Sup Veeky Forums i just ate so much and feel incredibly horrible. been trying to force myself to vomit but to no avail...

sup Veeky Forums i just ate so much and feel incredibly horrible. been trying to force myself to vomit but to no avail, any tips?

kys :--)

posting fashion gods

Commit to going harder for your next workout.
Skip an upcoming meal or opt for a snack instead.
Know that self-control is a beautiful thing.

tried twice, jumped off my roof a couple years ago and broke my leg, sat in my garage with my car turned on last year, wokeup 8 hours later with a headache. havent tried since

i get waves of depression and eat my feelings away, i really wish i could control myself

ive got no friends, no family, gf left me because i was bumming her out all the time. gained a ton of weight and feel so damn disgusting i really want to die. if anyone can give me tips on how to force vomit i would really appreciate it. tried punching myself in the stomach as hard as i could multiple times, drinking tons of water, and shoving my finger down my throat for half an hour straight, got nothing

any adice will help before i start to digest this shit

posting random shit i have on my phone for now






What the fuck lol there's got to be a pt 2 somewhere

The more you see food as negative, the more you'll feel bad for going out of bounds.
Moderation is learned without self-flaggation. Be careful, user, remember that a dance cannot be perfected without a few missteps.

thank you for the kind words, user

thats all i got, picked it up from a cringe thread on /b/

No problem- had a few ups and downs so I know how it feels.
Wish you the best, user.

i know this one is old as shit but i always feel bad for this dude, probably not 100% "there". or maybe he is and is just an autismo beta, either way OP try doing a ton of crunches really fucking fast and then trying to puke. Also if you include jumping jacks in that it might work better

Try touching the barrel of a loaded 12 gauge shotgun to the roof of your mouth and pulling the trigger.

if i had one i would

dont know if these are all the same user but thank you, you made me feel a lot better and instilled a shred of hope in a hopeless person

ugh what's with anos and vomiting. it makes no significant impact on how much food is absorbed, and just fucks your teeth up.

at this point im not trying to vomit anymore since i know all the bad shit is already absorbed, i created this thread right after binge eating and feeling like garbage

>picked it up from a cringe thread on /b/
>There are people on Veeky Forums who also frequent /b/
>The fucking current state of Veeky Forums

Op you need to talk to someone go and get help it's OK to not feel OK.

It's good for shitty humor. Sometimes. Elitist-scum

Look in the mirror

um instead of vomitting maybe u should work out?? wtf man, shedding 2 pounds in a day isnt that damn hard

>2 lbs/day
>7000 cal deficit

unless you're morbidly obese or have the water retention of a sponge, that's impossible