The last mammoth probably died around the time the Code of Hammurabi was written.
It really makes you think.
The last mammoth probably died around the time the Code of Hammurabi was written.
It really makes you think.
Other urls found in this thread:
is there any chance whatsoever that a human from a civilization has ever encountered a mammoth?
pre-flood civilization yes
They lived on Wrangel Island. Just Inuits.
please dont respond to trolls
monkeys don't evolve from rocks
of course they dont thats just what the darwinists want you to believe.
You are the troll for baiting people into believing there was no flood.
Churchill fought as a cavalry lancer in his youth, witnessed the invention of the airplane, jet engine, computer and nuclear bombs. Few more years and he would've seen the moon landing.
The Finnish one is know for having used mammut cavelry.
Was the flood related to the Autism Rays?
Just act like he's talking about the hyper war, fags.
I'd call him a cunt if he was talking about hyper war meme shit, get fucked with that non historical meme fucking wankery
Paul von Hindenburg was as this event.
>>biblical flood
Dank memes bruh
Dank memes
>biblical flood
>not historical
*tips fedora*
Oh boy, memes again.
Dank bruh
Truly dank
Not a civilized human, but humans definitely. A lot of the megafauna from the Americas are thought to have been hunted at least partway to extinction.
Check out some early elephants (much earlier than megafauna though)
>le "bible isnt true" joke
Dank bruh
Truly dank
>Nephilim were giants
Pls go and stay go
The reason Veeky Forums is going further into shit is because people respond to trolls posting things like spamming repent or whatever. And then they act like it isn't their fault.
Stay in denial, fedorafag.
>>it's the random pictures from creationist whackjob sites on the internet meme! :^)
Truly the dankest indeed.
/pol/tards are the true problem.
Nah. Responding to trolls is the problem. I think a lot of people here are from less troll infected boards so they don't know how to deal with them.
I'm a Christian. The Nephilim were not giants at all, nothing in the Bible mentions their size.
Many semitic religions have floodmyths, such as the one where the watergod Enki safes his favorite two humans from the flood of other dickish gods.
Now, there might have been some serious flood around the levant, black sea or persian gulf that fucked over some important early citystates which inspired stories about it later on tying it to the divine that ended up in the israelite peoples memory , but saying there was a giant continentdrowning flood is not supported by any geologists of merit.
See the problem here is that you are laying the fault at the feet of the victim and not the instigator. Trolling is against the rules of the board, mocking the trolls isn't.
Also, if people on this website were actually capable of ignoring blatant trolls we wouldn't need mods in the first place.
>you need to prove your theories
>unless it's evidence for the bible, in which case i automatically reject it no matter how compelling
Nice cognitive dissonance!
They believe Kain was the antichrist and tower of babel was to summon demons, they don't give a shit about Sola scriptura.
"And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight." Numbers 13:33
Not an argument.
>the last mammoths died while the pyramids were being built
>mongolians were fighting both crusaders and samurai at once
>the filing cabinet was invented the same year as the remote control boat, 30 years before sliced bread
>When pilgrims were landing on Plymouth Rock, you could visit Santa Fe, New Mexico to stay at a hotel, eat at a restaurant and buy native american silver.
>1912 saw the tragic voyage of the Titanic as well as the birth of vitamins, x-ray crystallography, and MDMA
>The last inmate to die by firing squad in the US did so the day Toy Story 3 came out
>The first wagon train of the oregon trail headed out the same year the fax machine is invented
>Shakespeare was still alive when the British began colonizing America
>The Eastern Roman Empire fell only forty years before Columbus reached the Americas. Romans heard news of the discovery of a new continent
>Pablo Picasso died the year Pink Floyd released "Dark Side of the Moon"
Daily reminder that chariot wheels are found in the bottom of the Red Sea, exactly where Moses crossed.
Daily reminder that millions of brimstone sulfur balls are found in Jordan, where God rained down fire on the homosexual faggots.
