My wife's Son of God

>My wife's Son of God

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eric simply eric

Joseph in this painting looks aplha af

Serves him right for inviting God to the wedding.

Want to take another run at that thought? Maybe coherently this time?

People ask me why God created a hell.

What's the sauce of this btw? I saw it in it's complete form with the funny narrative of how the Jew-God is a Noveau Riche among the divinities but it seems to be part of a largic graphic novel or something.




That's sexy as fuck.

Did Mary have sex after Jesus was born or was she a perma virgin?


She and Joseph had many sons and daughters. The sons are named in the bible, and referred to several times.


Yeah didn't Jesus have a brother James? Im pretty sure some sects do consider her permavirgin, too.

Gospels explicitly tell us about Jesus' brothers and sisters, James being one, so yeah, Mary wasn't a perma virgin.

I've jus been having a look about as well for the sauce.

There is more of it here, but still incomplete.

Understanding those Charlie Hebdo lads much better now 2bh

Don't tease lad, dump the full set.

>Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Galatians 6:7

Many Church's do adhere to a doctrine of Mary's perpetual virginity. Jesus's step borthers/sisters were the children of Joseph from a previous marriage. Joseph were chosen by lot by God to betroth Mary to look after her, not to fuck her

>>wanting to murder people because they mock your religious beliefs.
Christians do not belong in modern secular society and should be exiled from it.

There is only one thing wrong with your post: God does not exist.

>should be exiled from it
Not him but you're leeching off Christian civilization and culture you pathetic rebellious atheist.

>The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
Psalm 14:1-2

>Butthurt over imaginary friend
Better stick to your Sunday morning echo chamber, m8


lol because there were no pathetic weirdos at all 200 years ago




No, I'm leeching off of a secular civilization and culture, as much as you might wish it to be the contrary, the modern west is at most culturally christian.

Is that an atempt at making a point?

1/10 an effort was made

>Christian civilization and culture

You mean European civilization, Europe prospered despite Christianity not because of it.

I love when chrisfags flapp their mouth-vaginas about sjws yet get triggered so easily. Please, continue posting.

200 years ago the freaks were not glorified.

There is no such thing as "secular civilization and culture". Try to name 1 (one) atheist civilization. Good luck.

>For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.
Romans 1:19-22

secular =/= atheist

Secular does not mean atheist. It simply means that religion and state are kept separate.

That's a Catholic, not a Christian. You can tell the difference by the Catholic worshiping Mary, and the Christian worshiping Jesus.

Do not associate me with those pseudo-Christians, thanks.

>Europe prospered despite Christianity
Non-Christian Africans and Americans were more civilized than non-Christian Europeans.

Reminder that you are not Catholic because of this mentally deranged man:

>"If your papist annoys you with that word (i.e. alone), tell him straightaway: Doctor Martin Luther will have it so: Papists and asses are one and the same thing. Whoever will not have my translation, let him give it the go-by: the devil's thanks to him who censures it without my will and knowledge. LUTHER WILL HAVE IT SO, AND HE IS A DOCTOR ABOVE ALL THE DOCTORS IN POPEDOM."

Amicable Discussions, I, 127, ‘The Facts About Luther’, O’Hare, Tan Books (1987), p201

>"Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died."

t. Martin Luther

>>the greco-romans weren't civilized before the christians showed up
Nice to see that biblethumpers have about as much knowledge of history as they do of biology, cosmology and most scientific topics in general.

Luke 1:48 - Mary prophesies that all generations shall call her blessed, as Catholics do in the "Hail Mary" prayer. What Protestant churches have existed in all generations (none), and how many of them call Mary blessed with special prayers and devotions?

Gal. 4:4 - God sent His Son, born of a woman, to redeem us. Mary is the woman with the redeemer. By calling Mary co-redemptrix, we are simply calling Mary "the woman with the redeemer." This is because "co" is from the Latin word "cum" which means "with." Therefore, "co-redemptrix" means "woman with the redeemer." Mary had a unique but subordinate role to Jesus in salvation.

Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:2 - the word "saints" (in Hebrew "qaddiysh") means "holy" ones. So Mary is called Holy, the greatest Saint of all.

Luke 2:35 - Simeon prophesies that a sword would also pierce Mary's soul. Mary thus plays a very important role in our redemption. While Jesus' suffering was all that we needed for redemption, God desired Mary to participate on a subordinate level in her Son's suffering, just as he allows us to participate through our own sufferings.

Luke 2:19,51 - Mary kept in mind all these things as she pondered them in her heart. Catholics remember this by devoting themselves to Mary's Immaculate Heart and all the treasures and wisdom and knowledge contained therein.

>Mediterranean world
>rest of Europe
Pick one.

It's from a comic called Doc Frankenstein.

Nice butthurt, but the sad reality for you is that the modern west wouldn't exist without the greco-roman civilization that preceded your christianized germanic kingdoms. I could more easily remove christian influence from the modern world then I could the influence of the greeks and romans. The frigging gospels themselves were probably first written in greek, the spread of christian faith through europe occurred because of the existence of the roman empire.

You are powerfully fucking stupid and one other thing, those primitive germanics reached the americas before columbus did.

Thanks, user. There are still good people on this board.


this is top tier banter

>I could more easily remove christian influence from the modern world then I could the influence of the greeks and romans
meme #1
>the spread of christian faith through europe occurred because of the existence of the roman empire
meme #2
>those primitive germanics reached the americas before columbus did
...and got BTFO

All this mad over a few insulting images.


Pick one.


>get's upset over a comic

literally a muslim

Oh wow, the assrage is real, so real that he's posting stupid apologist pics again.


