How to become more fa

Hey Veeky Forums.
I am a girl who just graduated from high school. I think I gave a poor taste in fashion. Some girls at my high school made fun of my clothes and my mom buys clothes for me (eg. she buys baggy trousers for me and the girls at my school think they are un-fa). I also wear shirts similar to pic related and I don't think it is fa.

How to become more fa? I don't know what to wear. I am too skinny for tank tops etc.

I don't think you can be too skinny for tank tops.

Post a pic of yourself

dress whorecore and you'll be good to go

I am this skinny (not me in pic). I reckon I am also too skinny for a bikini

That's a great shirt. Baggy trousers can be fashionable.

If you just don't wanna be made fun of anymore (which beyond high school shouldn't really be a problem anyway), just get fitting pants and some basics to throw over your cute shirts (knit jackets, cardigans, button downs).

Why does your mom buy your clothes? If you don't like it ask her to stop?

just go full f21 core and you'll at least be passable by normie standards. once youre done dressing entirely like shit you can start developing more style. also sorry to hear you got made fun of in hs :/

Do this when you have no hope.
>Baggy trousers
Go all L O O S E

She just gets clotges for me. Sometimes she be like "I see this nice shirt and it should fit you" and she buys it automatically or she takes me to a store as she thinks I need more if X type of clothes. Isn't this common?

It is, but you are approximately 18-20 years old, so you have to start make decisions on your own.

>I am this skinny
no you're not

Yeah I am 18.
My mom thinks some clothes my friends wear are too revealing and I think she will frown upon my fashion choices (eg. sge thinks tight pants are bad as they show the shape of your butt)
I really am. I can see the shape of some of my ribs

Dont fall for the whorecore and lurk, theres not other way, define your own fashion sense, stop wanting people to dress you

>whorecore and lurk
What? Didn't get this

Serious post. From what your saying, I don't think you want to be Veeky Forums. It seems you want regular people to think you look good and dress well. Being really effay isn't just buying nice clothes, it should be about understanding your clothing and whats in the fashion zeitgeist and trying to express yourself. Half time Veeky Forums just copies things and drop brand names, but at least that's a start. You have to figure out if you wanna attractive to the majority or grow into a niche. If you just want to look good to most people shop at H&M or Zara and make sure it fits your body type.

u should check out the whorecore thread

So it is more like dressing your own wacky clothes and developing your own style?


I can't really believe your body claims until you post a picture, I understand you could be shy but it's the best way to get help

>I can see the shape of some of my ribs
so can I and I'm not even skinny.

lol sure....

There's not really a solid answer. It's a balance between being unique and expressing yourself and looking good on the higher tiers of fashion. Sometimes it's about knowing and understanding fashion designers, artists, and a whole bunch or pretentious thing and working from there. Sometimes it's seeing of finding a garment that really resonates with you. Even then, fashion changes, people's personality changes, and now that I think about it, it's more about how you interact continually interact with clothing and than the actual clothes themselves.