why do atheists claim science "as their own"?
there were far more religious scientists as atheist ones.
Why do atheists claim science "as their own"?
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because most atheism is based on a scientific worldview, while religion is unscientific by definition
it doesnt 'make all science atheist' it just means atheism is more scientific than religion
elaborate please
how are religion and science mutually exclusive
What is genuinely theirs is scientism, not science.
If we accepted your premise, it's because religious twats refuse to think scientifically about their retarded ideas, I guess.
The truth is that atheists aren't even claiming it, theists are actively denigrating it.
>why do atheists claim
>all atheists are identical
>how is the falsification/verification of ideas exclusive to blind assertions
I don't know, you tell me.
The ONLY way that they're not mutually exclusive is in the fact that religious people compartmentalize their minds and don't apply rational thought to their religious ideas. They just take the good stuff that science gives them that they can see, and then assume a bunch of other shit as best supports their fragile feelies.
Reminder that religion was BTFO by Russel's Teapot, and Betrand Russel in general
> The whole conception of God is a conception derived from the ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men. When you hear people in church debasing themselves and saying that they are miserable sinners, and all the rest of it, it seems contemptible and not worthy of self-respecting human beings.
>here are a great many ways in which, at the present moment, the church, by its insistence upon what it chooses to call morality, inflicts upon all sorts of people undeserved and unnecessary suffering. And of course, as we know, it is in its major part an opponent still of progress and improvement in all the ways that diminish suffering in the world, because it has chosen to label as morality a certain narrow set of rules of conduct which have nothing to do with human happiness; and when you say that this or that ought to be done because it would make for human happiness, they think that has nothing to do with the matter at all. "What has human happiness to do with morals? The object of morals is not to make people happy."
>Love as a relation between men and women was ruined by the desire to make sure of the legitimacy of children.
>The psychology of adultery has been falsified by conventional morals, which assume, in monogamous countries, that attraction to one person cannot coexist with a serious affection for another. Everybody knows that this is untrue.
>The desire to understand the world and the desire to reform it are the two great engines of progress without which human society would stand still or retrogress.
>theory: religion is a way of life that helps you to become a better person
>verification: religious people are more generous and more trustworthy than atheists, religious community helps many people to get a grip on their life
Sounds to me like beeing religious is the rational thing to do
>man I would love to have this on my wall! Girls have their Justin Beiber, Christians have their Heyzeus and I have THIS
Sounds to me like being generous and trustworthy is a rational thing to do.
Believing in a deity isn't.
beiing generous and trustworthy correlates with beeing religious
It demonstrably doesn't.
1. Correlation does not imply causation.
2. As many surveys claim so, as claim the opposite. It is very dependent on what people you ask, in what country, and at what point in history.
Stop quoting pop science.
theyre not mutually exclusive, as i said, science is not automatically atheist. the simple fact though is if you're basing your worldview entirely on science (which has a whole host of other problems) you cant really believe in god, at least not any of the ones described by major religions.
the basic reason for this is that theres no scientific evidence for god or any of the other stuff religion claims, and the whole point of science is minimizing the amount of belief required to sustain your worldview (although we're probably never going to construct a worldview entirely free of belief). put simply, most scince is based on the idea that miracles are impossible, if they were the laws of physics would break down.
however this doesnt mean you have to choose between religion and science, there are plenty of ways of reconciling belief in a god with a scientific view of the world, the main problem is that there are large sections of most religious texts that you would basically have to ignore or radically re interpret.
>why do atheists do a generalised thing I made up because I want to feel like a victim and I want to feel smug?
t. OP
>why do atheists claim science "as their own"?
you mean "were" as in "used to be"
If we were to take this telegraph article as absolute truth, this means the only rational move is for all of us to become Jewish Sikhs, since this is the most generous and "good" correlation.
I have never heard any atheist say that
Being generous and trustworthy might also correlate with being sheep-like and dimwitted, which explains the religious part of the equation.
You have one study against all the most generous, and trustworthy countries being largely atheistic. And they're getting cucked as we speak by religious barbarians.
I'm atheist but I'm also very religious, don't put us all in the same bag.
