Meanwhile in antiquity Veeky Forums

>Meanwhile in antiquity Veeky Forums......

Why do the flying birds, upon crossing the sun's course, appear to fly behind it rather than before it ?


I bring you the good news!

Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!

did you lads see the coliseum matches last night
fucking brutal



I don't wanna be racist but why can't cumskins seem to ever get civilized? Is it genetic?

Did you see the graffiti on the baths wall? Apparently, Quintus is seeing Agrippina, but he's wed to Livia!

That's the 20th damn Jew to be claiming the title of Christ just this month. At least this one isn't raising an army, but I heard he went on rampage and wrecked the coin exchange, so I suppose we'll have to put this one down as well.

>This exists as a stock photo...

Anybody else been bothered by Socrates lately? I was trying to buy some olives the other day and he wouldn't take the hint and just piss off. I swear to god when I finally told him I didn't want to argue and to go away he acted like he won some sort of grand debate and then went on his merry way to annoy another.

I pray to the gods that in the next age, men like Socrates will no longer be around, starting pointless arguments for their own amusement.

>dem nipples
>dem abs
>dat stomach

I don't get why we have an entire discussion ground for the work of Herodotus

Did you guys hear? I heard Diogenes completely BTFO Alexander the other day. What a dog!

He is really corrupting the youth with that shit too. I hope someone kills him.

Gaius and his bro 4 lyfe Aulus wuz here.


Oogah Boogah Rockstop!

Daily reminder that the Imperium Romanum is neither Imperial nor Roman

On an unrelated note, does anyone know who this guy is? His attire is nothing like I've ever seen, sure he must be some sort of effeminate barbarian?

Diogenes believes he is wiser than Plato, but he's nothing but a madman.

That menace should've been exiled from the city after that incident at the theatre.

I was at a dinner party and that Fucker pissed on someones leg and keeps shining a Lantern in people's face during the middle of the day.

Personally getting sick of him and his cynic shit.

I just saw an Egyptian tourist today, and it was... wierd.
I don't know, I mean, I don't want to be racist or anything, but he was a little more... dark skinned, than I expected.

it appears to be some sort of bony woman who cares not for her unsightly eyebrows

Would you say he was a monarch of some kind?

I just cut my finder on a knife. The doctor said I'm gonna die by the end of the week. Oh well, I've lived a long life, almost reached 30.

Can I have your grinding stones

pls be in

Everything goes to my youngest grandson.

I don't know... he did call me "ayo senpai" and "niguh" however. What could that mean? Some sort of egyptian royal greeting?

May Jupiter grant you a painful death

>Turnus did nothing wrong

come pay me for boiling herbs and intoxicating fungus insead and I can spare you of your doom

i say he is, he interrupted our class with plato by shoving a naked chicken to his face. the absolute degenerate.

>Not praying to Asklepios to heal you
τοπ kεk lad, you deserve to die

Do you think maybe he is being this aggressive as a form of a new way to communicate with people? I might call that... "banta"

I saw Socrates at a market stand in athens yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for lessons or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen boy slaves in his hands without paying.

The girl at the stand was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the slaves and started counting it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to count them each individually “to prevent any sophistic infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she counted each slave and put them in chains and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by arguing the nature of truth really loudly.

>implying Asklepios didn't heal his greatest sickness of them all


Yeshua is LORD & SAVIOR

Which is that lad?



*builds a mud hut*

Tyrone this is the middle of Athens what are you doing

I'm coveting these digits

can't say but ilike it, also who's this little chucklefuck called aristotle that plato took in? also have you heard of the mooks far west calling themselves romans?

>buying from women
Was she menstruating? He'll regret buying unclean goods later.

What's the deal with Romans?
They can barely row and they're barely men.

Did you guys hear of those weirdos over in italy stealing our gods ?

plebeian why must you walk around this forum with your name written on some wood hung from your neck?
Jupiter smite you barbarian.

May zeus forgive me for leaving my name chain on dominus

Zeus = Satan

quam miseri dei tibi sunt


Oy vey?!?!?!??!?!?




I am not sure in what degenarating, destructed society you live in, but it sure isn't Athens.

Pardon me, I must have mistaken your dad

What the fuck did you just say about my dad you fucking wanker?

Hey, no worries. That was nothing but a demonstration of my new invention in language, I call it a banta. I think this could really make these anonymous forums a little more exciting.

>you fucking wanker?
Did you just call me a fucking cynic?

Sparta is the best, good thing we dystroyed our own walls when we lost the war :^)

Not so tough now eh?



Why didn't the barbarous tribes of the far-north ever develop beyond the lowly straw hut. Is it due to lack of sun?

Not the other guy, but could that Egyptian man be described as "the shit" or "in a variety showed by shit" when discussing his rank?

>christians will worship this

little donkey is the worst christmas carol