If those who never hear of Christianity and never have a chance to be saved go to heaven when they die, and God wants us to join him in the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't it make the most sense to keep the religion a secret?
If those who never hear of Christianity and never have a chance to be saved go to heaven when they die...
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it is a valid condition only in a world in which the commandments of God are being spread. If we didn't have a covenant with God, he would simply destroy us forever
Why would he destroy us? Is that in the scripture?
Also who is "we?" I know a lot of people who have no covenant with God, or at least are not aware of it. How many people need to have a covenant with God for us all to not be destroyed? Is it proportional to population? Is it just one person?
>Why would he destroy us?
original sin, Adam and Eve. The punishment for sin is death. We are only alive because God executed our plan for our sins to be paid for and to save us from death.
> I know a lot of people who have no covenant with God,
The covenant God made is with all the nations.
> How many people need to have a covenant with God for us all to not be destroyed?
We all have this covenant. Of course not everyone accepts it. Those that reject it won't have eternal life. It is pretty clear.
The point is that if the covenant didn't exist God would simply destroy us because our existence is dependent on us being saved. Which answers your question of why it is not logical for us to keep the Word of God a secret.
*the plan
>The covenant God made is with all the nations.
Source? I'm pretty sure God only made a Covenant with Abraham, whose progeny had a tendency to genocide other non-covenant nations.
The covenant of the Israelites is a foreshadowing of the Covenant God made with all mankind.
Every time you become a Christian you become a member of Israel (which is not the political entity of today, but is simply the collection of people who follow God's commandments) and therefore the Covenant applies to you. So in a sense the old Covenant and the new are the same Covenant.
The jews of today do not represent the jews of the past. Christians do.
The Covenant is with all the nations because it does not matter what part of the world you come from. If you become a Christian, and therefore become a part of Israel, the Covenant applies to you. If you do not, then you are rejecting it and therefore it does not apply to you.
>The jews of today do not represent the jews of the past. Christians do.
Why don't they? Didn't Ye olde Hebrews follow the same rules and commandments as the Jews of the modern day?
>Didn't Ye olde Hebrews follow the same rules and commandments as the Jews of the modern day?
No. I can't be bothered to explain all the ins and outs. They have the Talmud and the Zohar written after the Christian NT, they follow man-made concepts and rules that Jesus condemns. The old Israel stopped existing when Romans conquered Jerusalem. Rabbinical Judaism exists because a Rabbi escaped from the destruction and created a school that prompted rabbinical judaism into existence.
Ah, I follow you. Thanks for clearing that up.
>making sense
So the covenant is already made then? With everyone, period? Can it be undone?
>can it be undone?
It is done and undone personally by each and everyone of us. You reject it by not following God's commandments and/or not believing in him
Also why is the punishment for sin death?
But the people who never hear of Chritianity are not able to undo it?
I come from a commie atheist family and I literally can't take christianity seriously.
I come from a conservative Catholic family and I literally can't take socialism seriously
If they don't hear it they are excused, but only if they also happen to follow God's commandments in ignorance
Read this:
pls no derail my questions are serious
Does that include the extra laws laid out throughout the Old Testament (no pork etc.) or just the Ten Commandments?
>If those who never hear of Christianity and never have a chance to be saved go to heaven when they die, and God wants us to join him in the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't it make the most sense to keep the religion a secret?
And that's why you have missionaries to spread the word of God. But then you got proddies who get upset when you try to defend yourself while trying to spread it.
They go to Limbo along with the others who for whatever reason never made it.
Assuming they aren't guilty of doing sin of course. Not believing in or not knowing about God is not enough to get you into hell.
Yes, if that were true.
It is not true.
So they have to be truly ignorant of God's word?
There is no limbo, and there is nobody who has not sinned.
Not believing Jesus is Who He says He is is exactly the way to go to hell. It's literally the one unforgiven sin: Unbelief.
There is nobody with an excuse before God. The heavens declare His glory, and the earth shows His handiwork. His invisible attributes are known by what He created.
