Why is Africa so terrible? They have shitloads of resources that would make a nuked Europe close to normal again.
Why is Africa so terrible? They have shitloads of resources that would make a nuked Europe close to normal again
>Why is Africa so terrible
It's not, I've been to Rabat, Lagos and Windhoek, lovely places.
When people talk about Africa being shit they usually mean Sub-Saharan
Nice for tourists but an utter hellhole to live in. It's dense, crowded, and pretty much the only center of activity in a country too big for its own good.
Namibia has a really low population density and is one of the few exceptions to the common situation in most of Africa.
Onez upona tiem we wuz kangz but den whitey came an invashiuned us an now we slaves nigguh
Now seriously, I find it hard to think of any other explanation
The hardest part of building rule of law is the first 500 years
-Some fag
The institutions that enable people to set up businesses without getting immediately shaken down by corrupt politicians take time, political capital, and some luck to build.
Africa hasn't had any of these.
Places like Ghana, Botswana, and Kenya have done better than places like Liberia and Zimbabwe, but even the best off African countries have a world of shit to plow through before they can think about catching up to the rest of the world.
Niggers, Europe colonization and american capitalism.
Mostly snowballing mismanagement by poor transitions from colonial to independent rule.
It's like the Congo.
>Belgians leave
>No institutions or educated blacks that can manage the system effectively
>Ends up being a massive chimpfest as a result
Notice how this shit didn't happen in north africa, even after Colonialism. Morocco, Egypt and Libya are (or were before they had habenings :-DD) much, much better off than the south.
Only reason South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe ever got anywhere was white rule and organisation priorto independence that was transferred effectively. And it's nothing to do with 'MUH WHITE MAN SUPERIORITY' and 'MUH RHODESIA', it's just a systemic thing. Educated whites ran the system, didn't train any locals, and now their governments are endemically corrupt shitholes with chimps from all corners of Africa filing in to be part of the economic miracle-that-was.
Most African countries have a low population density.
I loved Tanzania, Tunisia and Namibia. But I didn't like Botswana, I was staying in Gaborone and the humidity was unbearable.
How is anything under the red line, supposed to get anywhere?
>loved Tunisia
Literally why? Worst country I've ever visited by a mile.
OP's map includes all of Africa so fuck off
t. some mena sandnigger
MENA > every black country ever
Agreed. Somaliland is very stable and closer to North Africa and the Middle East in prosperity compared to the rest of Africa save Botswana.
it's Veeky Forums's trigger word. Geographic determinism.
Africa has resources, yes, but it lacks a lot of the basics needed for a civilization to thrive. which are
1. an easy to grow agricultural product that provides a high calorie count
2. interconnection between settlements for ease of travel.
3. large pool of domesticated animals to use for work/food.
4. easy routes for trade with other people groups.
North Africa thrived in ancient times because of Wheat that could be grown on the Nile/Mediterranean coast, letting Egypt and Carthage thrive as nations, but once you travel south, there's no such easy food crop to grow. African city states only began to take shape after bananas were introduced to Africa around 800 CE. Without a food source to anchor your population, cities are impossible to make.
travel is also a nightmare in africa with all the barriers it holds. Crossing the Sahara to trade with Carthage/Egypt was a fools errand for anyone not called Ethiopia, and the Interior rainforest was inhospitable less you wanted to die of yellow fever and dengue. This made travelling to Carthage or Memphis for trade impossible.
next is docile animals. your barnyard staples such as horses, cows, pigs, and chickens are largely absent from Africa, with more carnivorous animals taking their place, or just animals that flee at the first sight of a person like Gazelles and Zebras. with no beats of burden, citybuilding is just that much harder.
in order to build a state or empire, you need to be able to travel to all your settlements, with the geographic barriers said before, that's a tall order for anyone not on the North or Eastern coasts, which were the first two areas to see actual civilization rise because of the ease of access to these lands.
Africa has a lot going for it for an advanced society, but has almost none of the ingredients to build the basics of a starting civilization.
Geography. The heavy jungles and deserts meant that each tribe lived in relative isolation. Small isolated communities = lack of development. And the lack of development meant that certain attributes like intelligence weren't being selected for in sexual selection. Jigboos can dance well and are muscular because that's who was getting laid and having kids. Not the quiet but smart industrialist who gets pussy from being wealthy like in Europe.
If you have the freedom to expand east, west, north or south, you're pretty good. You can interact with anyone else around you.
If you can only expand north or south, it's pretty bad, since youll be running into the same people group every time.
If you're living in the Congo and the only place you can go is The Sahara Desert or to Egypt, you probably won't have a good time.