It's more than that. Science is religion.
In particular, Western science is a product of Catholicism.
>a product of thing = thing
You produce shit, therefore you are shit. Fuck outta this thread, cucktholic.
The atheist philosophy holds that humans are the only source of knowledge and morality
They're a lot like serial killers
Why did the vast majority of scientific advancements happen in protestant countries then?
Atheists want equal rights so immoral, perversity is the common.
A true Atheist doesn't care about religious movements.
A true Atheist doesn't believe in God, final.
Atheism is not like religion, you don't shove it down people's throats in response to having religion shoved down yours.
You say "No, I don't believe in God" - that's your response, you don't say "Atheism is best 'non-belief', join us or be a crackpot" - this, is perversity.
A majority of Atheist are more some quasi-religion instead.
lel cry more about your spiritual emptiness which will never create anything of value, I'm sure shitposting about the civilisation that gave you everything will make you feel less worthless.
You are now aware that atheists have NEVER invented anything useful or even beautiful like art
But they clearly didn't. However once Catholics created the scientific method it could be used by non-Catholics, which is why a few Protestants did make some contributions.
>cry more
Engage in retarded fallacious arguments more. Religion is on its way out in the western world, keep spazzing in your desperation.
>us worthless zombies are winning and soon Western civilisation will be dead!
Uh, congrats I guess?
Sure thing buddy.
>applauding the death of christianity
Really nigger? What's next, you're going to count which country discovered the most subspecies of fruitflies?
Who invented the Western concept of the chemical element? Antoine de Lavoisier, father of chemistry, instigator of the chemical revolution, a Catholic. That is a real scientific achievement. In comparison filling in the table is just grunt work.
>servile christians pretending not to be zombies
Go grovel at some totalitarian dictator's feet, you literal sheep.
> soon Western civilisation will be dead!
The only thing killing Western civilisation is your younger sibling religion.
What's killing civilisation is atheism, an ideology that's completely incapable of producing any worthwhile science, art, philosophy, or politics, and which is so consumed by its hatred for Catholicism and through it for Western civilisation itself, that it is willing to use any means to destroy it, including surrender to Islam.
Did you actually just denigrate modern art, miss the fact that the trend in increased education is decreased religiosity (most scientists are atheists and have always been barely religious as far as their fields went) and completely disregard any non-god based philosophy?
Fuck off, you fucking clown. You couldn't substantiate any of those statements if you tried.
>surrender to Islam
This is western civilization's only fault. They've grown too complacent and kind hearted as a result of their loss of religion. Religious people still exist to abuse this fact.
>atheist calling anything totalitarian
Try to make it less obvious.
>a being that literally made you, controls or at least watches everything you do, knows everything about you and is then going to judge you for it
>not totalitarian
Is memes all you're capable of?
>modern art
I don't have a smug enough reaction pic for this.
Almost every relevant scientist in the history of Western science has been a Christian. The scientific method itself is nothing but Catholic philosophy applied to the field of science. In fact you can never fully understand it without a Catholic mindset, which is why shit like psychology or "social sciences" which is dominated by atheists is such unscientific mystical garbage.
Words have meaning. Every totalitarian ideology has been atheist.
>What is nazi germany or modern Saudi Arabia
Ideas are the issue, atheism is not an idea.
>I don't have a smug enough reaction pic for this.
You don't have the brains to get past your confirmation bias, and I have nothing else to say to you.
Go to this thread and provide your critique, magic man.
Nazism is atheist and Saudi Arabia is Muslim. I can't believe I have to explain this.
You posted a completely unknown piece by an unknown Ukrainian artist who paints in impressionist style. That's not modern art. Pic related is an example of modern art, the kind that is celebrated by the modern art world.
>Nazism is atheist
You can fantasize there.
Modern art is not as narrow as you would like to paint it. The death of art as you describe it simply hasn't happened, if anything it's gotten better.
Bc science is about proof and religion is about faith
>catholicuck talking about nazism as if it has anything to do with atheism
I'm almost done with this board, you're too fucking delusional to hold any honest conversation.
That picture is a good reason why "modern art" isn't art.
So does child abuse. What's your point?
