ITT post your favorite obscure and/or short lived nations and empires
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you actually made me google it you fucker
Second Mexican Empire.
Thats a goat flag
Republic of Ezo
Same for me. Amazing how strong the Heavenly Kingdom became, nevermind their insane pseudo-Christianity.
It was never gonna last. But it would have been beautiful ;_;
>tfw 95 years ago Khanates still existed
400 years of fucking history. holy shit.
fuck 19th century imperialism so much.
>19th century imperialism
It was the soviets that fucked up this one
NCR ? Yes
I don't see how a bunch of nogunz would last long anyway
>Would have taken Canadas place as the Sweden of the Americas
Would have been shit
>the Sweden of the Americas
A prosperous social democracy with one of the highest HDIs on earth?
Fuck yeah dude.
>wanting to rule over Patagonia
Fuck that, more proof that France is the Rebecca Black of colonisation
Small world huh.
J. R. R. Tolkein was born in the Orange Free State which also lasted the longest, most of the others didn't even last a decade
>social democracy
Contradiction in terms, eventually Scandinavia's natural resources will run out and the money will dry up with it.
Eventually every country's natural resources will dry up and their prosperity will dry up with it, genius.
Kek, tell that to Hong Kong, it's literally a rock in the middle of the sea with no natural resources except for a tiny bit of copper ore and yet their prosperity hasn't dried up, at least in part due to their lack of social democracy nonsense
>Hong Kong, it's literally a rock in the middle of the sea with no natural resources except for a tiny bit of copper ore and yet their prosperity hasn't dried up, at least in part due to their lack of social democracy nonsense
Holy shit lmao. Am I being rused here? Because if you're being serious Hong Kong is a massive international trade center you fucking spastic.
What the fuck does that have to do with social democracy or lack thereof?
>gallic empire
Let me guess, some kind of obscure and unimportant tribe of shitskin ooga boogas that never did anything of report other than being pulled out of OP's ass so he could feel intellectually superior on Veeky Forums?
I don't understand why someone would say a historical nation is their favorite nation. Anyone care to explain some common criteria for favorite historical nations?
A sympathy for their causes, romantic feelings towards their ideals or the way they fell, the circumstances that lead them to rose in the first place, sympathy for their leaders ... many reasons, actually.
Karamanids because of their GOAT flag.
Sweden sucks.
It was ruined by multiculturalism, Feminism and PC culture
t. swede
Well then I guess until a nation dedicates itself to the exploration, exploitation, and colonization of space or itself is a nation based in space I won't have a "favorite nation". All else seems like monkey's playing king of the hill.
>All else seems like monkey's playing king of the hill
>If I have two hills then I will finally be satisfied
>implying humans colonizing space is bad
It is beyond me why you would think that.
I'm not saying saying it's bad, but I don't see why you value exploration and colonisation above all else.
Thank you based Age Of Empire for teaching me about Palmyre.
Space exploration will remain unfeasible until someone builds a space elevator/skyhook IMO, that being said basic economics would say that a near infinite supply of many of the most expensive natural resources like precious metals would radically alter and most likely cripple the entire world's economy
What other objective way is there to serve our species and have the greatest impact on the universe at large? Thinking anything else is more important is due to tunnel vision.
Reusable rockets will be significantly cheaper than all previous rockets.
>silver destroyed the Spanish economy meme
Getting more valuable resources we can make use of is never bad. By "destroy the economy" you mean devalue the fortunes of an elite few.
It depends on what time frame you're thinking of, and I think other issues closer to home, might be more important in the near future (100's-1000's of years).
we had our chance in 2012
we blew it
>It depends on what time frame you're thinking o
We are already running out of time. We currently have an abundance of cheaply available fossil fuels propping up the global economy. Once they are gone we will be less able explore, exploit, and colonize space. That is unless some miraculous technology comes around, something we don't have the luxury to assume will happen. To assume future generations will magically solve the problems we were too lazy to solve with old fashioned grit is shameful.
>an elite few.
If by "an elite few" you mean pretty much every nation on earth and by proxy every person on earth, do you have any idea how important precious metal bullion is to world economy?
Why can't Republicans ever nominate the good guy?
Ignore him, he's a pinko faggot who thinks making everyone equally poor and miserable is a good thing
You should get out more.
