Well Christians?
Well Christians?
>and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
so the Holy Spirit is a man?
The Holy Spirit is without sex, but nonetheless he miraculously imparted within Mary's womb all the necessary material required to complete the instant zygote.
Is that our lord and savior Jesus Chrisy talking to some dumb shithead from Tmblr!? And agreeing with what that shithead says!?! HERESY!!!!! Call master inquisitor!!!! We must burn the creator of that devils picture!!!!
>TFW Jesus y haplogroup is haplogroup I
So God has a Y chromosome? God has genetic material of mortals?
Basic Christology says Christ is 100% human being. And 100%. Not a demigod who is mixed, but truly and fully both. Everything common to humanity save sin, was part of Christ's nature.
Are you getting autistically mad at nothing or are you just being unfunny?
More like humans have genetic material of gods. See: nephilim
god created mortals so why wouldn't he be able to create a little boy
And 100% *God
That skirts around the question. Either the Holy Spirit or whatever instilled Christ's divinity has a Y chromosome that gave him his birthright or Christ has none of that.
Or he was simply human but I already know that conversation will go nowhere.
god implanted jesus in a virgin
this does not mean that he does not has a y chromosome
god created adam and eve so why wouldn't he be able to create 1 little boy in a virgin
>God has genetic material of mortals?
It's the other way around, my fellow image of God.
As for Jesus he was circumcised, had a beard, was man.
That's not what's being called into question. A miraculous birth is going to raise questions that seperates it from normal birth.
either jesus was the result of maria cheating on joseph with a man giving jesus a y chromosome
or he was the result of god/the holy spirit making maria pregnant without having actual sex but god created the human race so he could have given jesus a y chromosoom
either way jesus is a man with a y chromosoom
The Holy Spirit is literally God, it doesn't need to have a Y chromosome to instill it
Mary contributed to Christ's flesh.
no the question was if jesus could have a y chromosoom and as god was part of his birth and god created humanity he could have easily given jesus a y chromosoom
yes and my mother contributed to my flesh and i am still male what is your point
On the contrary, what is your point? That god must be male rather than omnipotent?
I'm saying Christ's zygote wasn't instilled wholly by the Holy Spirit, just the element that could not come from Mary.
>invoking the 'Mysterious Ways Clause'
Fuck, I hate that these conversations always end like this. Either admit you don't know certain details or don't bring it up at all.
Could anyone IDENTIFY the font, so I can make it look less horrible?
Hello, I'm an atheist and I think you should fuck off back to tumblr with this tranny bullshit.
Trying to more subtle with your bait next time OP.
>save sin
so I guess he wasn't really a human being then huh
my sides
Anyway, I'm not sure why would anyone think a 1st century rabbi would be willing to join them in their fight over gender identity politics.
given that God made the first y chromosome out of dirt to put it into Adam, i think he probably could have found a way around this oh-so-clever loophole you think you found.
you're literally saying the guy who invented the entire concept of y chromosomes suddenly forgot how to make them when Jesus was conceived or something. stop trying to bait Christards with bad logic and go find something better to do with your time.
The Holy Spirit is God's Sperm,
AND/ OR Jesus was a rape baby,
OR Jesus was a clone
OR Mary was pregnant, conned Joseph into keeping her, and virgin birth story was invented to keep early Christians from being butthurt.
>God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21