>all modern art is what i define it as
They don't. It's theists who have abandoned science by choosing to believe in lies that make them feel better.
Islamism is a religion you know
Sure retard, Nazism was Christian, that's why the Hitlerjugend meetings were on Sunday at the same time as mass and Sunday school.
Nazis kept their shitting on Christianity under control for obvious political reasons because they realised a lot of Germans were still Christians, but it was obviously completely fucking atheist and anti-Christian you stupid shits. Nazi ideologues saw Christianity as a Jewish plot to enslave the Aryan man. As long as people still have God, there can't be room for a totalitarian figure like Hitler or Stalin were striving to be.
Nice complete lack of argument on modern art btw.
Not all religions are Christianity you know.
Yes Captain Obvious
>Everyone involved and everyone supporting it was christian. You don't get to draw lines from a non-ideology to action, especially when there's actual ideology to talk about there.
>Nice complete lack of argument on modern art btw.
Do you think you do? Again, you don't get to define all modern art as the abstract nonsense of stuck-up money launderers.
So what's your point? Western civilisation is Christian, not Islamic. Islam is almost as shit as atheism.
They like to think that because they've enshrined rationality they have a monopoly on all things pertaining to it.
You said that all totalitarian regimes were atheist. Saudi Arabia is a totalitarian monarchy and is religious
>All religions are Abrahamic religions
This is what modern art is. These are the most celebrated works of modern art. This is the sort of art that atheists are capable of creating.
And I just explained to you how Nazism (like all totalitarian ideologies) is completely incompatible with Christianity and actively tried to eliminate it. Read this and shut up:
>The religious views of Adolf Hitler are a matter of debate, with a consensus of scholars agreeing that Hitler was not a Christian and was skeptical of religion generally.
No, I said that all totalitarian ideologies are atheist, and we've been very explicitly talking about the Western world here you idiot autist. The point being that totalitarianism is fundamentally incompatible with Catholicism (as well as with most sects of Christianity).
Absolutism was rather totalitarian
How ironic that Jesus said the truth will set you free but truth ended up BTFO Christianity.
I just think that we shouldn't put Picasso and guy who makes giant buttplug into the same group.
Science as a mode of inquiry into the nature of the universe has been immensely successful and of great technological and economic consequence.It transcends cultural, political and religious beliefs because it has nothing to say about these subjects
People of faith should stand in awe of the wondrous achievements of science.
No it's not. Absolutism just means the king is not bound by the laws of man, that has nothing to do with totalitarianism.
>This is what modern art is. These are the most celebrated works of modern art. This is the sort of art that atheists are capable of creating.
Hey how's the view inside that shell of extreme confirmation bias? I already told you that you don't get to define what modern art is.
>And I just explained to you how Nazism (like all totalitarian ideologies) is completely incompatible with Christianity and actively tried to eliminate it.
You didn't explain shit. Christianity is compatible with fucking anything, including murder and genocide. The catholic fucking church is implicated in that, and, by the way, in Mussolini's whole shebang.
So? He's an insane syphilitic narcissist whose -possible- atheism has nothing to do with his ideology. Atheism is not an ideology.
Sure we shouldn't. That doesn't give one a pass to denigrate "modern art" as a whole. Most art in history is fucking shite, the fact that there are several hundred good works of art doesn't mean good art is not being produced.
> good works of art from
Just because something is art doesn't mean it is good. 50 Shades of Grey and War and Peace are still both literature
>has nothing to say
Surely not of metaphysical matters but historical, geological and cosmological claims of religion can be verified and are often proven false. Religionists then go on retreat and use the "muh rich symbolism" card even though before that they were claiming absolute truth. But if you claim your book is an inspired word of God and cannot err, and it is found to err, then at least this one religion is debunked so far as intelligent rational humans with all chromosomes are concerned (hence not christofaggotards).
This is what the entire modern art community, artists, critics, scholars, and dealers define as the very finest modern art. You don't get to define what modern art is, the modern art community does.
>Christianity is compatible with fucking anything, including murder and genocide.
