Is economics a social science or a business science?
Is economics a social science or a business science?
Economics is speculative philosophy with graphs.
Economics is just statistics.
You mean my wife's son.
If you're an Austrian or a Marxian, sure.
its bullshit
what's a business science?
who cares?
Economics is an analytical skill
Science barely enters into it, but the point is still to understand the subject
Actually economist here. Its a social science.
my friend's doing his undergrad in math and econ and always makes fun of economists for knowing zero math (mostly because our school implies that you need 'rigorous' mathematical knowledge, translation calc 1 & 2). how true is this?
Top tier post
Economics is ideological mystification
Not that guy but I'm an economist too. We can't compete against a mathematician but we do know a fair deal of math.
And what's exactly calc 1 and 2? I took 4 calculus courses, 2 statistics, 2 econometrics and all economic theory is math with economic interpretation.
Except Austrian School economics, but that's not real economics anyway.
Not entirely wrong. One of the guys on the admissions board for the PhD program in my dept told me that it's better to be a math major than an econ major if you want to get into the econ PhD program.
So I took a course on proof-based linear algebra, and I was able to walk all over the rest of the class in ecmt forecasting.
Whatever is the case, major in math and minor or double major in econ
Why is that school still around? They've been proved wrong many times and who the fuck takes them seriously if they don't agree with the idea of empirical evidence?
They're still around because AnCaps still need something to jerk over
>a science
nice dubs-trips-dubs
>They've been proved wrong many times
Top laff
Wanna know how I know you're a Keynesian?
It is a social science.
It has some advantages and some disadvantages over the others.
Economists usually have better statistical methods than other social scientists, tend to be more open minded and less ideological than the other ones (not that they are incredibly open minded, but it is very easy to be less ideological than other social sciences) and mathematics can help by not allowing people to bullshit too much (this is usually not a big problem in psychology, but a huge problem in others).
On the other hand, mathematics can also be used to obfuscation, economists can get very arrogant and then end up embarrassing themselves when they try to go to other fields without studying them before.
It's a social science with a bit of math and statistics sprinkled in
Mind refuting some central ideas of austrian economics?