Who was more evil and/or crazy during WW2, the germans or the japanese?
Who was more evil and/or crazy during WW2, the germans or the japanese?
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Evil: Hitler
Crazy: Stalin
It was the nazis they are most evil people in history and Hitler the worst man in history did you not go to school???
>Hitler was bad
Am I on reddit right now?
Crazy: Stalin
Evil: Japan
Incompetent: Hitler
The allies for bombing french and german civilians
Implying thats wrong in any way
The British for killing millions of Indians in the Indian rebellion
>tfw British and proud :^)
Oh who cares. Every government that has ever existed has been willing to put down rebellions and rebels by force.
You aren't on /pol/ either soooooo... how about you fuck off?
That's true! Allies were killing innocent people while Germans and Japanese never hurt any civilian.
>occupied country
well both had camps for the people they didn't like in which they were killed
so it is not that far apart as the european and american history tells you
you know that a big part of the so called rebellions are actually concurred people who ty to defeat the concurs
face it when you are concurred and you fight for your freedom you are rebelling against the people that control you
No you
Hitler was not incompetent
They firebombed German civilians on purpose.
Brits are insane psychopaths
>Hitler was not incompetent
when it came to engineering the wholesale gang rapes of tens of thousands of his Aryan beauties, he got it right
my sides!
Rebellion against an occupying power is still a rebellion. Any attempt to overthrow an established power is a rebellion.
Germans probably killed more German citizens than died in Dresden. That's if the Jews still counted as citizens as they were being turned into soap in nazi death camps.
It's 2016, can we just admit that the functionalist view is right and that Hitler was just the figurehead of the Third Reich bureaucracy he created. Even Churchill had more power than Hitler.
What part of this conversation proves your point
Hitler dindu nuffin
It's not like germans and italians did it first at Guernica
I agree
BUT there's putting a stop to the rebellion by killing those responsible and believed to be responsible, and then there's killing whole villages and hamlets off because there is rumor of a group of rebels living there.
Go read about it. The Brits killed off vast populations of innocent Indians to put a stop to the relatively small group of rebels. It is theorised that tens of millions were killed.
I'm not whining or hating on the Brits. I'm simply pointing out that it's an overlooked dark time in history
He basically admits to underestimating russian production capability. Which in my book constitutes to sheer incompetence.
no, you're in the real world
>"who was more evil?"
>in a philosophy board
>so like we invaded the soviet union but it turns out they had like ten times the tanks we thought they did haha!
>Hitler was not incompetent
Yeah first we need to define evil before we can have a discussion about this.
During the late 1930's, the Japanese crossed the border into the Soviet Union and the border with Mongolia, a Soviet ally, several times. Each time, the Soviets threw the Japanese back. The final salvo of this undeclared war was the Nomonhan Incident or Battles of Khalkhin Gol, which occurred in 1939. The Soviet-Mongolian force, led by Georgy Zhukov, who would later go on to command troops at Stalingrad, Leningrad, Kursk and Berlin, threw the Japanese back. Again and again they tried, and lost.
Hitler would've been aware of this. His staff would've been aware of this.
Knowing that Japan couldn't take the back yard, why did he assume Germany can take the front gate?
Incompetence, or hubris. Everything had gone well until then. France fell so quickly, and Britain was so impotent, that he must've lost touch with reality and got high on arrogance.
You don't need to universaly define evil, just agree on a definition for the purpose of the thread alone.
For example:
>If evil means ultimately causing the most harm to mankind, through whatever means and intentions, who was the most evil of these...
To my understanding with how terribly the winter war went for the soviets the germans thought the soviets were in a worse state than they had expected.
If you're still making this joke, then you might as well be
Well germans caused more deaths in their war so by that definion the germans. Im not sure what the point of discussing this is anymore since just googling the answer is pretty simple.
The Winter War started before the Japanese war was completely resolved, it clearly wasn't the whole of the USA army nor command.
Large amounts of man and hardware were still sitting in the east, and would remain there until recalled to defend Stalingrad years later.
The German high command would have known this.
>ultimately causing the most harm to mankind
How do you even quantify that? Also, what if a thing we consider to be evil now turns out to have beneficial effects in the future?
To avoid this issue you can tweak the definition until it better suits you. Like bringing intentions into it maybe.
It was only an example to better explain my actual point, that we can agree on a temporary definition, without having to do what no philosopher has managed.
>tumblr taught me to be inspired
Someone call an ambulance, user's having a stroke.
Churchill. Literally starved out Indians. Wouldn't even allow aid from OTHER countries, knowingly.
His rational was, "they deserve to die". With "good guys" like these, who needs evil people?
There is no better troll image to use on Veeky Forums then this one.
