Why were East Asian dictatorships so incredibly ruthless and brutal?
Why were East Asian dictatorships so incredibly ruthless and brutal?
>the USA funded Pol Pot
Leftists rewriting history at it's finest.
First of all
They still are.
Secondly, because their entire culture is about placing the state above the individual.
Asians don't give a fuck about Johnny Chink getting crushed during construction as long as goals are met on time and preferably under budget.
"Value of individual human life" is a foreign concept in those cultures.
Pol Pot funded by Chinese but even China scared by Pol pot insane.
>East Asian
>all this butthurt about capitalism
Is Veeky Forums becoming /leftypol/?
Vietnam dealt with him, with some support from the Soviet Union. Pol Pot was meanwhile supported by China, which had reconciled with the US.
Influence of legalism and abstraction of human life due to high populations? I dunno.
You're literally the first person in the thread to even mention capitalism.
muh asian values
I would guess
1. Poverty
2. High population
3. Volatile clash of ideologies
4. Foreign backing of uprisings
They're no more brutal than any other type of dictatorship. The only reason why you see them at a much more critical light is because they're non-whites and therefore your mind sees their actions as foreign and alien to yours.
Yes it is.
>now I know you didn't ask the question of 'why were east asian dictatorships so much more brutal than western dictatorships' but I'm going to answer that question anyway because it makes me feel good about myself
Fucking bullshit mate. The life of and individual, along with its whole concept of individuality is simply not valued nearly as much in those cultures.
It's a bit too early for mental gymnastics don't you think?
Shows what you fucking know of Asian culture. Just because a society is collectivist in nature doesn't mean they don't value individuality. To give an example from a Western perspective because it would be impossible for you to relate without it, the Romans had a collectivist society.
OP's question sort of implies that Asian people are just more inherently ruthless and brutal than others, thus continuing the epic "Asians have no souls" meme. Then they point to radically different examples of Japanese kamikaze pilots or ChiCom "human wave" attacks in Korea as to why Asians are just insects. Of course, when German civilians with Volkssturm armbands charge at Soviet tanks with a couple of Panzerfausts, that doesn't count because they're just desperate and they aren't soulless insects incapable of valuing human life. Only non-Asians are allowed to deeply care about their country.
As a Chinese person, I'm just amused that people will group all Asians together, even Cambodians when they're just as exotic to Chinese people as they are to Westerners.
nice dodge :)
Two people called you out on your bullshit and you gave them both shitty dodgy answers.
>It's a bit too early for mental gymnastics don't you think?
>It's too early to tell me I'm wrong guys don't you think?
>Shows what you fucking know of Asian culture
>"Asian" culture
>no substantial argument
>Just because a society is collectivist in nature doesn't mean they don't value individuality
True, but I didn't say they don't value it at all. They just value it much, much, much less than us. And in most Asian cultures it's not an expectation for the common man to try to be a true individual. On the contrary, it's usually expected to respect and follow elders and superiors without question.
>To give an example from a Western perspective because it would be impossible for you to relate without it, the Romans had a collectivist society.
This sentence doesn't make sense.
The question of
>compared to what?
Is implicit in OP's question, 但那个别人立刻说楼主的含义就是白人与东亚人的态度道德的区别,没有考虑别的民族或者国家的而说‘这是白人对东亚人的种族主义啦’。楼主的本来的问题也可以说‘西方独裁者历史上为何很残酷’但他不会收到这样的批评。我简直要提这个问题。
我也不知道为什么大部分的西方人都以为所有的东亚人混成一体, 连美国越南战争的时候的政策没有顾及中越之间的关系,就是说历史上越南人和中国人都互相讨厌但当时的看法把共产主义者算成完全一样。关于这件事,我推荐给你看‘Fog of War’,robert mcnamara的,就是纪录片,电影非常有意思。
称呼--> 称为*
>Two people called you out on your bullshit and you gave them both shitty dodgy answers.
Right because I was gonna give a substantial answer to bullshit bait
>On the contrary, it's usually expected to respect and follow elders and superiors without question.
That's true in almost every single society but there's always limits to that idea, even Confucianism which stresses hierarchy to promote social harmony states that if leadership is abusive it should be ignored and/or overthrown.
>This sentence doesn't make sense.
It makes perfect sense, read it again.
The amount of cognitive bias that's rampant in the Western world is both tragic and hilarious. They've built an entire isolated world amongst themselves and are incapable of seeing anything beyond the walls.
>They've built an entire isolated world amongst themselves and are incapable of seeing anything beyond the walls.
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or you've actually drunk the Kool-aid.
To compensate for their small dicks.
>Paul Potts
>East Asian
Nice substantial post.
>inb4 you can't /thread your own post
No it's not.
not an argument
>Implying it's not true
The only possible way for Westerners to comprehend or relate to any foreign idea or concept is to see it from a Eurocentric vantage point. It's a known phenomena.
Asian political culture in general is utilitarian, so when an Utilitarian state also becomes absolute, it effectively does whatever it likes without pause for repercussions.