Tell me about Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Was it really that bad?
Tell me about Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union
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Any country transitioning from communism to the liberal economic order suffered terribly: See "oligarchy".
Most of them haven't really recovered. Just transitioned into what is now being termed "illiberal democracies". This is all common knowledge.
a complete ruination on both material side and people's psyche
production chains were severed because they were designed with one singular state in mind and now they had do deal with newly independent state borders
as huge industrial objects started to collapse, cities that were built around them died out as well becoming ghost towns
collapse created literally millions of homeless people (a class that even didn't existed in SU) -- people who couldn't adapt to new realities, people who were subsidized by social budget and found themselves out of a job ("formerly intelligentsia" means hobo in russian newspeak), people who got conned by black realtors out of their flat, people who got conned by ponzi schemes out of their entire life savings
It was the worst thing since the fall of Rome
>Any country transitioning from communism to the liberal economic order suffered terribly: See "oligarchy".
China didn't seem to fuck up when it transitioned.
Read again
Chink state capitalism is the reason why PRC survived the end of the cold war. It's controlled change. Its enough to facilitate economic growth, but not so wild as to cause governmental collapse.
It might give the impression, sure, but present day China is basically the wild west of early capitalism 2.0. The party has lost control in a way.
The party hasn't lost control in China, they know exactly what they're doing.
How come we always have the same fucking threads
>tell me about Russia
>did holocaust happen
>what if nazis won
>what if confederates won
>which leader was the most evil
>what race were the Egyptians
>why is Marx so great
Every fucking day the same shit
>June 4 1989
>didn't fuck up
>Goes to Veeky Forums
>Complains about history threads
It was kind of anarchic. But Russia recovered rapidly, by the end of the 1990s they had recovered economically (and without 12hour breadlines).
People who say "it was awful" are american commieboos who weren't even born when the USSR fell.
Considering the shenanigans with the stock market it seems they're literal retards down there. China scares me to be honest, a country that shitty should never be allowed to become that big. Within the next 5 years they will fuck something up big time and the world economy will tank because of it.
>5000 years of recorded history reduced to 10 or so stale memes posted every day
>a country that shitty should never be allowed to become that big.
the same with america
Since when did 90s russian economy become a meme?
As a forex trader, not really, no. The Chinese amount of pants on head retarded market patterns and the government damage controlling the ever loving fuck out of everything without knowing what's going on is unmatched in human history, I'm telling you within the next decade the lid will blow off of that shithouse and it's1 not gonna be pretty.
>1997-98 crisis
Full recovery came only around 2004
>But Russia recovered rapidly, by the end of the 1990s they had recovered economically
Russia was degrading until Putin became the president. The budget was empty because oligarchs got state property almost for free thanks to corrupted government and didn't pay taxes. I suppose you never heard of their crisis in 1998 when Russia declared the default and ruble to dollar currency rate was changed from 5 to 20.
Historically when China is undergoing massive change, the whole country erupts into chaos.
Meanwhile Tienanmen was just... a protest, in the capital city, by students & dissidents.
Anyone looking at Tienanmen as a sort of Fall of USSR moment for PRC is looking at it the wrong way. Majority of the Chinks were happy with Deng's plans cutting them the best deal they had for decades. Dissidents interpreted this the wrong way and started protesting only to get horribly put down.
Because trust me: the Chinese wouldve been shooting at each other and a massive civil war would ensue if it was PRC's fall.