were immediately retrieved by a few youngsters. It was well past noon and we headed back to the ship

What did they mean by this?

>you broke the law
>time to die :^)
Would love to bring civilization to them desu, it would probably be a mercy

But they aren't innocent, they were near the island.

How draconian of you

>Why didn't the Indian government go and arrest these murderers and bring them to justice? It's quite obvious this island and its people are under Indian jurisdiction and they obviously committed homicide, a serious crime.
I bet you suck cop dick too.

You say that as if it's wrong.

They will die of literally every disease Europe ever became immune to if you did that.

How the fuck can Christians believe in salvation through Christ when some people still have not had the historical opportunity to even hear "The Good News"

Unfortunately, since you seem to be underage and Veeky Forums is an 18+ only site, you must now be executed

>I know better than Draco



You will only be judged if you have heard the Word and rejected it.

This shit is beyond settled theology and you should be banned for even asking such a stupid question on a history board.

It is clear that the indigenous peoples of this island are ignorant of Indian laws to say the least. I doubt they have any idea that they are under the governance of the Indian nation at all. If these people have no understanding of the laws that govern them (loosely at that as they are not enforced) and no understanding that they are governed by any nation at all then I cannot see what they did wrong. In such a society they likely considered their actions correct and justified. Forgiven people are near their land claiming their limited resources. It is completely understandable that the Indian government chose not to act


Because entertaining cave people > POO IN LOO peasant fishermen.

Search your heart.

You know it to be true.

Sentinelese are not human, more accurately classified as fauna IMO.

Now you understand why Victorians put natives in zoos.


Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?'
Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.'
Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?!"

They arent peasants.

> I cannot see what they did wrong

They murdered innocent people you fucking tard apologist.

The correct response would have been to investigate and help strangers in trouble if needed. Attack only if they are a threat, not kill on sight.

I've heard they had bad contact before.

If they're off fishing in a protected area, they're probably poorfags, like 90% of the population of India.

India is set demographically to be the most populous country in the world. Poor people have no value.

Now uncontacted tribes with a known location and decent documentation.

You can count the number of those on one hand.

What an incest festival

Peasant means agricultural worker. These niggers don't have agriculture.

Would a fisherman not qualify as a peasant?

I mean, small scale fishing operations have been around since the Paleolithic.

Certainly, it's nobody that the soulless bureaucrats at New Delhi will be crying about.

>These niggers

they aren't black

No, fishing is literally hunting.

They are.

Wouldn't it be closer to trapping?

Unless it's spearfishing.

>Presents cop-out argument in which the "cure" is a whole new set of obligations
>Calls complicated philosophical issue "beyond settled" and claims I am somehow stupid for not subscribing to as many opinions

L-lad, I...

Not of African descent

Well, Nigger descends from the Spanish negro, or black.

I think you could make a reasonable case that the people of the Indian subcontinent, especially the coastal areas, qualify.

Not sure what to take away from that article but it is what they are. Kinda African? Kinda related to aborigines? Either way their skin would be considered black.

So what? Africans aten't the only blacks.

no, they're closer to other south asians than africans, they are not black


The senteneli are basically modern day barbarians in need of civilizing by 5.56mm round. It would be good television to see a modern rifle company fucking them up.

So has literally everyone on planet earth. Your point?

he means they trew them fish, wich they took, then continued to talk shit, then some fucked on the beach, and they took more fish

yes, they are.

>Afrocentrist faggot delusion

Sorry but Dravidians and Melanesians literally have black skin

>anyone who disagrees with me is a part of this group i dont like!

They aren't black either, they are genetically distant from modern day africans

Not they don't because Nigger was catered for people of African descent and Indians weren't a thing in the regions nigger as term popped up.

Not genetically related to Africans at all.

They went under a different term. In colonies with multiple races like Kenya or Uganda, Indians and Africans were separate group and grouped differently Brown vs black.

Black as a term does not encompass skin solely at all.

Blacks =/= Africans

Blacks = people with black skin

seriously think when shit like that happens local indian goverment is more concerned with preventing 15 other fishing boats full of other fishermen and their male family members popping out for a visit and a chat

indians have been settling those island for decades and made lots of contact with those people and everyone hates them, for obvious reasons, and the local police and rule of law is not rarely what keeps them alive

Well, American GIs during the Philippine Insurrection routinely referred to the Melanesian Moros that they were slaughtering as niggers.

I think an 1890s war criminal knows a bit more about racial slurs than you do.

Why doesn't someone just go there and gun all of them down?