>Genghis Khan and King John were contemporaries. Khan sacked Beijing (then called Zhongdu) the year the Magna Carta was signed, 1215
>Prisoners began to arrive to Auschwitz a few days after McDonalds was founded
>John F. Kennedy, C.S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley all died on the same day
>Coca-Cola is only 31 years younger than Italy
>Aldous Huxley was George Orwell's French teacher in high school
>Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II were born in the same year.
>John Quincy Adams knew both Washington and Lincoln
>Spain was still a fascist dictatorship when Microsoft was founded
>Karl Marx was a supporter of Abraham Lincoln
>Mozart was entering the height of his career at the same time that America was declaring independence as a nation
>Galileo died the same year Newton was born
>Nintendo was founded in 1888. Jack the Ripper was on the loose in 1888. The Washington Monument was finished in 1888.
>Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the exact same day
>Socrates was born 469 BC, 10 years after the death of Confucius
>The Ottoman empire still existed the last time the Chicago Cubs won the world series
>The last use of the guillotine was in France the same year Star Wars came out
>Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Junior were born on the same year
>While General Custer was fighting native tribes on the frontier, the Brooklyn Bridge was being built
>The pyramids of Giza were as old to the ancient romans as the ancient romans are to us
>The Inauguration of the Eiffel Tower, and the wall street journal, Starry Night, Coca-cola, Nintendo, birth of Adolf Hitler, and Thomas Midgley Jr. all began/happened on the same year
>Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire
In case you are confused pic related explains how arguments are logically structured. I would be grateful if you could translate any one of your posts into this form so we can argue properly about what you are saying.
also the ruins of Jericho were excavated
so much archeological evidence supporting the bible yet atheists continue to hate on God
>Late actor Christopher Lee was present at the last public guillotine execution in France
>Guns had been in use in China for about 200 years when the English defeated the French at Crécy through the novel use of the longbow
>Winston Churchill fought in the Zulu war
>The USA was invaded and the White house was burned down at the same time the French had conquered continental europe
>9/11 is now closer to the fall of the Berlin Wall than the current year
>The Home Insurance Building and castle Schloss Neuschwanstein were built at the same time
>When World War II happened, there were still ex-slaves living in the US
>We put a man on the moon before we put wheels on suitcases
>Harriet Tubman died when Rosa Parks was just over one month old.
>Today's oldest tree was 1000 years old when the last Wooly Mammoth died.
>Yellowstone National Park was established the year after Germany officially became a country
>Earnest Hemmingway knew Picasso
>Orville Wright and Niel Armstrong were alive at the same time
>The first Sherlock Holmes story was published the same year Basketball was invented
>Lenin died the same year George H W Bush was born
>Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle who taught Alexander the Great
>The time periods represented in Gone With the Wind, Anne of Green Gables, and Little House in the Big Woods were all within 10 years of each other
>Shirley Temple and Philip Seymour Hoffman died in the same month.
>William Shakespeare (Who lived through the mobilization of the spanish armada) and Miguel Cervantes (Who fought in the battle of Lepanto) died within 2 days of each other
Still not an argument.
>The sushi roll and sandwich were created in the same century. Both were made by noblemen, one in Japan and one in Europe, who loved playing games (Go and Chess, respectably) so much that they demanded their chefs make a meal that they can eat with one hand so they didn't have to stop playing.
>Cleopatra lived closer to the moon landings than she did to the building of the Pyramids of Giza
>Doctor Who premiered the day after the Kennedy Assassination.
>Oreos were invented the same year the titanic sank
>Oxygen was discovered during the American Revolution
>Some of the people who watched the last public hanging in London likely traveled there on the underground
>Mississippi abolished slavery the same year NASA put Curiosity on Mars.
>Baseball in St. Louis and the Little Big Horn happened at the same time
>The U.S.A. and the Holy Roman Empire were contemporaries
>When Kublai Khan became the Mongol Emperor, the first humans were setting foot on New Zealand.
>Newton came up with gravity about the same time Massachusetts became a colony.
>The Swedish mining company Stora Kopparberg (shut down in 1992) was founded in the same century as lions became extinct in Europe
>The Taj Mahal was built during the 30 Years War
>The first commercial radio station was founded the same year slavery was abolished in China
>Joseph Smith died the year Nelson Mandela was born
>The last american slave died in 1971
>Mountain Dew was invented when the Nazis invaded Belgium
>The last widow of a US Civil War veteran died after the release of the iPhone 3G.
