Plain clothing

I have some plain Acne Studios and APC tees that I bought and my parents don't understand why I paid so much for something plain which according to them I can just get at h&m or any other store. I tried explaining how its the quality, fit, material and the name and they didn't get it and were annoyed at me. Does anyone have any better ways to explain it?

just tell them you're a cuck

dont tell them, i bought an acne plain tshirt too and kinda regret it cause its only cotton

lol nigga you got bamboozled

just accept it, there's no shame. lots of folks fall for this shit. apc and acne have amazing marketing teams.

The funny thing is, the shit you bought is no higher quality than h&m or "any other store"

Just to clarify - i didnt pay retail, i paid around $40 for each one

>for a tee
>not even retail
holy shit you are being scammed

No it's not, you've never owned Acne if you think that.

Basic doesn't = cheap

i own more acne than you do and it's nothing to write home about
quality = materials. a kid in bangladesh can use a sewing machine just as well as an "artisan" in italy. acne materials vary wildly. the thin gauze cotton they use for printed tees is probably their best t-shirt material, and essentially the same thing is used by cos for a third of the price. their cuts are whatever, you can find similar things anywhere and the fit isn't actually what you buy acne for. you buy it for the name in the neck and for the false feeling of superiority it gives you

If you were looking for quality you wouldn't be buying from acne/APC/whatever scandivanian minimalist shite you can find

No you obviously don't acne has some of the best crewnecks and denim you can get at that price point (I buy it all used though). Their cuts are what you buy it for what the fuck are you talking about the only brand that I can think of with similar cuts are ADER error

why is there a studio you can get acne


lol bullshit, acne denim is trash. even apc is better for your money and thta's saying something.
>Their cuts are what you buy it for
their "cuts" are nothing special, just the usual overly slim trendy garbage and an occasional loose fit

you don't buy acne shirts because "the quality is better than h&m" (h&m shirts are really really shit btw)
you buy them because their cuts are really nice. their quality is just fine for the price.

it's not like you don't care in the slightest about how your clothes look.

quality is just a meme. a 5$ shirt from china wont fall apart from wearing it either, apart from loose threads.

>le high quality basics meme

No, there is no better way to explain it, you're just as invested into a trend as everyone else. Don't lie to yourself with the "well-made, timeless garments" crap.

Almost everything in this thread is shit that would be complete blasphemy a year ago on Veeky Forums

What the hell is with this meme lately of "hurduhr why wouldn't you just buy wranglers from Walmart you fucking nu-male cuck"

Veeky Forums has literally just devolved into facism worship and yelling cuck at every possible oppertunity

i have some vintage tshirts made in the usa a few decades ago, the stitching is all strait the seems are perfect etc etc

i have tried a lot of low level tshirts made today and they'll have crooked stitching, the seems will be folded too far, things won't be symmetrical etc. im talking by milliliters off here, but still

daily reminder jil sander makes the best t shirts at this price point
acne/APC/norse projects etc are all trash

>paying more than $20 for any t-shirt, ever
for basics just fucking cop Uniqlo

APC fucking sucks

it's like an jacked up overpriced gap/uniqlo basics, sold x20 the price


jil has unique and very nuanced cuts

unrelated but it always makes me kek that the model on the site is 6'11''. Always hoped it was a typo but he look the part.

repeat after me:

"if it is popular with leddit it is shit"

Just accept that you're a gullible cuck and got jewed into buying it only because of the name and only because Veeky Forums told you so. I own both h&m and acne studios plain tees, and I can tell you that they in no way differ in quality, and I wouldn't be able to tell which one is which if it weren't for the brand tags.

Honestly, Acne has the best black jeans you can get for under 200 yurobucks, and they actually stay black. ""Ace"" is a nice cut as well. Worth the money.

i don't really know about how and where these brands make their shit, but also remember that when you go for a slightly higher price you're paying for fair wages, good working conditions for the people who make your clothes, in a few cases - you're even paying to reduce the pollution which come with material production and tainting.

that's why i avoid h&m, uniqlo and such like the plague, but also pay attention to the policies of the brand i'm buying.

shop responsibly!

You say that like Veeky Forums isn't playing ketchup on trends either.

mfw fell for the acne meme and copped a 220€ shirt but returned it 3 days later and saved my ass

it really wasn't anything special i'll tell you that. you should really consider long and hard before dropping 220€ on a fucking buttoned shirt which has no design and is just a plain buttoned fucking shirt.

>and the name
you really fucked it up lad, you better lurk more or stop right there

$40 is a very good deal for some decent plain tees
i love acnes fit and they will last you longer than regular h&m tees while looking more luxurious too. The price/wear is higher, but that's with almost all designer clothing

APC is goat senpai
I've multiple APC pieces that are ~6 years old and, worn a thousand times and still look great

uniqlo sweatshirts are better than acne sweatshirts

ive seen some acne T shirts on the mrporter sale. should i cop? they look really boring and basic though

Srsly, i bought a uniqlo sweatshirt once, and 3 weeks ago, i saw EXACTLY the same at a APC store.
APC is overpriced and these brands are worth it for some coats / jeans ...