What do ancient writings say about this historical event?
What do ancient writings say about this historical event?
I'm genuinely curious.
I'm not even 100% YEC.
It seems that it really happened boys.
What does Ancient writings say about this historical event?
You should thank Georges LemaƮtre, Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Leuven for this theory.
The Big Bang proves God senpai.
Why? It's bogus.
You mean the story of Noah and the great flood?
I made this as an answer to a creatonist, not general Christian, Desu-
Lucy is the most complete so-called "missing link".
The leg bones for Lucy were found a mile and a half away from the head bones.
The leg bones were two hundred feet deeper and in a different layer of strata.
They were not all found in the same layer of strata or even in the same location; they were scattered over a mile and a half.
All those so-called "missing links" have all turned out to be either fully human, fully animal or fake. Just because some animals have some similar features doesn't necessarily mean a "common ancestor", it may mean a common designer.
The Big Bang still proves God and creationism senpai.
>All the galaxies measured to move from one certain spot
How does it prove Young Earth though?
>The leg bones were two hundred feet deeper and in a different layer of strata.
nu-male atheists on suicide watch
>16 posts
>5 posters
This qualifies as spam, OP. You are going to get banned.
Not every word in Genesis is meant to be taken literally.
How am I spamming?
>you can only post once
Back to ******.
So what?
So the Big Bang does not disprove Genesis.
It's bogus that it's the result of a "singularity" "exploding".
God's hand spans the universe, and He is the one stretching it out.
And I said it disproved the exact literal interpretations of it.
It's mutually exclusive to the Genesis account.
It's basically the godless people's next best guess. And they have to start it with a singularity that's the size of 170 quadrillion suns that came from nowhere.
>That image
Specifically, the ones that fundies have no argument for
As opposed to a God that came from nowhere?
Listen, I really don't wanna sound like a fedora or something (Heck, I am trying to be a Christian somewhat) but you people believe in a omnient being that plopped out from nowhere.
It's supposed to be "le common ancestor" which is in fact supposed to have looked like an ape.
Yes but the aren't millions of that common ancestor. It is extinct
Not him but:
>I am trying to be a Christian
Try harder.
You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
James 4:14
Where are all the missing links? Read the post
There is no such a thing as a "missing link". Every fossile we find is one small part of a very long continuous chain, from the begining of life to us
You got to agree that calling their idea stupid for believing that so much could come from near nothing dump is stupid when your idea relies on a God coming from nowhere?
And I am mostly jsut weak at the faith, probably better than many preachers when it comes to Christian actions.
God is eternal.
and the Universe isn't.
>There is no such a thing as a "missing link"
and I say "lol" because according to evolutionists there should be.
But user, those are all pre-Flood.
>OP posting 10 or 11 times to everyone else's 4 or 5 posts.
>most posts are taken from his last thread that the mods already deleted
>not spam
This thread is a good evidence against evolution
I refuse to acknowledge any form of relationship to these retarded christians
There is no need to be upset.
>still no reply
How can God come from "nowhere"?
No, we do not.
We believe God as He revealed Himself to us; an eternal being. He has always existed, and will always exist.
It is fictional.
Where did he came from?
Nonsense. These were all available to Darwin, your high priest, and he still determined that transitional fossils need be found to prove his "theory" correct.
150 years later, still nothing that shows he was correct.
Why you believe a person with a degree in theology who thought the cell is "simple" and "like a bag of salt" is just incredible.
Okay here's the deal guys, somebody needs to bite the bullet here and start dumping rule 34 pictures of jebus, his followers, family etc. Nothing else will make these dumb fuck christards leave at this point.
Where did he came from?
That's not a picture of god
Correct. The universe is material and came into being. That which comes into being does so for a cause. God is not material, but Spirit, and He did not "come into being". He has always existed.
He did not come from anywhere.
He has always been. He is I Am.
God did not "come from" anywhere.
Those are transitional fossils. Every fossil is a part of of the process of evolutiuon. And most of them were found after Darwin died you sophist
So he always existed?