If you're living in Italy and you can sail anywhere, you might actually become successful.....kind of like a certain large empire that expanded in a circular fashion around the Mediterranean
>sail everywhere
>implying the Africans couldn't
Anybody who cites Jared Diamond, even in casual conversation on Veeky Forums, should be shot on the spot
Where will they be sailing to? There is a difference between the Atlantic and the sea.
I don't like him either, but Africa and South America are geographically at a disadvantage
The Middle East and India have historically had the biggest advantage, but Europeans were better sailors
it's mostly jungle, desert and mountains
and there's a distinct lack of good crops, domesticable animals and access to the rest of the world. Unless you were near the nile or the horn, you weren't going to do well.
it's not not a very good places to build empires unless you already have one
>South America
And yet they made far greater civilizations than niggers have ever made.
>Where will they be sailing to?
India? Persia? Fucking Arabian peninsula?
how about instead of threatening to shoot people, present a credited refutation to the argument?
Diamond has stood this long as a valid argument because there has yet to be a complete refutation to discredit his thesis.
I'm still waiting on a refutation, until then, he is credible, whether you like it or not.
>it's an africa episode
These threads are the worst. Here's hoping Veeky Forums can pull a decent thread out of it's magic hat though.
>he hasn't been to Bostwana
And we're to blame?
How will they be getting there? It's not exactly a few hours sailing
Agriculture is the big one, most of Africa is either:
a. desert (no water for crops) or
b. jungle (which you may not know, but are actually very low in nutrients. You cannot grow agricultural crops in jungle soil because it's constantly being recycled by the ecosystem, it doesn't build up in the soil as it does in other places, meaning no nutrients are readily available).
Let's also not forget that there are terrible diseases that are only present in Africa and in large numbers. There are many tropical parasites and other pathogenic organisms that significantly decrease the quality of life, especially when there's little access to medical care as is also the case in many regions.
>generalizing this hard
wew lad
...by building ships and sailing there?
That did not hinder other peoples to sail to America or the Sahara
>Bananas were introduced to Africa
What? They're not a native plant?
I would love to see the sources on this. Agricultural background and I had no fucking idea.
>land is so bountiful that crops don't need to be grown
>somehow worse off than Iceland
>it's the "hurr africa is bountiful and easy" meme
Which means, we have to go back to the first thing and look at how "other people" got there. Presumably you mean the British, Portuguese,, Spanish etc.
These people didn't start sailing that far until the year 1450. Even then, it was dangerous, expensive, needed a proper navy and army to enforce etc. etc.
So remind me again how a tribe in South Africa that has had zero contact with the rest of the world, supposed to build a 15 tons galleon and start sailing?
The world isn't like your Sid Meyer video games.
How much money from those resources stay in africa?
Agriculture makes civilization. Everything else is important but less so.
South America and Mexico had neither beasts of burden (llamas are pretty good for meat and clothing though, but that was only South America) nor good travel routes to other civilizations (like traveling to one another).
What they did have though was maize and the almighty potato. That's what set them apart from Africa.
If I could change one thing about history, it would be giving the Mesoamerican and South American civilizations a good travel route through Panama to contact with one another. I think if that were possible, we would have seen a development of even greater civilizations.
Ethiopia, Kush, Nubia, Mali, and Ghana > mesoamerican anything
Going to Madagascar could be a first
Then throught the Aden gulf / Red sea
There's a reason the moors invaded Spain lad.
And look what happened afterwards. Despite impressive architecture and military strength, they enslaved pillaged and raped.
There have been cases where there were African kingdoms who were powerful and influential, the Axum empire for example, which said to have rivalled Rome.
Ultimately it's a combination of geography, culture, exposure, and travel.
The more you have, the more powerful you become as a nation.
Apparently the muslim merchants had no trouble at all saling to east African coast but suddenly it's some kind of unmovable obstacle when Africans try to do it.
You can literally sail all the way to fucking India just by staying close to the coast and resupplying often. It's piss easy.
>those who invaded Spain were africans
This. Less chances of barbarity and violence and more unity.
Well they were.
>inb4 only blacks can be African
I don't get why we didn't just exterminate the fucking subhuman niggers and build a paradise
Fucking short sighted cucks
Niggers were (and are) below caveman status
I'm surprised they didn't all eat each other
Africa is a lush, green, fertile land covered in fruits like oranges, bananas, kiwi, lime, pineapple, grapes, papaya, and mango
Sorry for the truthbomb but fuck niggers
Could the capybara have been domesticated?
Blame the west for introducing them to modern medicine. They didn't have starvation problems when there were 5 and a half of them.
I really don't think you realize how massive Africa is.
>Apparently the muslim merchants
Yeah, those guys who were at the certain of every civilization on Earth. They had no problems going to the library and reading how to perfect the art of ship making.
>suddenly it's some kind of unmovable obstacle when Africans try to do it.
