Predictions of the future

This thread is to predict what will become of this world and how the future will look like. Will we find ourselves in a utopia or are we in the midst of a distopian future


Technological singularity.

90% of these predictions will be Hollywood tropes trotted out and beaten to death for the 10 billionth time.

I swear to Allah (Swt)
I'll snap if another person compares the future to Elysium.

So there'll be these aliens right...
and they'll leave their mothership floating above south africa and they'll live in some kind of heavy handed allegory for apartheid.

Probably more of the same really. I think economic conditions in a lot of the world will improve, encouraging the formation of effective labour movements, this will spur businesses to find new sources of cheap labour, which will in turn take the steam out of these labour movements and establish more service economies. Over time, as living standards improve elsewhere, the demand for goods will outstrip availability, and prices for consumer goods will increase. But politically things will probably stay basically similar.

I think a big issue that may come up is the availability of oil, as more places see a rise in the use of personal automobiles.

At least that's my armchair guess.

Genetic engineering is going to have an immense impact on society within the next 1-200 years.

>utopia or are we in the midst of a distopian future
neither/nor. Europe will become a socialist multicultural Utopia until it falls to Islam
Shit will hit the fan in the US, civil war.
Russia becomes even more isolationist and authortarian.
Africa, India and China will suffocate.
When next global crisis happens slavs get their shit together and take over western europe

I'm pretty sure we're fucked. Demographically and ecologically. Enjoy this while it lasts.

>the rise was the cause of the fall

ITT Defeatist shills. There's no better time in history than now and it's only going to get better.

>I think a big issue that may come up is the availability of oil, as more places see a rise in the use of personal automobiles.
Oil is a chump in terms of valuable materials. We don't have the precious metals to sustain the CURRENT world population having cars, iPads and laptops, let alone other shit like helium. Good luck getting an MRI in another couple of decades.

If the population doesn't stop growing and unbridled globalization leads to a smoothing out in wealth levels, the only people living better than they are now will be capital owners.

I believe the worlds economy is slowly going downhill (at least from what I'm seeing, it may not actually) and that after the next international economic crash the world will fall into chaos and poverty will be a norm. This is due to the world's population getting to a point where it is no longer sustainable (at least with the current form of society) and the only way this will be fixed is to move more towards a societal structure where the human life isn't valued as it is now or another major war to cull the population like never before.

In Europe, there will be a century long struggle between right wing nationalists and Islamists. It might turn violent, although I haven't seen large scale violence such as outright wars happening, yet.

Anyway, the Islamists will try to take over the inner city areas and try to establish a utopian caliphate, which will probably fail horribly and will end in several groups bickering over whose religious utopia is the purest one.

The nationalists will withdraw to the countryside, regroup and probably engage in a guerilla style war with the Islamists. We might even see right wing suicide bombers, blowing themselves up in bazaars and mosques.

The leftists will become increasingly irrelevant, as they offer zero solutions to any of the problems with economics and immigration, which in a few decades will cause the leftist way of thinking to appear utterly alien to anyone. It will be considered an oddity of history, just like the Amish. Future historians will have a very hard time explaining exactly what the motivations and intentions of these strange, strange people were. They will probably think that Marxism was some kind of religious movement, with elaborate mythologies about the 'oppressed' and the 'white devil'. They will be completely baffled by all of this and wonder how any of this stuff became popular in the first place

It's going to be mostly the same but also somewhat different. You and your kids will be able to live stable lives if you're not a total fuckup.

I predict that idealogues will still be overly dramatic


Ehh countries will develop and many of the top places will struggle to compete with the new forces.

>right wing suicide bombers
Not as a major tactic. Nationalism don't have anywhere near the kind of commitment to matryrdom the islamists do. It may happen as a kind of 'collateral damage' type of deal, but not if it could be helped. The IRA didn't use suicide bombers, and why would nationalists adapt islamist tactics that also result in what may be unnecessary loss of life?

It really depends on the decisions of the global players. Wether they choose to achieve altruistic or egoistic goals. We live in the most prosperous time period of all the time but things can get worse quickly, if the worlds shifts to a more authoritarian type of government. The opposite however would give the cooperation too much power. If we can maintain our current form of governing and make good use of unlimited workforce in form of AI, we practicially have infinite wealth. But what is wealth worth when everyone has it?

I believe the concept of individualism will come to an end, in one form or another

Damn son, check'd

>I believe the concept of individualism will come to an end, in one form or another
Nice digits, but this is unsupportable. We've had the concept of the individual for all of recorded history.



Extreme commodification. everything will be bough and soled: identity, meaning, sense of self, love, designer offspring, etc.

Society will be shaped to accommodate that, with digital screens mediating all of our sense perceptions, and thus allowing for the sellers of the commodities to charge fees at every level of perception.

We'll probably also get genetic and biochemical manipulation of popular sentiment; we will breed compliant people, and release chemicals that will make people more docile, without the negative side effects current products have. china will pioneer this.

People will become only consumers, this will be our only function. The rest will increasingly be taken care of by robots and (weak) AI, up to and including public policy.

Los Estados Unidos de América will be dragged into a nuclear conflict with a theocratic, pan-european arab state, which will crash Greater China's economy.

But on a less serious note:
- internet becomes a one-way platform, in that hosting will be incredibly expensive, upload speeds will be intentionally capped at nothing and virtual arenas will all be corporate owned with heavily moderated spaces for discussion.
- VR will be a failure until someone makes the glasses portable and light and literally operated by thought
- poorer countries will experience major famines and outbreaks of disease due to shortage of material resources necessary to sustain high-yield agriculture and development of medical supplies, and a fuel crisis of some sort will paralyze global logistics
- the Middle-East becomes deserted (no pun intended) due to unbearable summer temperatures, as people flee or simply wither away
- in the surviving pockets of liberal capitalism, something like occurs

It will not necessarily end, but it might become more narrow I think. If you look at yourself, what makes you you?

You were born in a community, you saw the values of your peers/parents and absorbed or reacted to those, you grew up speaking a language and being introduced to a religion (or increasingly a non-theistic overarching ideology), you develop relations with people via talking and physical proximity, you gather goods, you gather knowledge, you start a family. Those things put together are the traditional markers of individuality.

But a lot of those markers will lose and have lost importance: religion, your local community, physical proximity to people (replaced by television, internet), and even language is starting to become less of a distinction between people. Soon enough, we will all speak a non-dialect standard language of birth, and also a lingua franca like English. That's a lot different from before, where every village had it's dialect so to speak - that diversity of language has really declined precipitously since the late 19th century.

Those aren't markers of individuality but of community, as in belonging to a specific community that talks, and lives and thinks by some particular traits. This is lost to the concept of global village in which traits and values and ways are standardized and more virtual than real because of the new IT.

Isn't all that part of your individuality? That is to say, your outward markers of individuality? (because once you start defining individuality in a non outwardly perceptible way.

Your belonging to a community is part of your individuality. Now, to set you apart from other members of the community, there will be other markers, but all the same being a member of a community differentiates you from non-members.