Why are the Iberian nations so bad at economics?
They are western, have a great culture, great weather, good stability for many years and yet, they have a shit economy compared to their western neighbours.
Why are the Iberian nations so bad at economics?
>great culture
Spaniards, poortugese, and Italians are incompetent buffoons
They had a fundamentally medieval pattern of thinking.
They lucked into a shitload of money, and proceeded to squander it because they couldn't build profitable, efficient corporations or protect private individuals from the power of the monarchy.
Also, pissed away all their stolen gold fighting the Protestants.
They're Mediterraneans. The Italians and Greeks are in a similar boat. It's a combination of laziness and electing meme candidates.
It's funny how the mediterraneans,who were the big civilizations back then (greece,egypt etc) are now all massive shitholes.
They are not shitholes. At least the european meiterraneans.
Shit economies, but not shitholes.
>Italy, Spain and Portugal are shitholes.
Kek have you ever been there? They are gorgeous.
>Mediterraneans are lazy lol
>t. german mustard race
When will this meme die? Were other europeans considered lazy when Italy and Spain had far greater wealth?
>great culture
>rightful muslim soil
The Italians invented a meme ideology devoted to praising themselves narcissistically. Naturally, the other lazy Mediterranean states followed suit
>>rightful muslim soil
>implying it's not rightful catholic visigothic soil
the Visigoths barely had the right to live.
Muslims don't have the right to live.
You realized compared to Spain, Portugal, and Greece, Italy is doing relatively decently right? And of all of the worst economies in Southern Europe, Greece has defaulted FIVE FUCKING TIMES, so why focus on Iberia? And why even bring up France?
Are you new to history or something? I bet you believe America has been a superpower for hundreds of years.
Because the anglo-jew controls the world economy.
Because our cultures are essentially monarchists but were forcibly democratized.
Because the Church has no power anymore.
>our culture
Stay salty ibero-nigger
>electing meme candidates
They need an alternative. A national alternative.
I'm sorry, but Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
In gonna say it
Democracy doesnt work for us.
Come back Salazar and Franco.
Get that catholic dictatorship going on.
holy shit grow up you fucking manchild
salazar wasn't catholic btw. and the only thing that kept portugal running were the colonies. without them, no resources, and portugal becomes shit. it's the only reason portugal even entered a bloody war with them.
spain on the other hand worked much better with franco. too bad he wasn't pinochet.
>implying capitalism works for the Mediterranean nations
I don't understand how can anyone unironically support the fucking puppet Pinochet was. I guess some people don't care about national sovereignty.
>salazar wasn't catholic btw
Should've industrialized like the rest instead of being a stubborn contrarian.
>chile has a strong clear national sense
this is where your reasoning falls to bits and pieces. chile has always been a usa clone.
he wasn't. he supported fatima for the entertainment of people, but he never went there, much less to church regularly like he preached people to do. he didn't even talk much with the bishops.
salazar was basically just an isolationist. worked out wonders, people lived in complete shit and fled the country to france and spain just to not have to live in poverty hunger levels. what a complete piece of shit this country is.
>Salazar wasnt catholic
You should read a book or two about estado novo and stop spouting non sense.
Portugal was literally a theocracy
No, people fled to not go to war.
We called then traitors here.
Typical amerifat
You have no idea what Portugal was when he took the helm and when he fell off the chair.
1st republic was simply horrible.
Gee, I sure wonder who is behind this post.
Guy has no idea.
Hey he was elected the greatest portuguese of all time. But he was dictator and shit XD you know poverty lmao
Ye, the people tottaly did the coup. Yep.
>literally a theocracy
>the bishop of porto tells him to allow a new president
>he tells the bishop to fuck off, cuts government ties with the church
>basically a theocracy
pega tu num livro de vez em quando
no, people fled because they were starving, like my grandparents and pretty much every family in this region did. idiota de merda.
what does that have to do with anything? sure it was a piece of shit back then, but it kept being one during and after salazar. only marcelo caetano actually had the decency of implementing basic structures like a very basic healthcare system that was actually quite rentable.
you a chileboo? it's a shit country m8
>a meme election makes up for the greatest man all time
literalmente toda a gente sabe que essa emrda foi rigged.
eu quero que o /pol/ saia
Encontramos o avec.