Jesus did not tell His disciples to go into the entire world and preach the gospel JUST TO DAMN PEOPLE TO HELL.
What is heaven?
Heaven is being with God
Why would someone who has never heard the gospel of God want to spend eternity with God?
They wouldn't
Someone who has never heard the gospel would not want to go to heaven.
Therefore they would go to hell
What is hell?
Hell is not being with God
Period. End of story.
That is all it ever claimed to be
Now why would someone who has never worship to God want to go to Heaven instead of hell
Before Jesus Christ came no Hebrews ever thought they would go to heaven
Everyone who died went to the same place; though it was thought that the virtuous Hebrews who kept the law would gather together in one area of the afterlife called Abraham's bosom, which is why Christ descended into hell before ascending into heaven
Are you mentally retarded? Are you fucking telling me a goddamn tribe in bumblefuck South America that managed to avoid contact with other human beings would know about the teachings of Jesus Christ? Stupid stupid stupid.
>Implying Dante's Inferno isn't in the official canon.
They don't have to. Jesus said that if Jews believed in Moses and the prophets, they believed in Jesus.
Anyone can turn their heart towards the creator of the universe, or away from Him. Anyone. Because the Holy Spirit is a witness to all that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. You cannot know that unless you agree with the Holy Spirit, Who is telling you that is true.
There is no before Jesus, and there is no out of contact with Jesus. He's eternal, and everywhere.
It isn't, Limbo is but what's describe in it is just some guy talking about his waifu and how shit he is.
For Catholics, maybe. Not for Christians.
There is no limbo; there is no purgatory. These are catholic lies used to separate fools from their money.
...So you're saying they should be damned because the missionaries never came there? What kind of bullshit do you follow? You aren't a Christian.
>said the """""""""""""""""""""""""""protestant""""""""""""""""""""
Limbo is still hell
It is just thought to be the part of hell virtuous pagans would gather in
They are still not in communion with God
And of course purgatory is real
Are you implying anything impure can enter hell?
Everyone deserves to be damned.
Nobody deserves to be saved.
Missionaries go there so that some might be saved.
Eat shit, you spit on Christ and you spit on his followers, and you spit on those who are deaf and blind to Christ.
>Are you implying anything impure can enter hell?
This is nonsensical. Everything impure goes to hell.
Limbo is nothing. It's a figment of someone's imagination. It was a place to store dead babies until it wasn't. But mostly, it was used to make money.
Oh, your baby died? $10,000 and we'll pray him out of limbo and into heaven.
Oh, your husband died? $50,000 and we'll pray him out of purgatory and into heaven.
Because we have the keys of heaven@!
I spit on my Lord and myself?
No, I have nothing but contempt for the Whore of Babylon, who has you by the balls.
>being retarded and not understanding what indulgences is
Can the mods actually do something about this faggot? I mean come on, he shits up every fucking thread about religion and then starts a fucking fight.
>I spit on my Lord and myself?
If you imply that the deaf and blind to Jesus Christ should be damned because of the location of the Earth and never learning about him them yes, you spit on Christ.
For the uninitiated, the catholics called their fees to pray people into heaven "indulgences". You could also buy yourself a week in a whorehouse, for a price, or for a fee, be absolved of a murder you commit during the indulgence.
Welcome to the most corrupt, evil and vile institution known to mankind.
So handicapable conscious.
Jesus reads people's hearts; last I checked, the deaf and blind have hearts.
I fucking want heaven damn this iPhone
Nothing impure can enter heaven
So the impure humans must go through purgatory
>Oh, your baby died? $10,000 and we'll pray him out of limbo and into heaven.
I would like a citation on this number
Limbo is a hypothesis, nothing more.