>Literally starved out Indians
This what he was referring to. I make no comment or argument other than to provide the Wikipedia page for informational purposes.
I want this world to die in a fucking nuclear war
They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
So we can agree that all the "Hitler was a good boy" shit here is just a kneejerk reaction to Hitler being THE bad guy in our culture, and we're just being edgy contrarians like Veeky Forums is so good at being?
All the "Hitler was a good boy" shit here is a reaction of /pol/ actually believing this shit.
Italians. They thought they had a chance.
somebody can't handle the banter
I'd love to hear what Mannerheim had to say after that dumb fuck left.
The Nazis were evil, but at least what they did threw technological, enviromental conservation, public health and medical progress forward and jump started the modern era.
I can't think of a useful thing the Japs did beyond die in large numbers, kill and torment the backwards Koreans and Chinese and be test subjects to American Nuclear technologies.
the japs invented suicide bombing. the middle east owes a huge debt to Japan as a center of innovation
>technological, enviromental conservation, public health and medical progress forward and jump started the modern era.
>only the nazis had technology and shit hurr durr
That's not what I said at all. The Nazis at least contributed to the progress of humanity, the Japs did not. They they regressive traditionalists who could not accept change. Say what you will about Hitler but at least he did not live in the past and beyond empty platitudes to inspire loyalty from others, always looked ahead.
No you!!
They were* regressive traditionalists
Where would the modern world be without tiger tanks and gaschambers?
How about forest conservation, the popularization of television, Animal rights legislation and an awareness of the dangers of smoking.
>Hey Teddy, some fucker on the internet is saying an impotent Austrian artist invented conservation.
>the japs invented suicide bombing. the middle east owes a huge debt to Japan as a center of innovation
No, just like everyhing "japanese" it came from China.
The Chinese lacked anti-tank weapons, therefore Chinese created their own suicide squads that had granades and other explosives rapped around them, then threw themselves under the Japanese armoured viechles.
Hell, "Dare to Die Corps" was used before the second sino-japanese war.
>Who was more evil and/or crazy during WW2, the germans or the japanese?
The germans were neither evil nor cracy, they were just fighting war, and they did not use gas.
Meanwhile the Japanese are natrual evil and cracy. Japs used gas because of their wicked nature, but they would eventually abounded it because the wind would blow the gas against their own ranks. Japan, despite being more advanced than most of their neighbours, still lost humaliating defeats, that is why they went on mostly killing civlians instead to get their K/D ratio up.
The events of the holocaust can be questions, but Japanese crimes have lot of documentation and witnesses that makes it harder to denie or undermind their criminal acts against civilzation.
And this photo has nothing to do with unit 731. It's a photo of a Japanese victim of 1928 Jinan incident. The lying person is Japanese.
Unit 731 and their human experimentation were true. But don't use this photo when you mention it.
>and memechain taught me to criticize
this site is nothing special, don't kid yourselves
>Jap tanks can be ruined by grenades.
Why did these people fight the Russians in WWII again?
the japs.
they still are.
this is from 1999.
Let that into your head.1999.
And they let him suffer for 2 months like this, while he was slowly melting.
Seriously, every other person whould have just killed him.
I'm not a /pol/ack and Hitler was a retard, but you're reddit as hell. Kill yourself.
>just kill him lel
Are you serious? Are you kidding me right now? Ouchi's chromosomes were shattered like glass. Every single cell n his body was utterly unable to reproduce or repair itself. Do you comprehend how fucking insane that is? Do you? That his case was a historic, once-in-a-lifetime chance to study the absolute extreme of radiation poisoning, and you would let the research potential go to waste? Why?
You have a point but in my eyes it's just fucking cruel.
The stench must have been terrible too.
How could someone stand besides that living piece of raw flesh without showing any pity?
Ouchi triggered the Tokaimura criticality accident himself, it's only right that he should be held accountable for his own foolishness.
ok, now you're taking it too far.
are you a jap?
Is this about honour?
even when comiting sepuku due to having lost your honour the japs had someone to cut your head off for a faster death.
I've looked into this and have never been able to find any evidence outside of clickbait-tier meme articles that that is a picture of Ouchi or that he really was intentionally left to suffer for months. All I've found is that he was heavily exposed to radiation from a nuclear plant failure and died months later as a result. Nothing about him being inhumanely studied or forcibly kept alive or anything.
How about fucking rocket science?
Ouchi's intestines began to melt, so doctors put a camera in his rectum to monitor their condition. His muscular tissue broke down to the point where it began to slide off of his bones. He died 82 days after exposure of multiple organ failure in a condition that can be described as "skeletonized".
