>It's 1945
>you are the head of every countries foreign policy until 2016
>how do you make sure this place is not fucked in 2016
It's 1945
Every country, you say?
Remake the Ottoman empire and just leave Persia the fuck alone
remove turkroach
>t. Glendale
Enforce secularism, do not fund radical islam.
That would be enough.
Take all their oil
Keep colonialism going.
Suddenly all these countries have a functional civil service.
Remove them.
All of them.
purge israel
drive the kikes into the sea
>Enforce secularism, do not fund radical islam.
>That would be enough.
didn't really work for Iran.
Egypt did okay
gassing the kikes of course
don't really know what I was expecting...
Unironically move the Zionists to Australia.
Dismantle Israel and Saudi Arabia.
You can't do much more if you're not given power over the USA and Pakistan.
keep americans out of it
Establish worldwide Juche
wasn't it supposed to be Madagascar?
Turkey had a bumpy ride with it too
Make Israel a state in the US or oblast in the USSR. Promote the development of infrastructure in the Middle East to, hopefully, lessen the power of tribal society down the line.
Nuke it all with maghreb and pakistan
I believe that our German friends had some good ideas in this field.
>ctrl f
>"harem" not found
son, I...
Australia puts them even farther away from places they could do damage.
You can't. The reason why these countries fail is because of toxic culture, everything else is secondary. You cannot alter culture in a few decades - it takes centuries.
That's why these countries will continue to lag behind the developed world for at least a few hundred more years. Same with Africa.
my solution would be to give all the new countries to turkey so they can know peace again
t. turk
There is a Jewish oblast in far eastern Russia.
Put the hub of the EU in Constantinople.
Put Churchill in charge of Israel/Palestine
Leave the canals alone
Have a Kurdish state as what they wanted Israel to be.
Not necessarily better but more fun.
Support communist/secular movements
>decolonise slower to build infrastructure for later self-governance
>redraw borders to include a new kurdish republic
>tell kemalist turkey to keep its fucking hands off kurds (give them a guaratee)
>accept that socialism is a concept that is promising for the region (not soviet style ofc...)
>remove monarcy (they may get to keep thier fancy title...but practically no power)
>find a two-state solution that actually works...
>(also prevent or ice-pick-to-the-head Nazis fleeing to arab countries)
>do not overthrow mossadeq
>treat extremist muslims like any other extremist threats
Did i miss anything? (probably yes)
>implying turkey isn't the reason they were fucked up in the first place
Create a Kurdish state
Split Iraq on Sunni/Shiite lines
Make an agreement between Israel and the Arab states where Arab Jews are resettled in Israel and Palestinians are resettled in Arab lands
Unite the Arabian Peninsula under one strong, centralized state
It's a fucking shit and sand pit. Extract the oil and leave it's people mindlessly following religious codes.
400 years of peace between 1517 and 1917, as soon as the Ottomans collapsed they all went to shit
>soon as the Ottomans collapsed they all went to shit
>repression is the same as good rule
fuck turkey, fuck the ottomans
>being "repressed" by Turks is worse than being cucked by colonialists
>arabs were repressed
So why were they alright 1800-1940?
Systematic genocide of the muslims, settle the area with Europeans.
You missed the part where the original post said "how do you make sure this place is not fucked in 2016"
Otherwise you would've never unironically recommended socialism
Anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong
>that grosskurdium touching the black sea
The entire map is retarded but that part is just comical.
>dividing up borders based on ethnic and religious boundaries is retarded
lol ok buddy
I'm sure lumping people who want nothing to do with each other together will definitely create a stable country
Oh wait
That's what we have now
The ethnic and religions divisions are the retarded ones in this map, since they're arbitrary.
For starters, the free kurdistan proposed in your map would include massive amount of non kurdish people that would cause the same conflict you're trying to prevent.
To add more, the map selects some nations and gives them independence, while completely ignoring others. Why?
>Balkanized Iran
>Giving Mt. Ararat and surrounding lands to Kurds instead of Armenia
>"Arab Shia State" with 90% of the oil in the middle east
>Greater Azerbaijan
>Tabriz in Kurdistan
>Leaving European land in the hands of Turks
This map was clearly made by some retarded neocon.
>n-n-no you're retarded you stupid neocon
Hello Mehmet.
Let's see you justify any of this retard-tier map painting. How would this remotely solve anything?
>For starters, the free kurdistan proposed in your map would include massive amount of non kurdish people that would cause the same conflict you're trying to prevent.
And it still missed rojava...how?
There are no Armenians behind the Turkish border and Turkey in Europe has more people in it than Greece.
Serious answer: install a tyrannical, medieval style monarchy in each of them. It's pretty much the only thing that prevents them from exploding into total chaos.
>There are no Armenians behind the Turkish border
The lands are still Armenian, "relocate" the Turks and Kurds living there and ship in Armenians from Glendale.
>Turkey in Europe has more people in it than Greece.
Never said Greece will get the people, only the land. Why would Greece want 12 million Turks in its country?
Let the USSR annex all of them and let the commies destroy Islam
transfer the means of production to the workers
execute the entire saudi royal family
Literally all communist / socialist movements in the MENA ended up being a massive failure. Most of them had to coopt nationalism to be even able to survive.
>Refuse all secular governments aid.
>Fund fundamentalists against all the secular governments.
>Start bombing their shit went they don't comply with the fundamentalist rebels.
>When the fundamentalists turn on me bomb them some more.
>Also try drain as much of their only natural resource out of the countries as possible
This ought too work
>Literally all communist / socialist movements ended up being a massive failure
It's that or salafism. Pick yer poison
See Basically they need to go to status quo ante Sykes-Picot.
Australia has a bunch of natural resources though, including uranium.
This lad. Assad blitzkrieg when?
That's a big Jordan.
This could use a lot of work.
There are more Turks in Istanbul than Greeks in existence
There's absolutely no reason to give it to Greece other than to make Greece a country dominated politically by Turks again
>>"Arab Shia State" with 90% of the oil in the middle east
You're forgetting Kuwait and Qatar, or in English the U.S. military bases just to make sure our allies in the free democratic republic of shia states plays ball!
>There are more Turks in Istanbul than Greeks in existence
That could very easily be remedied.