What is the Christian version of Wahhabism ?
What is the Christian version of Wahhabism ?
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Christian Dominionism after America collapses and Glenn Beck the Anointed One decides to make Texas great again
White American Protestantism
Protestantism. It's not a fair comparison though, since Islamic dogma isn't centralized in Mecca like Catholicism is in the Vatican and as such can never have a "reform" because no one school of thought is the "correct" one to follow and repair. A muslim pope would solve a lot of their problems desu.
American """"""Christianity""""""".
There's no meaningful comparison.
One kills for religious reasons, the other doesn't.
ding ding ding
the only correct answer
jesuits are fanatical catholics that lie and murder to protect the rcc
>the difference
White American Protestantism obsesses over America as a holy land not because the Bible says so but because it's poorly disguised nationalism.
The only point of Protestantism is to go against the Catholic Church, for the best or worst, and natioalistic American Protestantism is only a result of the country's basis being "we're different & better than everyone else :^)"
The decision to go at war with the supposed enemies of Islam takes root in Muhammad's life & teaching in the first place, while White American Protestantism tends to outright ignore Jesus' words (until they use them to prove they are morally superior anyway)
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>using "Protestantism" unironically
>grouping hundreds of denominations with various differences into one category
Calvinism is the only one that resembles wahhabism.
What you've described is exactly why I've become a Non-denominational.
I disagre with Catholicism, but I'll be damned if I get caught up in that 'America is a Christian nation' bs.
it would be the Opus Dei, but they donĀ“t sponsor terror groups
Puritanism. See Cromwell's reign of England; repressive fundamentalist laws and massacres of 'infidels'.
You mean the Jesuits. Because they'll die for Christ.
I'm a jesuit, this is not true at all. We help many impoverished communities in our organizations.
No, they die for the pope.
Jesuits serve the Antichrist and Babylon.
>it's the faggot that jerks off to babylon
Dude, it's a fucking sin.
>White American Protestantism obsesses over America as a holy land not because the Bible says so but
Not it doesn't. You're thinking about Mormonism which is seen as extremely divergent, in some cases heretical, even among the mosf conservative Anglo-American Protestant sects.
Majority of white Protestants in the US have very right-wing views and think America is a Christian country though.
I didn't mean "holy land" literally. But a lot of American Protestants are also nationalistic and mix up Jesus, guns and the American flag.
That's good.
America was founded on Biblical principles.
Pilgrims and puritans from Europe fled persecution to settle in America.
Each denomination built their own communities, but they went along better with eachother than they did in Protestant Europe.
Good old Baptist Christians.
It was founded on deistic enlightenment principles
An America founded on Biblical principles would have stayed British
>Majority of white Protestants in the US have very right-wing views
Maybe in the 60's when Catholicism was still seen as the creeping terror akin to communism. Modern "conservative Christians" believe in free trade, support immigration (as long as they're Christian) and are tolerant of freedom of association within Christian denominations.
>and think America is a Christian country
So do a lot of countries. Norway, Ireland, and the UK still have state church's for example. There's very little support for laws based in scripture among Protestants anymore, not after Prohibition.
Except those things have nothing to do with their religion, they're mutually exclusive.
I changed my mind. You are correct. Both groups swear oaths to be ruthless murderers in the advancement of their respective religions.
>I'm a jesuit
Never believe anything following these confessional words. All they know to do is lie.
Calvinism literally prohibits dancing. You'd be hard pressed to find a similar American Protestant group that isn't Amish that does the same.
> Inalienable rkght given to you by a creator
> Deistic
OK I think we stop memeing and say reasonably the basic tenets of Christianity and the secular principles of enlightenment both had profound effects on the founding of America.
>Hurrdurr being patriotic and pro-guns makes you the same as muslim terrorists
>Hurrdurr loving Allah and being ready to defend yourself and your children in case of yet another American "liberation" makes you the same as trump voters
The one on the left is pretty hot.
It's funny because I used to think the same way you do.
Thank God I'm not a muslim anymore.
>Defending radical islam
Except Wahhibism goes much further than that in the lunacy department. Protestants who want Christmas, Easter, and Halloween banned because of "pagan" influences are a tiny minority among even the most conservative Protestant groups. In contrast, this is essential doctrine among Wahhibi's, and they enforce it with extreme prejudice. This isn't even getting how the concept of Jihad was completely changed because of The influence of Wahhibist jurists to where armed Jihad became accepted where before it was frowned upon even in the most backwards and conservative of Islamic countries. The Sahelian Jihads in West Africa lead to Sokoto being isolated and hated by every other Islamic African group for being "unislamic". This isn't even getting into their aggressive policy of proseltivation.
Saudi Arabia can not crumble fast enough...
This sound "Christian" to you?
I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.
The Jesuits are extremely wicked.
Taken from a work of French fiction.
Oh, it was exposed by someone speaking French? Well, why didn't you tell me! It must be false!
That was made up by a Protestant politician running for office who wanted to discredit his Catholic opponent when he lost to said Catholic. Hell, it was the "Knights of Colombus oath" when Charles Butler, or possibly and more probably a supporter of his, tried to discredit his opponent. The Jesuit connection didn't come for centuries.
It's archival in the library of Congress is unimportant when I can get a love letter I wrote to my 4th grade in to there for about $30. The only reason it was even archived was because the Catholic politician, one Eugene C. Bonniwell, attached it to a letter he wrote to congress about the muckraking slanderous libel and religious bigotry done to try and secure political victory in lieu of a religious test for office since such things are unconstitutional.
