The Nazis claimed to stand for traditional morality.
So why wasn't it a problem that Hitler was openly having an extramarital relationship with a younger woman?
Was degenerate behavior only a problem if non-Aryans were doing it?
The Nazis claimed to stand for traditional morality.
So why wasn't it a problem that Hitler was openly having an extramarital relationship with a younger woman?
Was degenerate behavior only a problem if non-Aryans were doing it?
>Was degenerate behavior only a problem if non-Aryans were doing it?
Yep, and who an Aryan was got made up on the fly.
Nazis were tropico tier.
>The Nazis claimed to stand for traditional morality.
They didn't, they specifically pushed for sexual promiscuity.
They weren't married though
>Was degenerate behavior only a problem if non-Aryans were doing it?
no, they just said that shit as kool aid to fuel their propaganda. It worked so well that people still buy into it today. Look at /pol/.
He and Braun were in love, the only reasonthey never married was so Hitler could keep his public image as a bachelor, devoted to the german people
Der Fuhrer and Ms. Braun had a premarital, not extramarital relationship.
Ms. Braun being younger is not an issue, nor should it be.
Who says they had sex?
This is exactly true. They publicly encouraged cranking out Aryan babies for the state.
Didn't they actually reward it?
yes, but I'm not certain if they did it the same for women who became mothers out of wedlock or not.
To increase the birthrate, the Nazi regime ran a non-stop propaganda campaign that glorified starting a family and having children. One manifestation of the Nazi "cult of the mother" was the "Cross of Honor for the German Mother" (also known as the “Mother Cross”), which the NSDAP awarded in Hitler's name to mothers with four or more children. The Mother Cross was first awarded on Mother’s Day in 1939; that year alone about 3 million women qualified for the honor, which was supposed to be awarded only to “genetically fit,” politically reliable, and socially worthy German mothers. The crosses were awarded according to the number of children a woman had: bronze (level three) for four to five children, silver (level two) for six to seven children, and gold (level one) for eight or more children. Award recipients were chosen on the recommendation of either the Nazi party or government officials (the mayor, for example). A number of financial privileges were connected with this honor, including preferential service when shopping. (The receipt of a Mother Cross, however, was not tantamount to permanent recognition. For instance, it could be revoked if a mother ceased to be “worthy”: if she neglected her children, cheated on her husband, or exhibited problematic behavior. ) Additional honors were awarded for other "exceptional birth performances." For example, Hitler himself served as godfather to the tenth child in any family.
The Nazis wanted as much fucking in the Reich as possible. It's little wonder why so many BDM girls got pregnant because their summer camps were conviently next doors to the Hitlerjugend's summer camps.
Hitler's decision to remain unmarried was clear by PR. German women loved the idea of having a chance at being the Fuhrer's choice one day. Hitler permitted such fantasy to flourish. It built loyalty to him.
Wait, source?
I thought they opposed Weimar promiscuity
>You will never sneak out to have late night teenage sex with a big titled German girl
>You will never nut inside and impregnate her to preserve the vitality of the Reich.
>You will never do this every summer promising her you'll get married eventually, but fuck off after leaving her with 3 kids all before 18.
Now I have a boner
Didn't Himmler or Goebbels write a polemic condemning the prudishness of social conservatives?
This guy sounds better and better the more I hear about it. That's my plan in America now, but to be revered for having a big brood? That's how it should be. Respect the women who give life to your nation.
There has to be some kind of porn based on this scenario right? Hentai? Video? Writefaggotory?
This may be my new fetish
Except all those kids would, you know, starve to death due to Russian soldiers kind of killing their fathers. You can imagine how fucked up things would have been had the Marshall plan hadn't gone into effect.
This is brillant!
Or you could*
Yeah seriously if he didn't try to invade Russia Germany probs wouldn't have had such a hard time
That is christian morality designed to protect women. The 4th Reich were not "traditional" they were populist revolutionaries who thought they could turn the German people into overmen. Some more conservative ideals came along with that, but Nazism is third position politics, not conservatism.
They were against Weimar homosexuality, pornography, and non procreative sex. But anything that increased German man power was good.
3rd Reich*
>Hitler himself served as godfather to the tenth child in any family.
This is just great
>A similar practice, that continues to this present day, was already established in France since 1920, by conferring the Médaille de la Famille française (Medal of the French Family), a tribute to the French mother who raised several children in an appropriate way.
>in an appropriate way
How do they define 'appropriate'?
>You will never promise your waifu you will come back to her as soon as you finish your tour on the Ostfront.
In National Geographic docu on Eva Braun, nosy maids in hitler's private retreat looked for blood, semen, and other sex signs in the sheets Eva/Hitler used.
None were found.
>the Fuhrer will never be your godfather
I didn't need to feel this.
When the children dont become murderers, so pretty rare for muslims
>Hitler himself served as godfather to the tenth child in any family.
did he really
>preserve the vitality of the Reich.
>promising her you'll get married eventually, but fuck off after leaving her with 3 kids all before 18.
Contradicting yourself there, mate.
Clearly you don't care to create healthy members of society, much less about your children.
>Leaving a patriotic qt blonde Mädelein
Once read about a young Hitler (during a school trip) being oggled or hit on by a farmers farmers daughter.
He apparently left when he realised the consequences of pounding that.
Was drug use seen as degenerate?
>The Nazis claimed to stand for traditional morality.
Not if they had never entered war.
The AFD, a political party which has been being dragged through the dirt and called Nazis, racists and god knows what else by the media
Has a campaign programm similar to that.
Pic related has been used to mock the AAFD
>"This is how the AFD wants to live!"
Apparently, having a healthy family structure is incredibly radical these days.
It was probably just meant as a gesture of goodwill.
Big families like that would have probably gotten the most of the support of the political part, considering how people these days are barely able to raise 1 child.
A video on a speech Hitler made on women.
>The German populace's experience during and after the First World War inspired the Weimar and Nazi governments to adopt an attitude of tolerance toward the use of drugs to relieve pain, increase performance, and avoid withdrawal.
>Most drugs were permitted either universally or for individuals with a medical prescription.
>Many of the drug addicts in 1920s and 1930s Germany were First World War veterans who required addictive drugs for pain relief and/or medical personnel who had access to such drugs.
>"I don't fight for the Fuhrer, I fight for you."