Dude, the average person will gain a whole hell of a lot more by having cheap platinum then they will lose from having their meager platinum stocks devalued. The world economy would see a net benefit. Only a few people involved in terrestrial platinum mining would be worse off.
The idea that more resources is a bad thing is absurd.
>get out
It really only became that because of being part of the US. Had it stayed independent it probably would have just been like Texas.
Only rich countries will do space mining. Space ressources extractors would be extremely dumb to sell what they get for less than the current price, since they'd have to invest billions first to actually get the product
As long as Earth doesn't run out of the needed materials for electronics (which shouldn't happen at all if those billions were actually used for recycling them), it would be absurd to go fetch precious materials just to sell them at a discount price, which is why space ressource extracting will never ever be done for the next centuries. Companies don't do humanitarism.
>Space ressources extractors would be extremely dumb to sell what they get for less than the current price, since they'd have to invest billions first to actually get the product
That is flat out wrong though. The whole point of space mining is that current and future mineral prices are inflated by scarcity and that space has ridiculous amounts of the stuff. Some asteroids have more precious metals than have EVER been mind in human history.
Let me guess you live in like central Stockholm or something
I knew finns were this bad, but I thought swedes were slightly less autistic.
My mate, same here.
And the companies are well aware of the fact that scarcity gets ruined the moment they bring the meteor back. It means that either
- they keep the, for instance, platinum, at the current high price, because they want to do a profit. The world doesn't benefit at all from the situation. It's unlikely that it happens, since scarcity would suddenly disappear, meaning:
- they sell platinum for a low price. The $2.9 trillions that the platinum would give become $2 millions, there's no profit but the world becomes a better place. No company wants that.
You also need only so much platinum in the world. Since the current reserve is well enough to cover everyone's needs (even poor people have smartphones), unless they bring the meteor back for a specific project (space exploration for instance) they just spent billions for 2000 tons of platinum nobody wants
look for yourself
I don't even care if people want silly amounts of personal space, but waiting for a bus like that is a waste of diesel.
>The $2.9 trillions that the platinum would give become $2 millions
This is ridiculous. You are a being ridiculous and you know it.
Furthermore, precious metals have more applications than you realize and those applications will grow when such metals become cheaper.
I imagine they start approaching each other when the bus actually gets there. Like an accordion made of autists being pushed on the side furthest away from the stop.
I suppose so. The bus driver just has to stop at the sign and leave if no one approaches. That will cure their autism pretty quickly.
He's likely to be Trump's running mate.
We are this time
Isn't that shit the reason the Romans didn't wreck the sassanids?
>Then Trump will truly be the emperor of mankind guiding us into space
A space mining company only cares about shareholder benefit. If they can get an asteroid and profit from it, they'll do it and society will benefit
He doesn't pick them up one by one you dumb shit.
But Trump is a xenophobe with no knowledge of international relations who will ultimately run America's international cooperation into the ground and only increase rivalries abroad.
Having someone from a southern state who supports space exploration as president would be good, like Marco Rubio, but having one as a VP is all but pointless.
>This is ridiculous
You just said the price of the metal was inflated by scarcity. Bringing several hundreds of times the total amount of that metal extracted means the end of scarcity, hence the immense decrease of price.
>more applications than you realize
Such as?
Please no bully, Swedish senpai.
>hence the immense decrease of price
What if they just horde it like diamonds?
>Marco Rubio
>Corporate establishment whores and neocons
Why do foreigners find this weird?
Fucking normies can't handle the nordic autism
Im a sucker for the albigensian states.
Would have been a really interesting culture, if they would have managed to survive.
I did it as well, I should have known better then to expect abbos to achieve something.
Now, they even had contact to seafaring muslim malays who traded seacucumbers with them and stayed at their shores for a while.
They didnt even adapt the Malai tech even though relations were friendly!
But whatever precious metal you would bring would still add greatly to the total market price of the global platinum, not decrease it.
If you have two gold nuggets together worth $100 and I introduce ten gold nuggets, the total price of gold doesn't go down nor does it merely stay $100. It significantly goes up. Inflation merely means the total price of all our nuggets doesn't reach $600.
