What the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being untermenschen.
Catholic Serbs and Muslims Serbs AKA Croats and Bosnians
>waaah austria-hungary started the war
>in reality it was the stinking serbs pushing them to breaking point
This needs to be taught more in schools, but it's all muh evil germans.
They wake up everyday having to deal with being a Serb
There are still people like this on here that are even fucking more historically illiterate than the average /pol/tard.
Fuck off s*rb
What were those wars in Bosnia and Serbia like in the 90s?
Inferiority complexes towards authoctonous Albanians.
>superior than anyone
yeah sure radovan, did you forget catholic churches serbs razed
Nationalism, just like with all the other uneducated minorities in Yugoslavia that joined and fought in the war.
serbitch detected
Why is this board turning into /int/, go shitpost there.
This is supposed to be a relatively serious board.
Ustaša here.
Stuff among Serbs and Croats were mostly fine and dandy, but shit hit the fan when Ilija Garašanin, a serbian something wrote his "Načertanije", or "Blueprints". That is where the whole idea of "Greater Serbia" and "Catholic Serbs" comes from. After that, Serbs started destroying Croatian homes and attacking civilians, which was pretty much the start of hostilities. After that, croatian politician Ante Starčević denied existence of Serbs. And then there were assassinations of Croatian polititians and such, for which Croatia retalited (a lttle too much) in ww2. And then there's the 90's war where the Serbs got rekt by Croats with lesser numbers and inferior weaponry. The idea of greater serbia never died, it just continued feeding their inferiority complex.
Serbien muss sterbien
You all suck it, at least they had the balls to remove kebab.
You forgot the Croats had NATO helping them
We are serious.
Except Načertanije was a secret document who's contents were only known by certain members of the government of Serbia until the 20th century.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about in regards to Serbs destroying Croatian homes and attacking civilians during the 19th century. There were no Croats in the tiny Serbian principality and Serb peasants in Austrian lands would have no way of knowing of secret Serbian government documents.
The hatred between Serbs and Croats started with Starčević's writings and really picked up steam with the creation of the Serb dominated Kingdom of Serbs,Croats, and Slovenes that marginalized the Croats who wished for a more decentralized state.
Nacertanije was a secret document that never had any meaningful significance. And it was actually a plan given to Garasanin, by Poles. It didn't include any part of Croatia save for Srem. Just Bosnia, Hercegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Srem Banat Backa Baranja (Vojvodina), and no, Baranja was not a part of Croatia until 1945 and had a majority German population.
That was a plan for Serbia, within a Yugoslavia, within a greater Pan Slavic confederal movement.
Also, no, what civilian attacking?
The problem was allocation of political power in the kingdom of Yugoslavia. Between 1921 and and 1929 Kingdom of SHS had 12 governments. Croats were not a part of any of these because they weren't needed to form majority. But the system was rotten, and it wasn't due to the Serbs, but due to dictatorial tendencies of the King.
Croatia was given pretty much federal status in 1939, but they still did what they did just two years after.
Also, the Croatian "autonomy", which was in fact federal level of self rule was given by an executive order, to avoid it going trough parliament where it most likely wouldn't have been passed.
Croats destroying Yugoslavia and oppressing Serbian minority / Albanians destroying Serbia and oppressing Serbian minority
>Serbian minority
>being oppressed
They loved to backstabb their brothers and suck on the turkish dick.
They're a small pathetic uncivilized villager nation that has been fed nationalistic propaganda and turned into subhuman filth.
I hope I wasn't too harsh.
What is with this "Croats were really awesome but have been turned shit by Serbs who by the way can't do anything". It's like the Finno Korean hyper wars, there are really "academics" that reckon you had a totally different language, culture, probably physiology until those dastardly Serbs culturally hegemonised you with Yugo-"Greater Serbia"-Slavia somehow.
I think desu it's because a lot of you have a hard on for the pedo schwabs that used to come over and steal kids.
There were literally Serbs on both side of the battle.
nato did gave us satellite imagery form french satellites in 1995
that's about it
oh, and arms embargo
you had russia
but we are different, language is not all of the culture
we are more Mediterranean and western you are more eastern and balkan
Serbs are living proof of evolution. I mean come on, such a nation could have only come from the monkeys.
>What the fuck was their problem?
all the shit you will see ITT, imagine living with such animals, and being denied of removing them. That was our problem. We had a chance in WW2 but a fucking commie took command and fucked us up big time. NEVER TRUST FUCKING COMMUNISTS
t. Serb
now let this thread decay in albanian, kebab and gypocroat shitposting.
>t. serb
t. a nation of backstabbers*
But that's nation building. You can't blame the Serbs for that, except for the fact they failed at it. Objectively speaking, Yugoslavia makes sense from a cultural, economic and geopolitical point of view as a nation. Thing is, Serbs were the majority and thus the responsibles for assuming the task of forming Yugoslavia, but they weren't majority enough to have an easy way of doing it.
The shit about cucking others in the process of forming Yugoslavia is just bullshit. That's how nation-building happens everywhere. I mean how does it compare differently to the UK being dominated by the English and the result of English nation-building and cucking of welsh, scottish and irish f.i?
>Croats destroying Yugoslavia
No, it wasn't the serbs trying to turn Yugoslavia into a Serbia, nope, not at all.
>imagine living with such animals
I'd rather live with animals than a weeb with shit taste
But that's the real answer you fucking idiot. They had historical tensions with muslims going back to medieval times
wrong ally (Russia)