What do Chinese people think of the cultural revolution?
How much does the opinion and perspective differ between mainland Chinese and other Chinese?
What do Chinese people think of the cultural revolution?
I don't think mainland Chinese know much about it, I know Tiennamen square is heavily censored in China so I imagine the cultural revolution is similar.
Taiwanese and Hong Kucks like to cry about everything the PRC ever did.
I dont think they are allowed to think badly about it.
Trust me, basically everyone in mainland china knows about the cultural revolution; its only taboo to prattle on about it in public
From what I've seen, almost every educated Chinese person knows it was Mao's own little colossal fuck-up
>inb4 美帝走狗/汉奸 etc etc
>chinks idolize Mao just a few decades ago
>now they think he's a fuck up since they can no longer hide the evidence of how hard he cucked the PRC
Lmao wallflower af.
>traditional characters
My parents are from Taiwan but this makes me sad how Taiwanese sincerely hate contemporary China and thus want nothing to do with Chinese culture. Thousands of years of history and these people are so short sighted that they would throw away their own cultural legacy for some retarded dispute that's lasted for less than a hundred years?
Nations and governments come and go, but culture is forever.
Nice falseflagging. The Twinks hate Mao's China, i.e. PRC, not RoC nor anything that came before that. The average Twink is more knowledgeable and respectful of pre-revolution Chinese history than the average chink.
>says the fucking chicom
Holy shit, fuck off.
You're joking, right? The KMT and the 228 Incident they perpetrated is seen by Taiwanese as basically the Holocaust. This is why they're pushing so hard to be recognized as Taiwan and not as the Republic of China. The average bumfuck Taiwanese from Tainan hates both the ROC and PRC and Chinese in general.
My grandparents literally fought against the ChiComs. Fuck off.
i wonder why
>hurr the DPP's incorrect and retarded opinions is that of all Taiwanese's
>doesn't know that they'd do literally anything to trick the country bumpkins into voting for them
>yfw one of their leaders is in jail for corruption and another fled to Nipland in fear of investigation
Nice falseflagging again. It's as if you're not even trying anymore, commie scum.
Uh huh.
I think it was awful, but the KMT was both inept and desperate to establish a power base. In South Korea, there were far more brutal reprisals against supposed communists and communist sympathizers. You can imagine the gravity of the situation, the PRC was gearing up for a full scale invasion of Taiwan that was only thwarted by the outbreak of the Korean War.
But for some reason, benshengren Taiwanese never consider the possibility of Taiwan having fallen to the communists.
It's the opinion of the majority. Only deluded diehard KMT supporters would think otherwise.
>It's the opinion of the majority.
Haven't been to Taiwan have you, falseflagging commie?
>thinks ought/is is dictated by the majority
As expected of uneducated communist fucks like you.
>The average Twink is more knowledgeable and respectful of pre-Meiji Japanese history than the average Jap.
Fixed for you
is that supposed to be bad?
>mfw they elected a fucktard woman from the DPP as president just because she had an animu mascot
Taiwan as a nation is dying and I couldn't care less.
He's just exaggerating the "Taiwanese wish they were Japanese" meme which, for the DPP and its constituents, isn't too far off the mark.
This is why I can't take Taiwanese nationalism seriously. They spend all this effort going off about Taiwan and their people when the last thing on Earth they'd want to do is acknowledge where their people and culture came from. It's like willful collective amnesia.
why would they want to acknowledge a bunch of shitters who kicked them out?
they just want to be another singapore, basically left alone
nationalist takeover of china is not realistic and possible anymore
reunification with china would be disastrous politically and economically for them
Thousands of years of history and culture that the commies have done a great job destroying, manipulating and suppressing.
Except Singapore is not intentionally creating some made up identity other than WE MULTICULTI: THE CITY STATE.
This. It's hilarious how the commies somehow think that they're still able to call themselves Han after literally destroying ancient Chinese languages and literature. It's sad and pathetic
I'm sure the Taiwanese would tell you otherwise, my dear PRC shill.
>kicked out
You mean fled, right?
same diff my dude
I'm from the Philippines m8 and I have family in Singapore. Shitposting about other races gets you canned and fined there.
Also the made-up Taiwanese identity movement is *very* real. It's called the Independence Movement, with a confusing aim of being "Independent" from China (which...they already are), and the upholding of "Native Taiwanese Culture" (whatever that is).
These are the people that go WE WERE ABORIGINES N SHIET, deny being Han Chinese while referencing, I dunno, Baiyue origins, or preferring Filipino immigrants over Mainland Chinese because "Fuck the Mainland."
How a culture that is so fucking Chinese it still uses traditional be "independent" from being Chinese is a mystery to me.
They dont talk about it.
They didn't appreciate it in retrospect. Reason is that they executed "the gang of four" once Mao fucked off forever.
China is a fucked up place, it's like an enourmous experimentation ground, just how do you think it will look like in the next 20 years? Their one child policy will create massive armies of old people in the near future among other things.
>How a culture that is so fucking Chinese it still uses traditional be "independent" from being Chinese is a mystery to me.
It just werks.
>Speaks a Min language
>Chinese surnames/culture
>Bans Chinese history from curriculum
Taiwanese would be busy have petty conflicts(Hakka vs Min speakers or Quanzhou vs Zhangzhou) if it wasn't for Japanese colonization.
>one child policy
It also saved them from an enormous Chinese population problem they would have had.
If they can robotocize fast enough, then their problems could be minimized. Population control is badly needed. What China did gave the world extra year or two to find a solution for overpopulation issues in the coming years.
I'm from Singapore and I know that incident.
It's true. The PAP is more than willing to drive an edgy teen mad and suicidal over edgy teenage shitposting criticizing the PAP, sue opposition politicians for being opposotion politicians and have bullied Yale into following their fascist laws.
Singapore doesn't care about cultural identity other than the bare minimum to keep the population cucked.
Yeah, about that...
Her original rallying cry was "freedom from China" which actually resonated with a lot of voters. She was using the Trump playbook.
While Taiwan is technically independent from China, no one recognizes that. Even Singapore pursues a "One China, two countries" policy re: Taiwan even though it's no secret Singapore fucks off to Taiwan for military exercises all the time.
Why is Taiwan hesitant about and warned against declaring outright independence? If anything wouldn't that make it much harder for PRC to declare war and retake the territory, considering it would then be viewed by the rest of the world as a sovereign nation?
Not for the lack of trying. Everytime you see Muslim extremism, PAP is in full damage control
>Hey guys! We are one people okay!