Veeky Forums what's a good stylish wallet
Feel free to post anything maybe something a little out of the ordinary
I'm liking pic related desu I know it's kind of memey
What other obscure wallet designs are there
Veeky Forums what's a good stylish wallet
Feel free to post anything maybe something a little out of the ordinary
I'm liking pic related desu I know it's kind of memey
What other obscure wallet designs are there
My mom bought me this one for my 17th bday
help me decide which one I should get
bottom right, you fucking spaz
mcqueen joint looks incredible in person
this is fedora tier what are you doing
mcqueen looks way too seasonal
bottega is surprisingly nice in real life ; i always thought the weave would be loose and weak
top middle looks like the blanket in a clockwork orange
top left is cool
balenciaga looking weak af
anyone know where I can get this?
it's margiela, dunno which season tho
Well what other type of wallet can you thin of that is techwear-ish
any normal black leather wallet. You can integrate leather in to techwear fits. Focus less on material composition and more on the meaning the pieces have
Brown leather card holder. Simple, small and has room for what you need. Cash is for menials and tourists.
Should be called "The Edge".
Saddleback makes good shit.
i hate mine, quality of the leather is shit. it is durable though, i'll give it that.
m-my dick
i like the top left, what is it
The quality of the leather is fine. Saddleback makes things to last nominally forever. If you were looking for something soft and buttery, well, that's on you.
Is it really that bad?
I think this thing is sweet, I've never seen anyone with one before
Plus it's minimalistic
that's not the problem
the leather looks like shit
I'll agree the version with the money clip is fedora tier but the elastic band is sick and this wallet is definitely functional
Real men use a broccoli rubber band
Dont buy that fucking garbage. Just get a Bellroy, you fuck.
Actually, dont. Just get that shitty wallet so you wont have the same wallet as me. And you can continue your sperglord existence.
Explain to me why it's garbage
Just wondering how is it fedora tier
There's a lot of shit on this board that people hate on for no reason other than the fact that its normie like let's say a yeezy shirt or vans, normal people don't give a fuck and if they see you in a Kanye shirt will probably start a conversation with you but everyone on this board is too fucking autistic to realize that so instead they spend 5,000$ dressing up like ninjas or someone who just woke up from a coma they went into in 1987.
Am I fedora? Or are you?
>handing over folded bills
Eternal Plebian, 93 till Infinity
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you are