Like most bullies, the ultra religious have incredibly thin skins

I kek every time you are all so predictable

>>muh blasphemy
cry more

>apologist pics
I literally got that one from an atheist website.
>le trole face

I don't give two figs for what the virulently anti-semetic Catholic friar Martin Luther thought.


This is a facial reconstruction based on 3 random skulls which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ.

All of the following features are imagined:

- wide opened eyes
- raised eyebrows
- thick lips
- mouth breathing
- patchy beard
- JUST-tier haircut

The blasphemous association that is made between this and Jesus Christ is absurd.

Why is it not being associated with Saint Joseph or any of the apostles? This ugly person looks like Jesus Christ as much as it looks like Bashar Al-Assad.

Take this stale meme back to facebook.

Mary was blessed to be the woman chosen to give birth to the Messiah, an honor every Jewish girl wanted, and only one received.

She's not a goddess. She's not supernatural. She's not specially equipped to birth God, nor did God begin to exist in her womb.

>I don't give two figs
Yet he's responsible for the heretical doctrines to which you subscribe today.

And the Muslims aren't wrong about that. They may be devil worshipers, but the idea that blasphemy must be rightfully punished by a righteous blow to the neck is pretty accurate

I don't really care where you got it from to be honest. It doesn't refute anything I or anyone else said, and christianity only became the predominant religion in the roman empire because of state persecution of non-christians ordered by Theodosius in the late 4th century.

>She's not a goddess
Nice strawmanning.

Friend, concern yourself not with these people's insults to Jesus, but concern yourself with the spreading of the gospel of Jesus, which is why you are here. He died for such as these.

>christianity only became the predominant religion in the roman empire because of state persecution of non-christians ordered by Theodosius in the late 4th century
This is a meme. What don't you understand?

Nope. The bible, as it turns out, predates Martin Luther. The Catholic. Who's probably in hell, considering his work was "On the Jews and Their Lies", comparable to Mein Kampf. And quoted in Mein Kampf.

>sperging the fuck out over simple banter is okay

spotted the australian

As in all things, the muslims are wrong here too. You cannot blaspheme a man, even if that man is a prophet of God.

Which Mohammad was not.

In addition to being a cuck-queen isn't Mary also an immigrant?

Muslims get upset when Satan is insulted, not me.

Every. Single. Time. You're like the ABATAP of Veeky Forums, Christposter.

Mother of God.
Queen of Heaven.
Hail Mary prayer.
Statues/Idols of Mary.
Co-Mediatrix with Jesus.
Born sinless.
Did not die, but ascended into heaven.

Yup. You think her a goddess.

Keep crying bitch, it was produced by a team of forensic scientists who based their work off of skulls found in Judea. It's far more likely to be what jesus actually looked like then any amount of art you've posted in this thread could be.


I like how Gabriel is literally Yahweh's wingman here.

>The bible, as it turns out, predates Martin Luther
...yes, unlike his doctrines.

Whatever face He wears, you will see it at Judgment Day.

And you're really not ready for that.

It's not a meme. Without Theodosius greco-roman polytheism would have an unbroken link between the past and present rather then there just being re-constructionist groups.

It's not simple banter, it's blasphemy, the ultimate sin. In the perfect world, an inquisition would now be at your doorstep and would be discussing the best way to execute you, as you deserve to be

Which were Catholic.....are you so mind controlled that you do not recognize that Martin Luther was a Catholic friar? Who wanted to remain a Catholic friar?

It's interesting the James Ossuary says, "James, SON OF JOSEPH, brother of Jesus."

Not "Son of Mary" as how Jesus is referred to in Mark.

The actual ossuary artifact is pretty interesting. No one can substantially prove it's a forgery, yet the Israeli government took the collector to court for simply claiming it wasn't fake.

More like a mash-up based on 3 random skulls computerized and given random imagined features which you don't get from a skull such as long ear lobes.

It's not "the face of Jesus". That face has nothing to do with Jesus. It looks like Jesus as much as it looks like Bashar.

Go back to facebook with this stale meme.

Are you an afrocentrist btw?

>you are not allowed to dislike it when people shit on your religion at all in any way

The guy who spams the same image of chreeby jebus is a born-again, the one who posted immediately after him is a Catholic, I'm pretty sure.

Read Let's not start another silly Catholic vs proddy fight.

ooooooohhhhh real scary.

Reminder that everyone that is named as Jesus brother in the gospels has two completely different parents than him who are also named as their parents
They do not mean biological siblings

Yup. Another nail in the coffin of the Catholic blasphemy of Mary's deity.

They have a bible with two books written by James, brother of Jesus and son of Joseph, and Jude.

And claim that neither is Jesus' brother, because the word for brother can sometimes also cover a cousin situation.

It's ponderous.

I never post images, and I am a born again Christian.

I know. I thought the situation serious enough to tell you the truth, so that you can change your mind.

So you and are both born-agains? Which started posting first? Do you know each other?

Nonsense. People can read it above. The locals of Nazareth were having none of this special Jesus stuff. He was just a local, like them, in a small and benighted support town to the local Roman troops. They did not believe He was God. They grew up with Him, and did not believe He was God. As did James, his asshole half-brother.

>whining when people shit on your religion
>coming from a religion that exterminated whole religions for not agreeing with them

You christcucks are literally SJW tier. It's really disturbing.

Combining that with your insistence that those who insult Christ should be killed gives me the impression that all of you people are pretty shitty people to be honest

The guy insisting on Jesus having long hair I have called friend, and not brother. I am not sure he is my brother. He appears to be a one issue poster.

Mary got SAVED


My posts ITT are:

It's not murder when they blaspheme.

>he fell for the violence is bad meme