There are people, on this board RIGHT NOW, who don't believe in evolution. How can, with all the evidence we've been left with, there be people who refuse to accept it? For a while, I never understood why scientists disregard philosophy. Now, however, I see why. People who refute clear and obvious scientific discoveries bring down the name of all of philosophy.
There are people, on this board RIGHT NOW, who don't believe in evolution. How can...
It's just one or two trolls that have recently become very obnoxious. Also this isn't Veeky Forums related.
It most certainly is not just one or two trolls. Whole swaths of the religious members of this board hold that ludicrous shit close to their heart.
Discussing the problems within our own board's 'culture' feels Veeky Forums related.
Usually, the argument I hear amongst muslims is based on misunderstandig of the term "scientific theory". Another common one is the assumption that evolutionary theory is just a vogue of the time. Most muslims I know accept evolution and see no problem with it, though.
>people who don't believe scientific theories insult philosophy
literally what
They make us look dumb.
Explain punctuated equilibrium. fuccboi
Why do religious fanatics make philosophers look dumb? I've never met anyone studying philosophy that would deny evolution.
Pop your head into a theological thread one of these days and just ask, you will be amazed.
Sometimes the selection pressures operating on a population are increased in intensity temporarily (allopatric speciation perhaps), leading to speciation events more rapidly than the regular background rate. This is seen as a pattern over geological time frames of sudden (depending on how you define sudden) speciation events followed by long periods when not much occurs, at least in terms of obvious morphology (see the coelacanth).
Also I'm neither of those anons and this thread is shit.
The ones posting creationist stuff though are never making high quality posts about philosophy, they are just low quality shitposters.
Stasis is just a point in which the species has met optimal needs to deal with the pressures in its given environment. When a new environmental pressure is introduced, stasis is broken.
If it's only 1-2 trolls then they have to live in this board... which I guess isn't impossible
>there are people RIGHT NOW that believe in evolution
Why don't you go fuck a monkey you liars
Repent now of your sin and you may yet be saved.
The theory of evolution is false.
Darwin was wrong, deal with it.
you see the problem of the positivist, or even the rationalist in science,:
doubt is permitted only when the doubt is judged acceptable by the scientist [what is acceptable is what makes you have faith in what the scientist claims]:
-if you doubt too little from the statements of people talking to you, the scientist will call you a religious, a sheep, a guy spending his time on metaphysical theses which are disconnected form the reality [the reality that the scientist posits]
-if you doubt too much from the statements of the scientist, the scientist will wave then the card of nominalism, anti-realism, relativism/nihilism/solipsism and terrorize you, since the scientists have no other means, than terrorism, to validate their position
the fact that you have faith in mathematical models to tell you about ''the world'' (which is an inductive concept, like all concepts) is already a philosophical stance. but scientists cannot justify this stance and they become very upset as soon as they are recalled that they fail at justifying their claims that their inductions and deductions are more than conventions inside some formal language.
So they even say explicitly that they are not paid to justify their faith and that this justification does not matter anyway (because they choose to claim that ''science works, look it gives us computers and cars :DDDD'' which is nothing but feeding our hedonism and the statement itself remains very dubious)
What evidence?
You evolutiontards always scream "EVIDENCE!" but you never show them.
>atheists actually believe monkeys are their grandparents
haha oh wow
Welp, looks like we're stumped. Brb, off to buy a bible.
>Isn't LOSING something the opposite of evolution?
gets me everytime
>le "evolution is true" meme
Variations within kinds is a scientific fact.
Dogs turning into whales is fantasy.
The creationist shitposting with threads being created as soon as mods delete the last is a recent phenomena. And they are being so obnoxious that I'd say there is a 50/50 chance they are atheists just trying to get a rise out of people.
It really boggles my mind how people can still believe in evolution after it has been proven wrong countless times.
Cognitive dissonance, atheists are retarded.
Noah was right, think of God every time you see a rainbow.
OP we are still waiting for you to provide proof.
You made a claim, prove it.
He got me .
I'm off to sacrifice a goat to Yahweh.
Don't need to, Jesus was the perfect lamb.
Jesus fulfilled the scriptures.
Better to be safe than sorry.
>doubt is permitted only when the doubt is judged acceptable by the scientist [what is acceptable is what makes you have faith in what the scientist claims]:
The doubt in ether theory was proven right and accepted. And mind you that this was against ENORMOUS scientific authority Tesla held.
The doubt in classical physics was proven right and accepted. Two GIGANTIC scientific authorities - Newton and Maxwell being proven wrong during that time.
There was a doubt that radioactivity causes the radiated bodies to radiate. Marie Curie believed it does and had some proof for it but she was later proven wrong, you know - woman who invented radioactivity in the first place and was hailed among positivist thinkers, academia and scientists as a woman who could into science!
The doubt in plenty other things was proven right and accepted.
Somehow though, they do everything to not allow the wonderful proof material creationist have to reach their ears, or do they?
stop replying to this shitty bait thread!
just hide and move on
This guy spouts so much bullshit on one webpage, astounding.
Here's an explanation on mutation, in case you're curious.
Cause that shit don't even make sense just like a bunch of other "theories". Scientists just look stupid as fuck when they can't figure something out and make all these crazy ideas. Day 1 coffee is good for you Day 2 coffee will kill you type of stuff like make up your damn mind