ITT, discuss, practice, etc, aspects of classical Latin. OP is a latin student in highschool who plans on acquiring a teaching certificate and a Latin degree. Ask me anything as well. Discuss poems and quotes and grammar if you wish. Discuss books and stuff, too.
/Lat/in language general
How in the fuck does one single person write something as massive and beautiful as this?
OP here. I have this book! Thanks for posting. It's annotated and I'm gonna translate it this summer probably along with De agri cultura. Pic related.
Bought it for the Grand Kids...
Aeneid is overrated
Bless your heart, oldfriend.
Never read it. I might. All I know is that Aeneas tempestate maxima actus est carthaginem.
>hic haec hoc
What did he mean by this?
magnas mentulas fello atque amo
How about a general /lat/in series?
Ego video athletam orientalem.
What do you think about Plinius Minor? I like parts of his work, especially when he talks about his writing activities and his villae. I used to dislike his style, but the more I read him, the more I appreciated it. (non english native speaker btw)
"Nihil audio quod audisse, nihil dico quod dixisse paeniteat ; nemo apud me quemquam sinistris sermonibus carpit, neminem ipse reprehendo ... Nulla spe, nullo timore sollicitor, nullis rumoribus inquietor ... O rectam sinceramque vitam, o dulce otium."
Like this quote from his letters.
OP here. Who likes Catullus?
I like him a lot. You'd expect eloquence really, but all his poems sound like they were written by a five year old, really.
mentula mea vos transigam desu
Bumping. Anyone want to have conversations in latin? Nam mihi placet loqui latina lingua. Makronibus utemur? Qui quoque loquitur latina lingua? Si qui loquitur, mihi placet.
Volo tecum loqui, sed puto latinitatem meam pauperrimam esse, spero autem quod tecum aliquis loqui possit cum maiore eloquentia.
Heus tu, user, gratias tibi ago. Quod tempus studuisti latinae linguae? Quattour annos studui.
Si tu conatus eris, gaudebimus. Qui quoque loquitur? Et libro cui studuisti? Ego studeo "ecce romani". Terribilis est. Fabula magna est, sed non intelligo quam ob causam disceremus haec illo modo. Quos libros leges? Ego libros lego:
>"De amicitia" a cicerone,
>"De agri cultura" a Catone maiore,
>"metomorphoseon libri" a Ovidio. semper amo legere tales libros.
Animadverti quod cato videretur amare brassicas maxime, hilaris est
(this was OP)
maxime interest, user. At nunc obdormio.
Agamus plus modorum dicere "ita vero" vel "minime"
>"on the contrary" as a disagreeing response
>"not" possibly correlation with modern french
ne sic quidem
>"not even thus"
illud est
>"that is" perhaps affirmation
fortuna favet audentibus
Valete, user
I'll just leave this if anyone is interested
Magna gratia tibi ago.
He's a lot of fun!
Sounds childish at times indeed, but he seems like tortured mind, not really rational.
I'm the Pliny guy, what do you think of him?
Roma in Italia est.
How did you faggots learn Latin
I want to learn too but I'm not going to pay for classes
I have book on learning Latin but have hardly cracked it open
Reading while learning the grammar dan
Gratis tibi quoque, amice!
Didici legendo "Lingua latina per se illustrata" et "Wheelock's Latin". Legi et Caesari Commentarios de Bello Gallico et De Senectute a Cicerone. Heu, hoc tempore ullum librum non lego, propter Universitatem.
Estne "De Agri Cultura" a Catone liber bonus? Audivi quod Cato multis verbis veteribus utitur, ergo nescio si id legam aut non.
Κ Latine C fit, non K. Itaque verbum μαkρον macron non makron; mihi placet Latine loqui, sed bene non possum, quam rem ad corrigendam hac aestate Dickinsoniense ad Conventiculum veniam, ubi Latine tantummodo loquar, ut melior locutor (et hoc lector) fiam. Universitatis Kentuckiensis doctor Terentius Tunberg hoc conventiculum ducet, qui vir peritissimus Latine loquendi scribendique et doctissimus est. Spero bene actum iri.