It very clearly isn't. You might want to learn the basics of Christianity. In particular as I just said, an omnipotent God does not leave room for worshiping a human the way Hitler or Stalin sought to be, in fact Christianity warns against that specifically.
>Nazism is Christian!
>no it clearly isn't
>well Hitler was Christian!
>no he clearly wasn't
Yeah ok good game.
I'm not saying "don't call it art" I'm saying "call it something else than modern art".
> war and peace and 50 shades of grey
yes you call them literature but you don't put them in same group.
>This is what the entire modern art community, artists, critics, scholars, and dealers define as the very finest modern art. You don't get to define what modern art is, the modern art community does.
This is fascinating. What do you call the "art community"?
>It very clearly isn't. You might want to learn the basics of Christianity. In particular as I just said, an omnipotent God does not leave room for worshiping a human the way Hitler or Stalin sought to be, in fact Christianity warns against that specifically.
The basics of Christianity is that there's a god and there's a dude named christ. None of the sects agree on any of the rest. And christianity can very easily be molded to conform to murder.
>The first cuck """"fulfills"""" the old law
>Now you can kill people if you think you're being excellent to them
>Yeah ok good game.
I said possible. Dude was basically schizophrenic and his religiosity is completely irrelevant to me. The link I gave you was on your church, not him. Power grabs are not necessarily religiously inspired, although this one was completely religiously enabled.
>What do you call the "art community"?
Literally just read what you greentexted. You can always try to show me a great work of modern art, something that compares to the great works of the past and isn't just imitation. Good luck with that.
>None of the sects agree on any of the rest.
This is why there's this thing called the Catholic Church. However there is no brand of Christianity of any kind that is compatible with a totalitarian cult of personality.
>although this one was completely religiously enabled
You're moving goalposts, just accept you were wrong about Nazism being Christian and move on.
You're just going too handwave anything that can be construed to use the same art style as something older as imitation, I'm not going to play your game. I'm just going to enjoy modern works of art without your retarded attempts at authoritatively disregarding them.
>This is why there's this thing called the Catholic Church.
The same one orthodox cretins call of the devil? Go hash it out with them, I'm not interested in theological nonsense.
>You're moving goalposts, just accept you were wrong about Nazism being Christian and move on.
I'm not moving anything. You're free to point to the specific place where I was wrong. Christianity enabled nazism in every way, and nazism as an ideology has nothing to do with atheism, which is not an ideology.
I couldn't care less for most of the people there, but I have to admit that this is a cool pic.
Now, we need something like this with Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Heidrich, Goering, Speer, von Rundstedt, etc. I'm not even a Nazi but that would be incredible.
Science is in no way based on any religion or faith. Or any ideology, or any dogma.
Whatever christian or jewish or hindu scientists discover, its not because of their faith, its when they act as if they had no faith, and rely on scientific principles.
Why are christians or other faiths bothered that their faith is based on demosntrably irrational ideas?
Its faith, why do you feel you have to explain or justify yourself?
On another note, christianity was never accepting of science, ever. You idiots are still against condoms and stemcellresearch because >muh ghosts
Historicly especially in the early days it was overtly hostile to investigation and rationality in principle, and advocated "feels" and inspiration as the only worthwhile way to undertand anything, pic related.
Also because if shit like
"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."
~ Cardinal Bellarmine, at the trial of Galileo in 1615.
>Christianity enabled nazism in every way
You're mixing Christianity and Christian churches. Read bible before you start discussing Christianity
>You're mixing Christianity and Christian churches.
The churches are mixing themselves into christianity, take it up with them buddy-o.
>This is why there's this thing called the Catholic Church.
>This is why there's this thing called the Catholic Church.
>Read bible before you start discussing Christianity
You're free to tell me where I'm wrong about it, I'm well aware of how many holes it has, how inconsistent it is, and how every sect's interpretation of it opens up more holes to close others.
>posts a 19th century painting made by a fervent Christian
Yeah I think this puts the atheist art debate to a close.
>The same one orthodox cretins call of the devil?
So? Are you Orthodox now? I've been talking about Catholicism from the start, while all you've been able to respond is "b-but Islam" and "b-but some obscure Christian sect".
>You're free to point to the specific place where I was wrong.