Doctors described his death as an unnecessary tragedy caused by human greed. A long history of unprofessional conduct at the Tokaimura nuclear facility had been covered up by Japanese officials -- many employees who suffered radiation-related injuries from substandard conditions at the facility were bribed not to take their stories to the press. The Tokaimura facility where this incident occurred was shut down but there are numerous other facilities like it all around the world
And the Germans bombing civilians is going to be ignored
And them systemically killing 11 million people isn't insane?
>And them systemically killing 11 million people isn't insane?
No, it's deliberate.
You realize how ridiculous you sound, right?
Definitely the Japanese. Germany was almost tame in comparison. The fact that the Japanese government refuses to acknowledge or apologize for the atrocities they committed to this day is absolutely fucking disgusting. Fat Boy and Little Boy just weren't enough if you ask me.
He's got a point, you don't just kill 11 million people on accident.
Remember getting into the Oreos when you were a kid? Mom would tell you to take 3, but instead you took the whole package. When mom asks why you ate all the Oreos against her wishes, you tell her it was an accident, and she punishes you anyway. Why? Because you don't eat A WHOLE FUCKING PACKAGE OF OREOS ON ACCIDENT. Same goes for 11 million people.
Was the first that I found, dont care from where it from
In Europe Soviets were the worst according to the people who saw both regimes. Dunno how to compare them to Japan.
>The fact that the Japanese government refuses to acknowledge or apologize for the atrocities they committed to this day is absolutely fucking disgusting.
Also factually wrong, my parrotting burgerboy
Oh shit
Germany and Japan were both crazy. Only literal retards would try and take on the might of the US military which is today still an unmatched fighting force. You want evidence? Keep on reading, Wehraboos:
>American KIA: 400,000
>German KIA: 4,000,000
>Japanese KIA: 2,000,000
That means for every dead American soldier, 15 (FIFTEEN) German or Japanese soldiers were killed by American military excellence. So to all you faggots who love worshiping Hitler or Tojo, read the statistics and weep. Nothing makes me proud to be an American than the reminder that American men are the master race of the world.
>forest conservation
The progressives in the US did this long before the Nazis
>the popularization of television
No, and how would this even be an achievement? Are you claiming that without the Nazis, TV would never have been popular. Why?
>Animal rights legislation
No. Animal rights laws have been around since at least the 17th century. Heck even in Japan animal rights laws started to get passed in the 1600s: en.wikipedia.org
Nazi Germany's animal protection laws were basically the same as Britain's only with slightly harsher penalties.
>awareness of the dangers of smoking
True, but America essentially developed the same campaigns independently.
>the Japanese government refuses to acknowledge or apologize for the atrocities they committed to this day
Spotted the PRC shill
How is this evil?
This guy's name is too fucking ironic for words
M1 Abrams and Israel, respectively.
Or maybe it's a Korean shill!
Shills abound!
The world is pretty much aware of the Japanese nationalism/xenophobia and lack of remorse for doubleyah-doubleyah-two wrongdoings.
No tinfoil hats or shitpostings, please.
I need a source.
Kamikazes started in late 43 so...
>it's an apology if we say it is!
Wow, it's almost as if these "apologies" are supposed to mean something! It's even clarified and outlined on that same page that many of these statements are contradictory and halfhearted, and a number are worded in phrases that betray themselves in semantics, or even better yet, were later retracted completely.
The problem isn't that they can't say "Sorry we fucked up, k?" enough. It's that they can't be sincere or honest about it. They refuse to directly address the atrocities they committed in any of their statements, they generalize it so fucking broadly that it could anything other than the Rape of Nanjing, or Unit 731. They're not apologizing for the things they claim they "didn't" do. They refuse to acknowledge or accept any of it specifically. It's an inconvenience to them, because it's a shameful part of their history they'd rather ignore as if though it didn't occur to begin with. They wouldn't have to say "sorry" so many goddamn times and end up annoyed by it if they had just done it right the first time, and been clear, specific, and honest.
Instead, they take it a step further and attempt to cover up and hide that period of history to their own people. So fuck 'em, they can keep it up. At the end of the day, it's not like the US is any better.
This issue always repeats the same pattern.
・Someone asserts Japan never apologized.
・Actually, they did (show the proof).
・Well...that's not enough.(because not sincere etc.)
Generally speaking, once you apologized and the victim accepted it, you don't have to apologize repeatedly. Because otherwise the same problem would be brought up over and over and the war would never end.
And you can't cover up and hide history in modern Japan. The freedom of speech is guaranteed in Japan under the constitution and basically any censorship is banned. Everybody knows about Atrocities of Nanjing or human experimentation of Unit 731. Actually, it's Japanese media that proved the existence of them. Atrocities of Japanese military are taught in Japanese education as well. I know some right wing politicians deny it and Prime minister Abe is one of them. But even he apologizes every year for the WWII.
And yet the user I responded to called Brits insane for something deliberate