>westerners on Veeky Forums that downplay eastern achievements and revise history yet cry out against any critique of the "white" man
Westerners on Veeky Forums that downplay eastern achievements and revise history yet cry out against any critique of...
>that time after the second world war where the west was never able to properly influence the east again
What's your skin?
pretty sure only the Spanish bristle at being called that by chattels
>dumb frogposter
OP may be a fag but he's right
Almost every human being has a bias towards his own history or the ones he feels close to. There are advantages of say Being Italian and Studying Roman History but I believe A Chinese Roman Historian might have a lesser bias towards it.
Exempli gratia, I'm a turk who studies early-middle Byzantine History, the time when empire have not encountered turks yet, hence I feel that I'm more neutral to the subject. Though I'm not saying that a Turk cannot be a good ottoman historian or a Greek cannot be a Byzantinist or Classicist
>easterners on Veeky Forums that downplay western achievements and revise history yet cry out against any critique of the "yellow" man
the truth is that past antiquity their history is worthless
this is complete bullshit
lets be honest we are pretty much /pol/ with dates.
wouldn't have it any other way to b h.
>the truth is that past antiquity their history is worthless
>You shouldn't judge African history on their achievements, all history is important!
>Stop using the term "African", africa is very complex with many cultures
>Fucking evil white people imperialists
Veeky Forums everybody. Pic related
Only a small but loud autistic part of his is pol
>thread about eastern achievements
dude what?
I quoted He said that western history past point x was worthless. And i know he only holds that opinion on western history.
I quoted *
Define "eastener". You're a slav, an arab or a chink?
Butthurt chink detected, don't you have Mao to praise or something?
I would like it if more than 5% of the board had some sort of background in history rather than Deadliest warrior tier docu knowledge.
A slav us a a westener if you live faaar in the east.
My bad dude. I misunderstood.
Well, but I don't live far west, so they're all east to me. And this is an american (albeit weaboo) website, you can't get more west.
>I don't live far east
Pretty impossible man, this is the side effect to free anonymous posting.
Well /tv/ knows a lot about movies and bane posting and /out/ knows a thing or two about the outdoors so it's not that much to ask is it?
I know a few things about medieval European history and especially material culture so ask away.
This board is somehow worse than /pol/ kek
For the record, I have a Bachelor's in History and am going to graduate school in Fall. I feel that a lot of my knowledge is kind of general, though, and that i haven't really dug deep into many specific topics. There's only a few that I did heavy research on.
i thought this thread was about eastern europe, not east asia
what are the differences between the ERE concept of granting land in 'pronoia' and Western Fuedalism?
Don't know shit about the ERE
My focus is mainly late 14th and 15th century Western Europe and man that is a big fucking topic already. Hell even trying to explain feudalism is hard if people have this GoT notion of it.
What the fuck are you talking about? Veeky Forums is full of people who cry about everything that might be /pol/ and who make shitty meta threads complaining about small minority of actual /pol/posters
those are very specific date parameters though, bit hard to find anyone with a deep knowledge and interest in that as well
what interests you the most about this period though?
it marks the ultimate decline of the ERE and their death in the 15th post fourth crusade, just on the cusp of the renaissance
anything else though?
Well it's really this arch typical medieval period, guys in plate armor, fashion that you'll see in every quasi medieval film and probably one of the less shitty periods for the average human being. It also marks the beginning of my countries formative years (The Netherlands). In a lot of ways it's extremely modern and it was the period where Northern Europe overtook Southern Europe in being an economic powerhouse.
Oh and they had nice floortiles.
And this sculpture is pretty neat too.
Actually, knowing that the Seleucids, the Byzantines or Austro-Hungary is already more than most people in the world can claim.
You may believe that >>> memers are shitposters, but the fact is that they know that the Holy Roman Empire and Voltaire existed. This makes their knowledge of history superior to most people, even if they know nothing apart from the fact that they existed and what/who they were.
That's the level of knowledge in most Veeky Forums boards, other fields are just harder or less common to get into.
Alright that's true, my parents had never heard of the HRE and they thought the middle ages was a 300 year period.
>goes on Western site and complains about prevalence of Westerners
It evens out. You have to listen to westerner's perspective on history while we have to deal with fucking faggots making threads about how they are descended from Muhammad for realsies with posts like "PEACE BE UPON HIM".
If you tell the Middle Easterners to shut the fuck up, fuck off, and find their own site to shitpost, we will discuss more Slavic history for you. Otherwise, be thankful we even let you on our site nigga.
African history is largely a joke so unless you want to talk about Shaka Zulu for the 1259125080123th time, we have nothing to talk about. We aren't going to entertain bullshit like "Hannibal was really black!" or any level of We Wuz Kangz garbage.
Thank fucking God for that, this board could've been a literal hellhole if we just let it be a
At least this way we get to have some semblance of historical discussion not based in blatant revisionism and bullshit.
I remember there was a poll done recently asking people if they were left wing or right wing with the results coming up pretty even.
I thought that was a good thing and I hope that Veeky Forums continues to stay balanced. We need both perspectives to prevent this place from becoming an echo chamber.
As long as both sides agree to not bitch about under-representation or that one side is being "mean" to them.
I'm totally down for genuine discussion, but all I see is people blaming the /pol/ boogeyman instead of engaging in actual historical debate over factual subject matter.
If you forced me to choose between the two I would pick a /pol/ influenced historical discussion over a discussion where any form of dissent was spat at with a "GTFO TO /POL/ YOU RACIST REDNECK WHITEY" without addressing the crux of the comment in any way, shape, or form.
Completely agree, any type of comment redirecting to /pol/ should be reported for shitposting.
You're right. Thanks to the fantastic /pol/ influence, instead of a board full of genuine we-wuz-kangs-posting, we a get a board full of ironic we-wuz-kangz-posting. So much better.
>Assuming the strawman of the fat guy or the black people is correct
>assuming most black people are ghetto gangbangers
> assuming multiple generations of oppression don't leave a lasting effect on a community
that image is complaining about the hypocrisy present in Veeky Forums, not vikings or black people themselves.
This is essentially right. Further more, every human being has bias towards whats familiar to them and what they identify with most.
However as a historian or as an earnest learner and "lover of wisdom", there is a dire need to understand this bias ourselves and expand our horizon. Else we'd all be living in shitty closed off balkanized world.
>assuming multiple generations of oppression don't leave a lasting effect on a community
How to Identify a Black user in one sentence: The Post.
>african history is largely a joke
user you got evidence for that claim?
>WE WUZ posting is serious
Please, most are /pol/tards just memeing every time we try to discuss Africa seriously.
They are a vocal minority at best.
>le strawman
Nice one, lad.
Alright, Jamal, giving excuses for why does not fix what currently happens.
Instead of bitching and moaning about the past, fix your present day shit and have a better future for your kin.
Only Eurobabies desu.
Here in the US we're taught that China was relevant as fuck at the minimum. India and ME not so much but World History classes here are basically Euro + China history mashed into one with Genghis Khan and Atilla thrown in.
Euros are a little more butthurt about their baby that is Western culture itself being rekt by the former colony's take on it.
wow those are nice floor tiles actually