Which Naruto was the most effay?

Which Naruto was the most effay?

You got it.

why can't I dress like this without getting made fun of

god damn

By the way, are there sandals like that in real life? They look comfy as fuck.

You can, just replace the sandals with sneakers and make the pants longer and you're Veeky Forums

nah you'd still be made fun of just not on Veeky Forums. even then...

But user...

You can!

see here. Its not that bad.

I'd probably make fun of him.

Rick Owens X Helmut Lang

Hahaha wtf are you even saying?





definetely my favourite character



jojo is obviously the effier cartoon

Hardmode: which character had the most effay fighting technique
e.g - garras sand



not even the most effay in his series.

Because you're not confident enough to pull off anything past basic shit.