Yes. Building a large, 15 ton galleon with no knowledge of physics and ship making is in fact pretty damn hard. So hard that it didn't happen
How is it? I've always wanted to visit ruins of Carthage as well as Tunis.
WOW! a post on Veeky Forums.org with no sources and classic old racism sprinkled on top to cement that Western European society is intrinsically superior.
I'm such a fool for ever doubting your flawless logic, I'm now compelled to get on my knees and suck your dick until you cum in my mouth and make me swallow!
yeah nah fuck off
The moors did Come from Berbers who were black.
>they weren't from Arabia nor the levant
>You can literally sail all the way to fucking India
On what?
>resupplying often
Where at? With what money? All that Roman gold just sitting in South Africa?
>triggered /pol/fag
Read the thread you idiot.
All those except Ethiopia are garbage, and Ethiopia doesn't even boast architectural feats like the Meso-American pyramids.
Crossing to Madagascar or through the Aden gulf back and fort couldn't be any big deal. Through pratice they'd end up going to Persia
Ok kid.
>Berbers who were black
Berber here, top bait.
You just can't stop making excuses can you. Indians had no trouble, Arabs had no trouble, Italians had no trouble, but for Subsaharans it suddenly becomes a monumental challenge.
Can you come up with a rebuttal for the post? Or are you going to just shitpost about it?
>implying North Africa wasn't a cesspool for race mixing
Ok, lol.
>Western European society is intrinsically superior
Eastern European as well. Arab, too.
Didn't even click lmao.
>land on shores of Somalia
>local king ask what you're doing on his land
Then what?
>Indians had no trouble, Arabs had no trouble, Italians had no trouble
All of those places are in the center of civilization
> but for Subsaharans it suddenly becomes a monumental challenge.
Just like the British until the Romans showed up
Why are the British so mentally retarded that they just can't make a boat and start sailing to the Middle East?
Not him, but that's rich, coming from the fact that the post was flawed, and had little citations and was biased.
Your source is shit.
>didn't even click
Which is why you fail.
Have you ever sailed across a body of water the size of Texas on a dingy?
>you fail
As opposed to a black faggot? Top lel you're the definition of a failure.
This. Brits were running around nude and had little advancements themselves.
If anything, Sub Saharan medicine was far superior to that of Celtic Druids, and other forms of medicine
>hurrr durrr the leaves from these plants look like lungs, hence they must fix lungs!
>Rastafarian website
Are you even trying
Explain why it's flawed. It makes perfect sense to me as it is very logically.
>Guns, Germs and Steel
Take your pseudo logic and get out
>not bothering to read the article and the cites that it sources and evidence it presents.
And you're calling me a failure?
How so? If anything we've debunked most of the racial bias that you have.
Read the thread and then fuck off back to /pol/ you autist.
Butthurt afrocentrists.
>very logically
>I explained why the source was shit
>Durr why is the source shit?
You're mentally handicapped are you?
Not surprising considering that racists have low IQs.
T. Butthurt stormnigger
Now make like a Siamese twin and split.
Bananas come from India and SEA.
Go back to twitter with your afrocentrist revisionist shit.
You don't tell me what to do retard. Keep getting buttblasted that people don't consider some geoshitties Rastafarian website holding together by a string a credible source.
This isn't an argument. You don't need sources to debunk Diamond's bullshit, but rather critical thinking and deductive reasoning. Again, have you actually bothered reading all his points carefully instead of declining it?
I hadn't heard that theory before but holy shit that makes a lot of sense. Has anyone formally put that theory out there in academia? Sounds a little 1800's-ish but intelligence is heritable.
>butthurt at facts
>calls me revionist
Jesus, and they say SJW history teachers are pathetic.
You morons actually think all the fruit you see in the grocery store is African?
If you took a time machine to Africa 1000AD almost everyone would be eating sorghum and millet supplemented with animal flesh and milk
You can't even spell you irrelevant little shit.
Posts like these are what differentiates Veeky Forums from /pol/ in that every reply before this was regurgitated pseudoexplanatory bullshit on the basis of emotional insecurity from idiots trying to assert themselves as something worthwhile by disparaging everyone that isn't their x, y, or z demographic
Not projecting at all btw
/pol/ is the most blue pilled board on this site.
What'd you expect?
How much cultural influence did Axum have, if it was an African rome? Does it's art influence most neighboring art? Did its language influence huge areas of speakers?
That would be cool. But imagine aztec imperialism. Blood for the blood god and all that. The amount of sacrifice that would have taken place in North America would be incredible. Worse than European colonialism. And there would still be that 90% die-off from disease when the euros arrived or the new worlders sailed east
Vikings did, all the time.
It conquered South Arabia, had monoply on the red sea trade, and Rome failed to conquer it.