>George Washington Carver lived to be filmed in color.
>The Simpsons and the Soviet Union existed at the same time.
But the religitards got chased out of /pol/. Besides, nationalists and racists can debate things, albeit poorly. Somebody who can only repeat bible verses or endlessly repost shit from cretinist webpages isn't capable of actual discussion.
>People who fought alongside General Custer saw the moon landing
>Plate armor, guns, and cannons were invented at the same time
>The last Shogun of Japan knew of both Bloody Sunday and the building of the Panama canal
>Buenos Aires was found the same year that Ann Boleyn was beheaded
>J.J. Thompson discovered the electron six years after the battle of Little Big Horn.
>The first bicycle was built 3 years after the first steam locomotive
>Tchaikovsky died the day before Colorado women were allowed to vote.
>Al Capone was born the same year a car first reached 100 km/h
>You could buy a Ford Model T and visit the Ottoman Empire at the same time.
>Elvis and Groucho Marx died 3 days apart.
>The Greek Civil War took place about the same time as the French decolonization of Africa
>The pilgrims landed in America less than 100 years after the Aztec empire fell.
>The Mughal Empire was dissolved by the British at the time the American Civil War was going on.
>The Book of Ruth in The Bible documents the Persian side of the Battle of Thermopylae, or at least the Persians preparations for the war against Greece that contained it.
>The Aztec empire was founded the same year Joan of Arc started hearing voices
>John Travolta was born on the day that the first church of Scientology was established
>There were people born during the Samurai era that saw the Atom bomb
>The Summer of Love and the peak of Cultural Revolution in China were happening at the same time
>he doesn't even speak Hebrew
>he translated בני האלהים with "Giants"
Not even aleph bro, not even aleph.
>Michelangelo was an apprentice sculptor when Columbus landed in the Americas
>The last armed Native American conflict was happening when the last American soldier left Vietnam, the first MLB designated hitter was used, the first mobile phone call happened, and Dark Side of the Moon was released
>Tyrannosaurus Rex lived closer in time to Humans than to Stegosaurus
>Socrates died on the same day as the Buddha
>Homer's Iliad was made the same year as the birth of Rome
>Bach produced his first composition on the same day the Declaration of Independence was signed
>Coca-Cola was invented the same year as the end of the Crimean War
>Dante's Inferno was finished on the same date as Paradise Lost, just different years
>Chaucer's Canterbury Tales were made during Caesar's Gallic Campaigns
>The battle of Thermopylae was on the same date, but different year, as the American invasion of Iraq
>Abraham Lincoln died the day Alice in Wonderland was published
If they want to burn in hell so much, let them.
Atleast we warned them.
And that's our job as Christians, try to save souls and spread the gospel to those willing to hear.
>Still not an argument.
Still not an argument.
>Homer's Iliad was made the same year as the birth of Rome
For none of these events exists a reliable date. Your posts are weak (pasta?).
The ball is in your court.
If you can't refute the evidence presented and instead resort to ad hominems, you basically admit defeat.
the cave where Lot banged his two daughters was excavated showing remains of empty beer cans, amyl nitrate ampules, and and a primitive form of Viagra
>Ad hominem
Still not an argument.
It's funny how atheists scream "PROOF" and "SCIENCE" from the top of their lungs, yet it's always the Christians that provide proof and scientific evidence while atheists just shitpost.
Christianity: 1
Fedoraism: 0
>Somebody who can only repeat bible verses or endlessly repost shit from cretinist webpages isn't capable of actual discussion.
Funny thing is I worked and studied with highly religious people, even with a catholic priest i.e. people who devote their whole lives to what they believe to be the message of Christ. Literally none of them cared about this pseudo-historical bullshit religitards argue in threads like these cause they were too busy helping other people.
Why did fire squad get abolished anyways?