No one ever claimed that there was biblical evidence for it
It is assumed that the unbaptized will go to hell to be sure
But I do not think a virtuous pagan would associate with murderer in hell
It is assumed that they would congregate together away from he unvirtuous damned
Oh, and by the way we don't have to worry about Catholic babies dying and going to help because we aren't stupid enough to leave our children unbaptized like Protestants
I do not know why protestant parents would be so cruel as to deny their children the rebirth of baptism into Christ's love
Did you buy indulgences for your shitposting?
>You could also buy yourself a week in a whorehouse, for a price, or for a fee, be absolved of a murder you commit during the indulgence.
Uh, no. That's not how it works. You gotta actually do something and not pay money, because that's against the Church (don't play retard and assume the Church does that you idiot.)
Last time I fucking checked they don't know who the hell Jesus Christ is. Are you saying that they should be damned because of fucking location? What about babies that die before they're ever to learn about Christ, where should they go? Are they to be damned to hell because of the fact they didn't live long? You fucking heretic.
Of course he did.
You're referring to the New Jerusalem:
Revelation 21
But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
It's where I will spend eternity, as my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Water baptism does nothing for people except get them wet. All who die prior to being held accountable are innocent and go to heaven, whether they got their head wet or not.
Your parents getting your head wet means nothing to God.
Is it a legit part of Biblically correct Christianity that those who never heard of Christ's name can go to heaven or is that from other influences? That isn't contradicted by any bible verses?
I think I've already answered all of your idiotic questions.
>I want dead babies to be in hell
There you have it folks, the protestant community.
It's nonsense. The confusion comes from having to believe in Jesus, but Jesus is also the Creator, so believing in the Creator is believing in Jesus. Wanting to live forever with the Creator is wanting to live forever with Jesus. And again, the Holy Spirit tells everyone Who Jesus is, and by agreeing with the Holy Spirit, a man gives his consent to be saved.
The only thing in the bible about being treated by what you know is that people who know less will be treated with fewer stripes, and people who know more, but still do not believe, will be treated with more stripes.
Stripes being whippings.
Can you read?No?
So, let me reiterate, you support babies, children under the age of one to burn in hell, am I correct?
It's YOUR asshole religion that says that unbaptized babies go to hell, not God, and not the bible. YOUR asshole religion.
And those who worship a creator that require human sacrifice?
All mankind required a human sacrifice to be saved; a perfect, sinless, spotless, blameless, sin free sacrifice.
You aren't dodging the question here, are you?
They go to limbo, and that's that. That's what I was taught, and now, Mr.Bigshot "I want to see children burn forever in hell" Protestant, where do they go for them.
you have no idea how savlation works, heretic
How is that a dodge? The Creator manifested in the flesh as one of us in order to be our Kinsman Redeemer, take all of our debt upon Himself, and pay it off.
That required His life.
Your sin was so horrific that it took the death of God to fix.
There is no limbo, and your current Antichrist has repealed the former teachings on limbo.
I think that makes you a heretic?
I know exactly how it works, having undergone it myself.
You keep dodging my question, where do the children go? I don't want bible quotes, I want a fucking statement telling me where do they go.
no you don't:
Okay, so if someone worships a grand creator but that makes them sacrifice humans, will they go to heaven or not?
You cant get booth.
I've answered it. Everyone who has not reached their own age of accountability is innocent under the Law, and goes to heaven. That includes not only children but everyone. Mentally retarded people, deaf dumb and blind people, everyone.
You just can't read.
What cruel God punishes people who have done nothing?
You're really asking me if murderers go to heaven. Everyone in heaven is a murderer. Everyone in heaven's murders were forgiven them.
Everyone in hell's murders were forgiven them as well.
It's all about the heart; it's all about belief; it's all about the object of your faith. And since you know about Jesus, you will not be able to stand before God and act ignorant.
And neither will anyone else.
Is it opposite day already? Are the dead being let into the Kingdom of the living?
We're fucking talking about the fucking dead were blind, who were deaf, who didn't know, who died before understanding Christ, where do they go. You don't give me answers, I want a fucking definitive answer, where do they go, Heaven or Hell?