who the fuck was he
Who the fuck was he
The proto-fedora
A new ager who's been misunderstood by both left and right
>new age
Kill yourself you mong
my favorite meme
>robespierre fucked ruined EVERYTIHNG
>t. evola
A guy who very few have read but everyone has an opinion on.
Le Cat Trainer
He's right
someone who slightly resembled H.P. Lovecraft, in both body and mind
A Sicilian nobleman who quit engineering right before his phd and instead lived on his family fortune, did magic, and open called himself an anti-fascist in fascist Italy, walked around a German city being bombed by the allies to ponder his fate, only to get paralyzed from the explosion. Made his pals stand him up on his feet as he died.
I think thats the life we all wish we could live deep down
yeah, but wasnt his issue with fascism becuase it wasnt far right enough?, like he thought they were too liberal for his tastes
Yes, and there are plenty of us.
its pretty crazy to hate fascistsi cause they weren't extreme enough...he wasnt anti facist, he was basicly ultra fascist
The butler in the parent trap
You mean salafi "muh caliphate" muslims?
If you are european or american I wont be ble to take this claim seriously.
>its pretty crazy to hate fascistsi cause they weren't extreme enough...he wasnt anti facist, he was basicly ultra fascist
he was a reactionary. Fascism had nothing to do with this. He value tradition as sacred,and fascism really didnt. He wasnt an ultra fascist,he was totalmy a different thing.Probably Franco's kind of regime would fit Evola's philosophy better than Mussolini's Italy
That's Frowning Jim, the unhappiest man in the West
>Probably Franco's kind of regime would fit Evola's philosophy better
Interestingly I don't remember reading anything by Evola on the Franco and Salazar regimes and he lived up to the 1970s.
magical trevor
Did he literally believe in Lemuria?
I find it even more peculiar that Evola never seemed to write about Baron von Ungern-Sternberg, even though his exploits must have been making headlines during Evola's formative years, and the man's rise to power essentially represented what Evola wanted to happen.