Apparently a large number of them croaked during that major tsunami in SEA years back.
Feral savages, tidal wave would've done right to level their whole damn island.

So then, if God wants us to go to Heaven and be with him, like I've seen some Christians here say, wouldn't the most logical thing be to keep the religion a secret so nobody has a chance to not be with God?


better TV would be putting some fat city slickers on the island with hidden cameras in the trees and rocks.
Hilarity ensues

>that gif

Apparently they handled it better than the nearby civilized settlers, because they had some kind of animal watching shit to warn them about earthquakes.

we should deport criminals there

"It's quite obvious this island and its people are under Indian jurisdiction"

How so? The surrounding waters may very well be under Indian jurisdiction, but India has never exercised practical authority over North Sentinel Island.

I often dream about settling islands like these with a bunch of autists, wiping out the natives and starting our own colony.

they are under the overarching control of India, but they are an autonomous area under its own jurisdiction.
Complexity motherfucks

>ywn make a meme utopia and become a mafia tax haven for offshore banking

I don't see the problem. They were simply asserting their borders

Make North Sentinel great again :^)

Figures, always the same these natives. They just love to look at sticks and sling dirt in the wind talking about mysticism or some other sort of hogwash.

Unironically this.

t. Kollok bok tic tic

>be Sentinelese
>remain isolated on a tiny remote island for 90,000 years
>practice ancient inbreeding rituals
>get a new gf from a pool of 200 qts, daily
>*inbreeding intensifies*
>very close to drifting off, genetically, to form new species
>continue inbreeding with qts until you depart from the human species

So they're not going to shoot two of them to answer for the two they killed?

Weak shit.

Highly doubt they were actually isolated for that long. Hell they were probably in vague contact with other neighboring islands until a few centuries ago before the British showed up, fucked shit, and left them extremely isolationist after. They probably still have spoken histories about "if anyone comes over from the water, they're out to kill you" or something along those lines.

Stay in pol!
It's where you belong!

Stay in pol!
It's where you belong!

Yes because humans generally greet those they believe are stealing from them with the most kind attitudes.

Try not to be completely ignorant of the nature of human beings.


the law says no fishing. what is draconian is their blatant disregard for edicts issued by their lawful authorities for their own good.

and for their stupidity, they're dead.

What do you think their religion is like? They're literal retard savages so I assume they reason the interlopers of whatever kind are supernatural.

>innocent people

"illegal" fishing means fishing that is not legal. they were breaking the law

regardless they can't help people if they don't speak their language. and who says they weren't provoked? it's a complicated case you dumb teenager

Stay on reddit!
It's where your belong!

Why kill these savages? Yeah they are uncivilized barbarians, but they are one of the few surviving groups of primitive humans and tribes. If people are able to go there and interact with the people without getting their shit kicked in, this can be a good opportunity to study how these people live first-hand. Theyre a living example of how humans acted thousands of years ago.

>not going onto the island with a rifle and killing all the men then using the women as rape-slaves
Low energy

Savages piss me off, romans raped and enslaved millions but it was cool because they civilized the region, but suddenly when a couple of northern europeans want to extract a little bit of minerals or oil its over the line

wouldnt inbreeding be a relly fucking issue there?

that's how we acted thousands of years ago baby

We should study you then

Well it's not like Abrahamic religions are know for making sense.

it is only by being this insanely violent that they survived without iron

>Not introducing some white women to them to start the website

t. Pic related


Are you saved by God's grace when you know of the Word of God but you go on without sharing it? Also if God is everything then why is his Word so limited and not actually everything itself.


Nah, watching civilized people die at the hands of disgusting savages doesn't do much for people in this country. Watching our glorious military fucking up anyone who looks at us funny gets the ratings though.

Shouldn't that be "2edgy4me" in your post? I mean, I doubt that "2edgy4u" works in this context.

>Are you saved by God's grace when you know of the Word of God but you go on without sharing it?
What if I'm just really shy and feel uncomfortable talking to people?

Or maybe because they don't live in a densely urbanized area

this so much
people don't understand that modernized humans are a fucking disgrace to the animal kingdom, we have destroyed everything we come across beyond beliefs, even ourselves. hell, just look at the fucking rates of heart disease and depression.

leave the damn tribes alone, its the last remaining piece of humanity that are actually what a real human is.

underrated post

>>primitive worthless savages shouldn't be evicted from what could be a perfectly decent tourist trap because I'm angry at my parents/society.

Fuck you, you ungrateful simp.

we are the worthless savages, is correct

besides, your view of savagery is based on what society has taught you, which might i remind you is something modern gross humans made