Hello there.
You can keep saying that as long as you'd like. It doesn't make it true.
>Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Galatians 6:7
Sweet dinosaur.
You are aware that that webm is of real people burning and dying?
And why couldn't the singularity have always existed. The singularity also is beyond time and space
Aren't you some sort of catholic? Your church is okay with evolution, has been so for years and the guy who wrote that tract thinks your church is a tool of satan. Can't you at least be CONSISTENT with your bullshit?
Keep posting that webm of real people suffering and dying in the real world in an attempt at brow beating people into joining your stupid cult. It totally doesn't convince most people on here that you're a fucking disgusting piece of human garbage or anything, you faggot.
After a couple million years, sure.
So you don't have any problems with ISIS as long they kill Homos?
Oh look, it's the white jesus again
Have a dose of uncomfortable reality fuckface.
Yes and they're all taiwanese sodomites.
>Since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1:28-32
My thread is bait though truth does not fear investigation.
I do not condone the murder of "homos".
This is a facial reconstruction based on 3 random skulls which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
All of the following features are imagined:
- wide opened eyes
- raised eyebrows
- thick lips
- mouth breathing
- patchy beard
- JUST-tier haircut
The blasphemous association that is made between this and Jesus Christ is absurd.
Why is it not being associated with Saint Joseph or any of the apostles? This ugly person looks like Jesus Christ as much as it looks like Bashar Al-Assad.
Take this stale meme back to facebook.
Jesus Christ was in fact a caucasian man from the Levant, specifically, from Northern Israel. Depicting Him as a "white male" is far from being inaccurate. Many Levantines are in fact pale skinned, some are even light eyed, light haired and as children many are also blonde.
Jesus Christ was not from Yemen.
His phenotype is unimportant though considering the fact that He was God on Earth.
Deal with it.
A couple means two.
Wrong. It's a reconstruction based off of human remains found in the area where jesus lived and from the timeframe he was alive during.
So, you hate the Sinner and the Sin?
Forgot pic
>Jesus was caucasian because I said so
>These skulls of actual semitic people from the same region Jesus lived at the same time he lived are lies
Nope, just the sin.
This board is SFW btw.
>God gives it a body as He has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.
1 Corinthians 15:38-39
4.(informal) A small number.
From a geological time perspective, it was indeed a small number.
>Posts real people burning in to death
>Posts some furry
We are roughly at the same level my friend
Europe, North Africa, East Africa, West Asia and South Asia = Caucasian
What don't you understand?
I don't understand why people keep posting these pictures and asking for an explanation? Is this a meme or do you really not understand what this is a picture of?
You are a mentally ill zoophile, I am not.
You are a spiritually empty nihilistic atheist, I am not.
I can guarantee you that we are on a different level, pal.
>Your church is okay with evolution
Give us a better theory.
Friends don't let friends drag the English language down the path of ignorance.
lol no.
Forensic science just revealed the most realistic face of Jesus ever and it's far different than the fair-skinned, long-haired and blue-eyed Savior most of the Western world has grown accustomed to.
According to Esquire, British scientists, assisted by Israeli archeologists, have re-created what they believe is the most accurate image of the face of Jesus in human history. And they have managed to do this as a result of forensic anthropology, which uses methods similar to those police have developed to solve crimes.
Richard Neave, a medical artist retired from The University of Manchester in England, is behind the project and he uses cultural references for the Bible to pin down certain specifics about how Jesus would have looked.
"Matthew's description of the events in Gethsemane offers an obvious clue to the face of Jesus. It is clear that his features were typical of Galilean Semites of his era. And so the first step for Neave and his research team was to acquire skulls from near Jerusalem, the region where Jesus lived and preached. Semite skulls of this type had previously been found by Israeli archeology experts, who shared them with Neave," said the report.
Using three well preserved specimens from the Time of Jesus and special computer programs, they were able to recreate a 3D version of Jesus.
Forensic science --------> your idiotic beliefs.
Oh well thanks then, friendly user.