>117 AD was 1899 years ago
117 AD was 1899 years ago
>caesar was alive on this very day 2061 years ago
>i could see the hanging gardens 2604 years ago
How time flies.
The 100s were way better than the 110s
yep, less christians
Fucking obnoxious Centenarians, always talking about how great things were in the "100s". You probably born in 105 and don't even remember the Dacian wars.
>90s kids
ya dun goofed lad
>1812 was 204 years ago
>1939 was 77 years ago
>1945 was 71 years ago
>being happy about betraying your Anglo-saxon brothers
Not to forget it costed you your entire empire.
>100 BC was 2116 years ago
1238582hfsidjf-t254 was 234hi0h8g09213-4u25 ceptillions ago
>Roman Emperor
>Julius Caesar
Will this meme ever end?
> Emperor
> Imperator
Close enough
>Finnish Empire was 38,000 years ago
>The Pan-african empire was 6016 years ago
This bait was posted within 24 hours
Who really was the founder of Roman Empire ? Caesar or Augustus ?
My favorite Japanese emperor was Oda Nobunaga
you might have "won" the war, but you lost your empire
and now you are reduced to beeing an irrelevant member of an union led by Germany. I see very little reason to be smug
fuck this i'll bite, source?
Caesar never made himself an emperor
Therma Romae