Nazism is an atheist and anti-Christian ideology. You're now trying to move the discussion to the political behaviour of the leaders of Christian-Democratic parties in Weimar Germany, which isn't even tangentially related to the issue. Time to stop posting.
>This is why there's this thing called the Catholic Church. However there is no brand of Christianity of any kind that is compatible with a totalitarian cult of personality.
The catholic church is literally the same church that was celebrating Hitler's birthdays. Off yourself, you cretinous fuck.
Where do you think "scientific principles" originate from?
And the Catholic Church is perfectly fine with stem cell research provided it doesn't make use of abortion, which it doesn't have to. Condoms are not science.
what the fuck does this mean
What a load of crap.
Again. It's not that Christianity is against science, there were many sects and churches that were pro science or entirely based on education. But only educated can decide to support such organisations, if you were a peasant you wouldn't choose to join people who say you must be smart but people that tell you "do your work and you will go to heaven".
>Yeah I think this puts the atheist art debate to a close.
You do remember how the last picture I put up? It's more recent than the 19th century.
>b-b-b-b-but stuck up money laundering assholes don't buy it for millions of dollars
Who the fuck cares? Why does it matter - at all - what critics think when there's more art than ever that even YOU would admit is good.
>Nazism is an atheist
Prove it.
> and anti-Christian ideology.
That's why the vast majority of nazis were christians and your own church promoted it. K.
It's actually anti-jewish and anti-minority, if anything.
>can't debate facts
I know, time to stop posting my infantile religious friend.
Found the 15 year old
It's quite convenient for the pro-religious to talk about "religion versus science" and then throw out a few examples that supposedly show that, oh no, the Church was never really anti-science. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that historically the Church was anti- most schools of thought that undermined or challenged its own assumptions and assertions, constituting them as "heresies" of one sort or another and persecuting and prosecuting people accordingly. This is what the Inquisitions were all about.
You posted an impressionist style painting, with no evidence whatsoever that the artist is an atheist.
>Prove it.
>I'll just pretend this whole thread didn't happen
Except how modern science literally appeared at Catholic universities as an outgrowth of Catholic theology. Saying that the Church was anti-science is like saying it was anti-Catholic.
>You posted an impressionist style painting
And? Art styles already invented not allowed?
Why do I have to provide evidence that he's an atheist? You were talking about how art is dead. It very clearly isn't. I don't particularly care if a christian or an atheist drew it, I enjoy it by itself.
Now if you're accusing atheists of being soulless artless creatures, you're free to compile some random sample of atheist artists and prove that their art is trite shit as opposed to christian art. Until then you can fuck off with your baseless claims.
>On another note, christianity was never accepting of science, ever
... is this a troll?
And on and on and on and on and on. For a religion that's hostile to science, it sure does have a dickload of clergymen and devout believers who turned out to be revolutionary scientists, and the church didn't really seem to see a problem with shitting out money all over the place to invest in education. I doubt there is another organization in history which has given so much to further science and education.
I have no fucking idea where the 'Christianity is anti-science' meme came from other than NdGT memeing and Gallileo.
This whole thread does nothing to link atheism with nazism. If anything, neo-nazism is only surging with alt right religious fuckos. But that is probably a coincidence.
No, I was saying that atheism is incapable of producing great art, just as it's incapable of producing great science or philosophy. Everything of value that was ever created in Western civilisation in all of those fields has been a product of Christianity. Atheism, through its destruction of Christianity, is the death of civilisation.
>compile some random sample of atheist artists
>Where do you think "scientific principles" originate from?
Mostly from revisiting and refining the Greek and Roman philosophies during the Enlightenment, and removing Christianity from absolute power by moving towards a secular society.
They certainly did not come from within christianity itself. Rereading the bible over and over won't get you the scientific method. Only where christian dogma gets beaten into submission by outside influences does christianity make any progress.
I think you might be retarded. I clealry posted what christianity thinks of rational investigation with direct quotes from the founding texts. You reply with memetier garbage. Have fun living in a fantasyworld where jebus made everything good by definition, and fuck the facts. Christianity is the justin bieber of religions, popular but really not that great.