>ad hominems
I didn't use a single one. I asked you to translate your "arguments" in the universal language of logic taught in the first semester or pretty much every science including theology. You seem to be unable or unwilling to do that. Also image macros from Canadian bible sites is not evidence. If it was pic related would be able to refute it.
Finally. A good post.
>>that picture
You know, sensible religious people don't take random creationist websites on the internet seriously.
I mean seriously, all the major denominations of modern christianity accept evolution, what the fuck is your problem?
Sorry, but this is clearly an Alien skull.
You creationists are making my depression worse. Please stop existing.
You know, sensible atheist people don't take random evolutionist websites on the internet seriously.
See? That's your logic.
>all the major denominations of modern christianity accept evolution
Only Catholics do, and Roman Catholicism is the Antichrist Babylonian mystery cult spoken of in Revelation.
Lukewarm "Christians" do not represent true believers.
Just as edgy Reddit neo-atheists represent real atheists/agnostics.
>atheist calling someone else depressing
Nice bait
Yeah, except in science where both Atheists and Christians use the same language if empiricism, falsification and logic. You should not base your world view on a Peruvian pottery page.
>unironically believing in evolutionism
OP is baiting, hide thread and move on.
Very neat user. If true.
>through the novel use of the longbow
You mean the weapon itself or the tactics associated with it?
>Winston Churchill fought in the Zulu war
You sure it wasn't Sudan?
>>Only Catholics do, and Roman Catholicism is the Antichrist Babylonian mystery cult spoken of in Revelation.
>>taking chick tracts seriously
>taking darwin seriously
I don't why anyone still responds to this guy. He shitposts kent hovind and whore of babylon in every thread that remotely applies. He's like those Flat earthers who shitposted on Veeky Forums. He's just pretending to be retarded.
>saying the truth is shitposting
You live in a fantasy world.
>be christian
>justifying drug use
this retard needs to stop replying, he truly is making this board just as bad as the other guy.
>be Willy
>born on an isolated icy island
>born to a single mother that died few months after birth
>have few siblings that die off in years to genetic flaws thanks to inbreeding
>look around the island for others of your kind
>there is nothing but some small rodents
>try to eat some of the few leftover plants
>they all taste sour and burn your throat on the way down
>go to the single stream of fresh water
>its icy cold and hurts as needles on its way down your throat
>yfw Willy realizes he is the last one of his kind
>yfw Willy realized his body is incapable of life
>yfw Willy lies down, looks on the landscape of the island covered with bones of his ancestors
>yfw Willy decides to close his eyes forever, making his whole species leave this gloomy world
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Adams last words were "Jefferson still lives", not knowing he died 5 hours ago.
You faggots in every thread.
/pol/ isn't anti-science, shitposters pretend they are and newfags here actually take their baits.
Sure, "christian".
Genesis 6:4 [Full Chapter]
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
>geologists of merit.
i.e. geologists who disagree with your position.
>>>Answers in Genesis
>speculative history based on scientific confirmation bias
And here again we see the genocidal nature of the godless left.
Cleopatra lived closer to the Moon Landing than to the construction of the Pyramids
all history is speculative
Do you mean JC Bach? Because JS Bach died in 1750
And even closer to Mark Anthony's cock
>same date, but different year,
who the fuck cares
It isn't completely. Some states still have it as an option.
Most states went with lethal injection.
Anticapital punishment protests and lack of volunteers. People didn't want to shoot people
This was a fun fact thread not a feels thread
>>Chaucer's Canterbury Tales were made during Caesar's Gallic Campaigns
Guard Mammoth cavary was primarily used by the mighty Finnish Republic of Novogrod
Gr8 b8 m8
Yahweists, not creationists.
He also fought in sadowa in 1866
Homer's Iliad wasn't "made", it was a story passed down orally by bards over the centuries before being written down and preserved in a single form.
Except Spain never was a fascist dictatorship
It's OK, he probably went to heaven.
When humans first started inhabiting Jericho, Britain was not an island yet.
>Mississippi abolished slavery the same year NASA put Curiosity on Mars.
U wot m8?
Maybe he meant the Boer war.
Facts aren't bait
Franco wasn't anything resembling a fascist