What would Veeky Forums say is the most significant sporting event (or events) in history?
>pic related. The fights between these two couldn't paint a better picture as to what was going on in those times.
What would Veeky Forums say is the most significant sporting event (or events) in history?
>pic related. The fights between these two couldn't paint a better picture as to what was going on in those times.
>inb4 1936 Olympics
goddamn it
The Ashes
Thrilla in Manila
Miracle on Ice
Italy vs. West Germany 1970
MLB World Series 2004
Seriously, if we're doing Boxing you're really not going to do better than O'Sullivan's unification tour.
the first time around, schmeling brutalized louis. it set black confidence back a long time.
None of those reflected the times as much as Louis vs. Schmeling.
18-1 easily. It shook the world so hard it created /sp/.
>reflected the times
This is sports writing for "easy to meme about."
They're incredibly relevant on the story of their respective sports though.
As much as Louis and Schmeling were incredibly significant and probably reflected the times, Ali vs Frazier is clearly the most talked rivalry ever.
>Implying Ali-Fraser wasn't significant
Honestly, if we're meming about reflecting the times, shouldn't it be Louis vs. Carnera?
>Mfw calling my cousin in Boston to rub it in afterwards
I swore I heard some glass break on the other end of the line.
The Rumble in the Jungle was much more significant than the Manilla match though.
Mobutu used it to mask the political dealings he was making behind the scenes and used brutal force to suppress overly zealous revelers.
The first Ali Fraizer was more significant than The Rumble in the Jungle.
Ali Fraizer 1*
The Massacre of the Israeli Team in the Munich Olympics :DDDD
It put a big spotlight on Congo.