What evidence is there that Nietzsche was an atheist?
What evidence is there that Nietzsche was an atheist?
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>"I am an atheist." - Friedrich Nietzsche
How is that evidence?
It depends what you mean by atheism.
The current defination is that the truth value of "God" is false. It often has the idea that things with a truth value of false are always bad.
Nietzsche thinks that truth values are not the only thing we should consider. He seems to think the Greek religion has a truth value of false but suggests it was a good thing
Nietzsche is clearly very spiritual.
You can say he is an atheist pretty easily although it would be a mistake to lump his atheism with people like Harris's.
He says in multiple places that he is an atheist. It's not a question.
>Nietzsche is clearly very spiritual.
Fuck off
>placing common decadent fetish for edification on nietzsche and implying that that somehow means or shows him up to be a theist in any capacity
>he talks about spirit so that means he's religious
>spirit means what my retarded ignorant ass conceives it means
>a whole list of concepts belong to a certain attitude or a single belief(eg there is a god) because it sounds convenient to me
>atheists with personality and deep concerns are religious or have religious attitudes
>depth belongs to religion
Did you even read the post that you replied to?
Did you even read the full text I wrote before you wrote out this resentful little rant?
Nietzsche was a German pastor at heart and believed there is a deeper creative power which is worthy of the overman's virtuous pursuit. In one sense Nietzsche is trying to recover the revolutionaryof Jesus from Christianity.
Nietzsche didn't see Jesus as a very powerful figure. He called him an "idiot" in the Dostoevsky sense. He also outright says the Pharisee and Sadducee were better.
While his interpretation of Jesus does redeem him from the many blunders Christianity did in his name he wasn't saying you should emulate Jesus.
This guy gets it.
Are you ? If you are, then you should really work on your reading comprehension.
Nobody in this thread has called him a Lutheran or a Catholic or a Calvinist or implied that he subscribed openly and consistently to a denomination, or that he admired Jesus' doctrines in any form. On the other hand, all you've done is deny that Nietzsche believed in the Christian deity or that he approved, in general, of Jesus' doctrines.
What is your point, not as a negation of other claims, but as a claim in and of itself?
Are you ?
No I'm the guy that he is respoonding to.
This is me
Nietzsche makes his stance on Christianity very clear in the Anti-Christ, he literally calls it humantie's greatest mistake and says the only person you can learn anything from the New Testament is Pilate. He is decisively against the religion in all it's forms and probably wrote the single most brutal against it in history. He however separates the historical Jesus from Christianity, saying that what we got was a corrupted version and gives credit to Paul and the anonymous Gospel writers. He discusses the historical Jesus separately, saying what he thought his original teachings were like.
I will also emphasis again Nietzsche wants to step away from religion being about truth values. It is not that the Christian deity has a truth value of false, therefor the religion should be dropped. It's that the religion's value are spiteful to life and so the religion should be dropped, regardless of the truth value of the deity. Likewise religions with life-affirming values should be looked at regardless of the truth value of the deity.
This is why I say it is a mistake to compare Nietzsche's atheism to something like Bertrand Russel who is concerned with the truth value of the deity.
>In one sense Nietzsche is trying to recover the revolutionaryof Jesus from Christianity.
I say again that nobody is calling him a Christian, you're overreacting to something you misinterpreted. Nietzsche couldn't have a desire to move away from Russellian truth-values when Nietzsche lived before Russell. You're right, contemporary atheism and Nietzsche's non-Christianity are different. Still, you're overreacting.
Nobody is 100% coherent 100% of the time. Nietzsche is far from your Dawkins-type neo-atheist. His doctrine of the eternal return is clearly metaphysic, as Evola noted, and in a different age he could have been considered a mystic.
This article makes the case for Nietzsche as inspired by a god or Jungian archetype:
>Jung sees Wotan in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra,[35] although Nietzsche seems to have been writing unconsciously under the influence of the hidden god:
>In 1863 or 1864, in his poem To the Unknown God, Nietzsche had written:
>I shall and will know thee, Unknown One,
Who searchest out the depths of my soul,
And blowest through my life like a storm,
Ungraspable, and yet my kinsman!
I shall and will know thee, and serve thee.
Nietzsche is like a person who comes into your prison (which you are not even aware that you are in) and removes the shackles and sets you free. The tricky part is after the freedom, are you going to be a good person who follows moral rules or a bad person who runs amok? On balance, freedom is better than imprisonment or slavery to ideas and dogma, but freedom also gives you responsibility to be good. In which case, Jesus's Christ's teachings in the New Testament will teach one to become a good member of society.
It is a Nietzsche's quote, how is that not an evidence you dumb fuck
What are you even trying to say
No I didn't.
It was my only post in this thread.
That's as evidency as it gets , faggotto.