OP, fellow high school senior here, we don't have any Latin classes in my school. Do you know anywhere I can start learning or practicing Latin?
>no classical language generals on Veeky Forums
Fuck man
I paid no attention in school and really regret it now
I don't even know English grammar
How the fuck am I going to learn Latin
Tbh senpai you'll probably learn more about english grammar from learning latin than you have in school, plus grammar isn't that hard. All you'll have to do is focus really
>latin grammar isn't hard
>maxima gratia
nunc intelligo. littera "kappa" videretur eadem ac littera "k". Putavi illam litteram, tibi gratias ago, a te littera mutata. Tu videtur bene scribere, et qua de causa colloquendum est nobis.
(this is OP)
Most high schools offer it. There are online courses but I don't know what you can do with that. I'm not a kind of guy who really has it together. Can any anons help our dude out?
salvete! was wondering how important hic,hoc,cui,cuius,quodam etc are for a test where you have to translate from latin to german
I have no trouble translating thus far without knowing those due to the context which makes me wonder how important it is to know them at all
Medias in res is a fairly good book to start imo
Memrise has some good stuff too (app)
duolingo supposedly is planning a course for it (app)
Salve. Vestras matres paedico omnes nec condomo utor.
itt people that are so ecstatic they can finally put their classics degree to some use they've been rendered incontinent
>pretty much
For a test situation you should probably at least know how to decline them, That came up a lot in my experience.
Well i thought so too but the test is literally just "translate 180 words from latin to german" so nothing like "decline this" hence why I'm wondering if it's even at some point impossible to get it out of context
Is wheelocks Latin suppose to be as dense and complex as possible?
I'm legit about to fail my class, still haven't moved past 3rd declension with all its exceptions for every goddamn word. I'm seriously lost.
Above all user, practice what you understand and make time to learn it. Just remember the important endings. You have it easy so far, if all you're doing is 3rd declension right now. Ask for help as well from classmates and teachers, and people who in better levels than you.
(Also OP)
If declensions Is having it easy, I don't want to imagine the future.
Thanks tho
There are 5 declensions, mate. There are 4 conjugations,
2 verb voices,
>active and passive
3 verb moods,
>indicative: most common; indicates action
>imperative: rarer, used for commands
>subjunctive: suggests something, used w/ subordinate clauses
6 verb tenses,
>future perfect
user, there's so much shit in latin. But remember, that's why we don't learn things all at once. Just study your 3rd declension forms. Try to grasp the way that they work, bud.
>pic related
I tried it all, Cambridge, Wheelock, Lingua Latina, and some other notsofamous latin books. The best hands down is Learn to Read Latin by Yale Press.
-No cultural bullshit, it teaches you the language and the language only, it does not bother you with trivial undergrad shit about roma culture, le pompei and other bullshit
-Texts are based on real latin and real latin only. By this I mean you'll find no artificially created sentences by the authors for the students. All reading exercises are written by latin authors, You'll read real latin not some stories Caecilius and his shit of a family
-Vocabulary is also designed for reading latin authors. It will teach you the most common verbs, nous etc that you will find in latin texts so the vocab study will help you a lot due to lack of trivial shit.
-Exercise book is very coherent. There are plenty of drills to be done and they really force you to memorize the grammar vocab. And there is no bullshit of 5-10 sentences and move on.
-No answer key included, You need to mail to yale press and ask for the login for the answer key page. So it might be extra work
-The comprehensiveness is also a negative in it itself, If you are new to latin it might be overwhelming. But if you wet your ears with Cambridge or Lingua definitely use this book on the side. It has 15 units plus introduction. If you have time like a NEET patrician you can finish it in few months of compherensive study. And at the end I would say it would put you at 2 to 1.5 years of college latin at the upper intermediate level.
thanks, based user