Speak English
lmao nasci e vivo em portugal maninho.
>avos fugiram
Já agora
>algo de bom sobre salazar na tv nacional
>foi rigged
Chora mais comuna.
Até o Mario soares diz que se vivia melhor no tempo de Salazar do que agora.
We will stop.
>wants good healthcare
>praises a neoliberal market fundementalist
they also have the best gfs but have an incredibly low birthrate.
>segundo lugar álvaro cunhal
>terceiro lugar jew savior
>não rigged
>'é uma sondagem a sério manos'
>sondagens repetidamente mostram que portugueses preferem tempos actuais a salazar
>'n-não é a sério o povo adora salazar'
volta para o /pol/ ou qualquer que seja o shithole de onde vens maninho
ou então vai buscar fotografias (as poucas que houver) de qualquer terra neste país e vai-me dizer que as pessoas fugiam 'por causa da guerra' e não por causa da fome brutal que era tão evidente
basic healthcare triggers the ameriboo
will sage to prevent shitposting
Corrobora as tuas afirmaçoes
quais afirmações? viste o programa sequer? e as milhentas reportagens que se seguiram? em relação a pics não as tenho aqui no momento, mas posso tentar pesquisar algo sobre a fome na época de salazar.
Sobre a fome no tempo de salazar.
Dificuldades? Sim, mas fome? Não creio.
O proprio mario soares disse que nao havia fome como há hoje.
"Ai que eu não tenho dinheiro para comida, tenho de ir buscar comida ao caixote do lixo" etc
No resto da europa havia guerra, aqui havia estabilidade e pão.
E venho de uma familia de operários.
>ruining your gf with parasites
If I was Italian I would be legit pissed about getting lumped into the same bag as Poortugal and Greece. Italy is much better than those shitholes, well northern Italy at least.
>O proprio mario soares disse que nao havia fome como há hoje.
>acreditar no discurso de um pateta socialista que apenas quer descredibilizar o passos coelho
devias ter continuado a ler essa reportagem, o único motivo pelo qual o soares disse isso foi precisamente para descredibilizar o governo anterior, era bastante óbvio. infelizmente otários como tu caiem e é assim que continuamos com os xoxialistas no poder.
>no resto da europa havia guerra
nos tempos da segunda guerra talvez, a partir de 45 foi só perda de tempo. frança e alemanha ocidental cresciam e recuperaram a níveis acima dos nossos, e eles tinham saído de uma guerra, e portugal continuava na merda.
em relação à fome podes ler sobre a história da sopa dos pobres, e das outras instituições de caridade que eram das poucas coisas que funcionavam (e como por exemplo a santa casa da misericórdia deixou de dar comida propositadamente e mais tarde até veio pedir desculpa), da percentagem de expatriados versus emigrantes (ficas com ideia dos números de fome). infelizmente dados concretos não tos consigo encontrar agora.
que és filho de operários sei eu, vivias na cidade, boa cena. para nós no campo era só merda, e era do campo que este país era feito na sua maioria na época.
Lol its a rape baby of Moorish culture , their 'great weather' and being proud for having a shortlived empire
Sempre que vejo gente falando português por aqui já se pode saber que estão brigando.
Esse povo não se emenda nunca, nem quando concordam conseguem ficar em paz, taí a resposta que o dono do fio queria.
bem observado.
>shortlived empire
How many empires as big and as spread as the Iberians lasted longer?
Imagina agora se no /sp/ a liga portuguesa fosse comentada por lá regularmente.
Todays GDP of Portugal and it's provinces still aren't even in the slightest comparable to the time of Salazar.
Kennedy ruined the lot of it.
>Why are the Iberian nations so bad at economics?
Most Catholic states outside of France and West Germany were shit.
>nothing worth trading
>only way to make money is through tourism
I wonder. They only reason they were semi-successful in the first fucking place was colonialism and the fact the rest of Europe was just as shit.
I think they're far smarter than gercucks because they've already subconsciously realized capitalism and the EU is a meme and clocked out.