Precious metals are very useful for alloying, for resisting rusting and tarnishing, as catalysts, in biosensors, circuitry, and even anti-bacterial underwear just to name a few off the top of my head. Currently people have to use sub-optimum alternatives due to the price of some of these metals. That would be fixed by greatly increasing the supply of such metals.
>Corporate establishment whore
>implying Trump is the solution
It's like replacing a satanist with literal Satan or a communist with Karl Marx.
Since the demand isn't that high industries could actually boycott them and get what they need at the others companies until the space extractors understand that they're going to get bankrupt if they don't decrease it
But if the space extractors were the only platinum providers on Earth then yes they could hoard it (unless there's a public outcry). It would be however a bit pointless to spend billions to sell it at the same price at the end (demand isn't going to skyrocket because you have a lot of the product)
They know it'll be an unreliable operation provoking an unknown variation of price, for an extraction of a very high cost. Shareholders like money, but above that they love money at a minimal risk
>muh space
Nobody cares, waste of taxpayer money.
>Implying having a president who isn't bought up by corporations isn't good in the long run.
>Impling the corporate shills and their "overlords" don't hate him
>albigensian states
That doesnt make sense
>big business is bad so let's elect the head of a big business
>I hate humanity.
Then off yourself.
it's not necessarily bad. It's just bad that most of them want to globalize the market, Outsource jobs to China and/or import cheap workers from latin america. Trump is a protectionist. He is also against more wars in the middle east and he's isn't against Putin.
>Implying Trump isn't a puppet either.
>Head of big business
No thats Soros and the Goldman sachs
Well yes the total value will go up, but it'll be inversely proportional to the amount of metal brought. If the 10 nuggets are worth $500, maybe 30 will be worth $700, and 20 000 $1000, which will mean your ruin if your extraction cost price doesn't go down.
>alloying, for resisting rusting and tarnishing, as catalysts, in biosensors, circuitry, and even anti-bacterial underwear just to name a few off the top of my head
Does Earth needs 20 000 tons of these more than they actually have of high quality material? For the same price as what we already have, since you claim no change of price?
I don't get it: if you say the price of platinum isn't going to decrease, why would people use it more after the platinum meteor comes to Earth? They'll still use the shitty, cheaper alternatives.
Anyone who has more money than some nations should count as having conflicting interests and not be eligible to be President. It's the same concept as being born in another country. Someone born in another country may not have the stones to declare war on that country, similarly someone who owns a huge company may not have the stones to harm that company for the sake of America.
No offense to the Dixiebros but the CSA was never recognised as a sovereign nation by any other country on earth
>it'll be inversely proportional to the amount of metal brought
What will be inversely proportional? Are you screwing up your mathematical terms?
I don't even know what you are arguing anymore. It sounds like
>we may benefit from space mining, but we don't NEED it, see, I can subsist off this grain of rice!
>all the gold is currently worth $8.2 trillion so obviously space mining won't be worth it if it what they mine is only worth $5 trillion... obviously
>I don't get it: if you say the price of platinum isn't going to decrease, why would people use it more after the platinum meteor comes to Earth? They'll still use the shitty, cheaper alternatives.
Okay, you seem genuinely confused, so let me try to lay it out for you. The price per lbs of a metal will go down, but the total value of all of the metal in the market will go up. The company introducing all the metal into the market will gain the largest market share of this growing supply. So if the market is worth $8.2 trillion and you double it, the value may go up to $12 trillion, and you owning half of the market will have made $6 trillion, simply put.
They were a bunch of dukedoms with an own distinct culture of governing, spoke an own language native to southern france and made an alliance for like a 100 years or so due to sharing a wacky ass synthesis of christianity and buddhism.
I think that counts as state/federation or some medieval equivalent to that.
We Dutch do exactly the same desu
Globalization is good. It gives jobs to foreigners and gives cheaper goods to Americans. The world sees a net benefit. The only problem is that it screws up how American wage slaves put bread on the table. That is why the government needs to provide a safety net and why the average American needs to save to give their kid a college education so they can compete in a post-industrial economy. America becomes the manager and innovator for the world economy while industrializing nations become the producers.
>muh cheap goods
kill yourself shill.
God i hate american libtards
>this nonargument
The problem is this safety net turns people into an angry, bored underclass who feel wronged by the government and corporations that took their jobs.