>not Rasoolūllah
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What did he mean by this?
Please make your post in the form of an actual question please?
Enough with the SHITPOSTING. Speak in complete sentences. PROVIDE CONTEXT.
What did who mean by this?
OP here. I meant "Muhammad was indeed Rasoolūllah, no?"
Much better. No clue.
Please provide a book reference or explain it yourself. I find the theory interesting but can not be bothered with the continuous onslaught of youtube links.
Nice antmap
Muhammad was actually visited by a false angel of light, it was a demon, a fallen angel of deception. Satan and his workers are great mimickers and Muhammad, deceived, established a demonic cult of Allah (false-God) called Islam (meaning voluntary submission to this false-God, i.e. Satan) which he spread by the sword convinced that it was the last revelation of God Almighty.
Islam is none other than Satan's magnum opus, which now has 1.6 billion adherents (23% of the world population) and which will probably be followed by half of the world population by 2050.
>For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
I'm not going to watch Asian animations that aren't from Japan or Korea, desu
And European animation is all shit, anyway, so inb4 "Eurabia" jokes
I searched this and found only 14 results on Google. What I'm the world are you talking about?
Muhammad was a gluttonous wealthy slave owner, an adulterer, a child-molesting pedophile, a murderer, a liar, he encouraged theft, rape, torture and the list goes on. He was the pawn of Satan and is now in Hell.
Jesus is the Christ prophesied in Scripture.
>Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Matthew 7:15-20
Roleplaying belongs on or
>I don't know what roleplaying means
Shitposting belongs on
is this the muslim version of kingdom hearts?
> Veeky Forums doesn't know the meaning of rasool
colour me surprised
Rasulullah means prophet of God I think.
Pretending to believe in magic is roleplaying.
All of you are fucking idiots, Jesus was the bastard son of a Jewish woman who played at being the Messiah, just like many before him and after him. The only difference is that the followers of his particular sect decided to let Gentiles convert without having to follow any of the rules, so the whole thing spiralled out of control.
It's painfully obvious that Messianic Jews worship the Antichrist.
t.someone who actually believed in trinity which was originally heretical concept of God
Jews aren't authorities on what is and isn't heresy.
all jews are messianic
What did he mean by this?
yes [spoiler]_we_[/spoiler] are, we wrote over half of your holy scripture
>implying Jesus didn't warn us about you Jews
Then all Jews worship the Antichrist.
What is the supposed significance of this? You all lack the Holy Spirit, so you don't understand the first thing about anything important in that scripture.
I don'mt know much about arab spelling,but it is pronounced more like rasul allah,i think op misworded and threw in some bonus accents to feel good
messenger of God.
we are discussing people that lived thousands of years ago from different points in the globe, immune to polio and smallpox, with running hot water at our finger tips.
How did Jesus not trigger the Messianic Age we are currently living in?
Heretic. Take your blasphemies somewhere else.
Fuck off you mudslime shitskin.
Mohammed (piss be upon him) was a false prophet who got contacted by a demonic spirit
>salivated in mouth
>was frightened
>epilepsy attack
>ran to wife for protection
Yep, sounds like an evil spirit.
"Allah" is one of the 300 pagan gods that were worshipped in Mecca before Pisslam.
Allah = Baal = Cybele = Saturn = Satan
Get out of Veeky Forums, goatfucker.
>Then all Jews worship the Antichrist.
They will indeed, and call him their messiah.
The messiah was prophesied to die for his brothers, a la Moshiac ben Joseph.
Try harder next time.
Allah = Hubal = HaBa'al = Ba'al of the Moabites, aka Mohammad's dad's god, and the god that was never removed from the kaaba.
I though Allah was El as in Elohim
You are correct, is working on decades-old discarded ideas
>right now
>the Messianic Age