After my time here I noticed there is a few empires and people can is either meme'd or shat on. So today! I ask for answers! Why the hate or meme shitflinging at the Holy Roman Empire and the Germans?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muh German exceptionalism
>Muh Hitler
Everyone hates krauts and their inferiority complex.
There is a strong anti-German sentiment here because this board is populated by butthurt Polacks and French surrender monkeys.
Sure, sure don't like krauts for whatever reason but why the Holy Roman Empire, besides being ruled by one or two germans, why the hate?
That dagger has a reach of like 6 inches.
Well, for starters, the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.
There's an anti German sentiment here because their inferiority complex will always make them the laughingstock of West Europe. Don't let your asspain make you think you're mocked more than slavshi,t krautcuck.
It's a /gsg/ counter-meme that went out of hands.
It's an easy meme. That's it, literally.
I don't think many people actually /hate/ the HRE or Germany. Of course, I've seen a few threads derailed by some butthurt euro who seems to actually hate them with a burning passion, but i think most of what you're seeing is more akin to "They're overrated" than "they accomplished nothing fucking snowniggers"
There's a lot of Germanboos, so in turn there are a lot of people who mock them. The kind of people who post shit about German elite forces toppling the degenerate Romans, it's easy to mock people like that.
Germans have been trying to destroy Europe for thousands of years. No wonder everyone in Europe hates them
I'm half German and half Russian.
And I actually love this country and even it's past, with acceptions of course.
But I really hate what they are doing to my beloved country.... I'm not against immigration but Germany will change and not in a good way.
I see Anglos meme'd harder here than the germans. They get it worse on /int/ and /pol/ desu, thanks in no small part to Merkel
t. Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanovsky
>I'm half German and half Russian.
There a big need of Tercios here.
Take your nazi love to /pol/.
Take your commie love to /leftypol/
Sorry, but Veeky Forums is a left-wing board.
My wife regularly sleeps with black men and I don't mind one bit. How does that make you feel?
Veeky Forums is a Christian board.
And take your love for Nazis with you.
Back to /leftypol/, marxist cuck
pull that barbed wire out of your ass
1) Papal mandate, ecclesiastical electors
2) Pope again, territorial overlap, judicial principles, administrative language
3) Germany, Bohemia, Italy
This board is full of leftist reddit cucks. So they hate nationalism, and thus hate German history. At the same time they have fetishes for the French Revolution and Marxism.
It's a shame we cannot see flags here, it would certainly be more telling.
Louis pls.
Oh nice fucking meme.
How do you enjoyed your day shit posting on le funny 4chinz?
I see
Fuck this board
I'm going back to fit, sp and tv
The french revolution couldn't be more nationalist.
It was the opposite of nationalism, it was the beginning of modern leftist violence. Here is the direct result of the French Revolution:
Fuck off back to Kazakhstan.