Here's my citation: "H.R. Rep. No. 62-1523 (1913), reprinted in the Congressional Record for February 15, 1913, at pp. 3215-3220."
And in said Congressional record, it contains the following:
"This committee cannot condemn too strongly the publication of the false and libelous article referred to in the paper of Mr. Bonniwell, and which was the spurious Knights of Columbus oath, a copy of which is appended to the paper. (H.R. Rep. No. 62-1523 (1913), reprinted in the Congressional Record for February 15, 1913, at p. 3221)"
>this is apparently legit proof
Yes and the Amazing Atheist has debunked the divinity and historicity of Jesus Christ.
A random YouTube video buy a guy with a UPC code for a Username doesn't prove shit.
It's your claim that it is fictional. I saw nothing but a whistleblower confirming the validity of this awful oath.
The guy who actually founded Wahhabism in the 18th century, Ibn Wahhab, actually abhorred sectarian violence done in the name of religion and encouraged his followers to be law-abiding citizens of their countries and literally told them not to chimp out and randomly attack other Muslims (Shi'as, Alawis, etc) for being the "wrong type of Muslim" or non-Muslims without justification.
His 21st century followers have all but forgotten that part of the message however.
1913 is 70 years later.....and I never made the claim that because it is in the Library of Congress, it must be true. Nor did anyone but you mention the KoC.
And I see nothing but a politician making up dirt on a rival
There's a reason nobody in America wanted any Catholics here.
They were mostly radical protestants, or believed in the radical protestants' propaganda?
So that's why almost the entire Supreme Court is filled with Catholics and the head of the house is a Catholic and so was his predecessor, correct?
Because the Roman Catholic church was corrupt and evil?
Most of Catholic Justices are hardly devout in even the loosest sense of the word.
So are most protestant churches
So that's why they're fighting tooth and nail against abortion, the right to own and bear firearms, why are you a faggot that wants to lose our God given right to bear arms?
the American armed forces and their culture
Also the amount of /pol/ and /b/ in this thread marks concerning
Or maybe because you're part of a group of hold-over xenophobes who thought all the Polish, Irish, Spanish, French etc immigrants coming in were going to destroy America by making it a Catholic theocracy. Hell, even those Catholic countries were never theocracies.
Or maybe because you eat paint chips while reading Chick Tracts and can't form a sensible argument.
While the Catechism does support the idea of self-preservation as important and good, it doesn't inherently support the second amendment (in the overt "using the exact same words as the BoR does" way).
And how have the Catholic Justices been fighting to undo Roe V Wade?
I meant to type "decades," so what?
And that's the point. It was ORIGINALLY attributed to the KoC but only recently became attributed to the Jesuits.
Well the left certainly has a more aesthetically pleasing color palette, for starters...
>And how have the Catholic Justices been fighting to undo Roe V Wade?
Sitting on it's ass and waiting.
Radical Mormonism (not the garden variety kind, the kind that creates rural compounds where men take 5 wives and kids are taught nothing but "God's word", which is actually some bullshit Joseph Smith made up)
I was expecting "half-heartedly championing women's reproductive 'rights/health' because loud idiot populace wants it for mostly selfish reasons" but doing jack shit to stop evil is effectively the same as casually supporting it because you're to pussy-whipped to object and/or do anything contrary.
>he doesn't know how the justice system works
Well they championed gay "marriage" instead of shooting it down like any good Catholic with a moral conscience and proper catechization would, damn the consequence if it means defending truth.
Fuck the west, it's corrupt and should burn. That's what the mindset is. Thanks protestantism, real saviors of Europe.
For as much as Prots claim "being true to scripture" it's surprising how they let female clergy happen. And "we Christians should tear down our crosses, they offend Muzzies."
And that's why Catholicism wants jack shit to do with Western Europe and wants it to fall.
Actually she does, she's just told to STFU for "not being progressive enough."
What a whore.
I don't get your reasoning, the Church is a whore for NOT wanting to participate in Western debauchery-called-morally upstanding?
Or are you that Prot fuck who keeps whining about "Muh Horse of Bobby Ling!" and would get Rekt if he tried "preaching the truth" to Fish Eaters or Catholic Answers Forum, or even r/Catholicism?
No, I'm the Catholic that calls the faggot "christian" a piece of shit of a person who jerks off to the babylon and wants to spread his horseshit over this board and /pol/.
>I don't get your reasoning, the Church is a whore for NOT wanting to participate in Western debauchery-called-morally upstanding?
No, the woman cucking for the fall of Europe is a degenerate, a whore, a slut.
So Merkel then?
The difference is gun toting American lunatics are too cowardly to indulge in their violent desires, Muslim lunatics aren't.
I don't know, probably.
Cromwellian puritanism
Based based based
Calvinism or Dominionism
Dominionism actually isn't a bad answer.
t. reconstructionist
The left one is nationalism dressing itself as religion.
The right one is religion dressing itself as nationalism.
Islam is a much more powerful catalyst for violence with or without nationalist ends, while Protestantism is only violent as a function of nationalism, not doctrine.
>Protestantism is only violent as a function of nationalism, not doctrine.
Unless you were a witch or Catholic.
Jesuit infiltration is the cause of the downfall of the once proud nation, yes.
Unironically posts fascist emblem of "God's Holy Knights" while saying they are not violent men.
>Fish Eaters or Catholic Answers Forum
Literal retards.
>once proud
Some Protestant sects.
>all these faggots saying Mormonism
>le no true scotsman