Hey Veeky Forums, rate my outfit

Hey Veeky Forums, rate my outfit.


would need to see it from the back

Nice color pallet
Shorts are horrid
Loose like weight, like 8kg

Dude, first get thinner.
Then you can star think folloing the palewave/monocromatic/stand smith meme.

terrible honestly

I can pull the shorts up a little, probably everything will look shit with my tree trunk thighs.
also what an oddly specific amount of weight you've suggested.

like 2/10?

-what's that sticking out of your hat
-get shorts that fit you
-i'm not sure what's going on with your shoes but they look stupid (they look like they may be too big for ya)
-actually everything is a size or two too big, it seems.

-the stuff sticking out of my hat is actually my hair
- the shorts are my size
-the shoes are admittedly too big
-trying to go for an over sized look anyways

Go with more formal look dude. You're not fat but slightly chubby, I was that size few years back. And the best fashion solution was to wear shirts and jeans. No need for dem eminem stuff dude. You just look like a kid in that.

just because the shorts are 'your size' doesn't mean they fit ya.

it's good that you're going for an oversize look, but that doesn't just mean "buy clothes that are too big"; you still need to ensure that the clothes don't make you look like a shapeless blob.

The shirt is actually one size, and as you can tell I'm not even slightly skinny and it still fits big on me. I can post another with my pants pulled up, because I'm pretty sure the only part of my outfit that is objectively too big are the shoes.

From the side

from the back

I can't actually work out a way to take a picture of the back...

front again with pulled up pants

In this thread: OP desperately tries to make himself feel better about his appearance when he asks for feedback, attempting to prove people wrong.

You are fat and your clothes are ill-fitting. You are not Veeky Forums, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.

wtf man, don't give him false hopes


I'm just trying to work out exactly what the bad points are, and for the most part I'm happy with peoples feedback regardless of whether it's positive or not.

I'm starting to suspect ulterior motives....

Just lose weight and if you're going to buy any clothes while you're losing weight make sure they're like non-autism athletic shorts or track pants etc.

If you really want to spend money on fashion, buy nice shoes or accessories because while you're losing weight like you need to those are still going to fit. My biggest mistake when I came to this board was I bought some shit when I was a bit too fat and after I lost weight I literally had to get rid of them because they didn't fit in the slightest. Just some advice from one user to the next.
Also never post here again.

Hey OP

Confidence goes a long way. You look a bit insecure. Start wearing clothes you think look well yourself, being comfortable makes you look much more confident AND better. It's more fun to do your own thing as well.

Some honest to god advice:
Go off Veeky Forums, people are awful and frankly don't know how to dress well either (mostly).

I realize that my advice might not help you, so if I had to give some silhouette advice here it is:

I think your shorts are too long. They're at the weird "I can't decide whether I want to be pants or shorts" lenght. Your shirt might be a tad too long as well, with shorter shorts you'd look like you had very short legs. That doesn't work either.

hey thanks man, I think they might technically be capris so maybe that's why it's a bit of a problem area.