Did Genghis Khan actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and hold the Mongols together.
It just all seemed too convenient.
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pretty sure the giant fucking empire under the Mongols is enough proof
How does that prove one man's existence?
Are you on drugs?
>no evidence
Yeah, besides his children.
I have never seen a child of Genghis Kahn
But you have Marco Polo's accounts of talking to Kublai.
Did Julius Caesar actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and stabilize Rome.
It just all seemed too convenient.
The earth is also flat if you go up in a balloon you can't see the curvature
Why should I trust third accounts when polo had so much to gain from it?
Can you prove he spoke to Kublai and can you prove that Kublai was son of Genghis Kahn?
Can you prove that you exist? For all I know you're a figment of my imagination.
I see what youre saying OP. Im not gonna research now, but ive never actually heard of any more evidence than Marco Polo speaking to Kublai. And having such a story would be very convenient for them, in many ways.
Dont mind the ones who arent able to argue with evidence without calling you retarded.
But what exactly would Marco gain on such a lie?
I think you're getting a little silly here friendo. Let's stay on topic here.
Either can prove Genghis Kahn existed or you can't and he never existed
World fame for 600 something years.
Who? Polo? He's already famous for making a trip through Asia.
If you're to be so obtuse about this type of history, as user pointed out you may as well reject Julius Caesar (or any Roman Emperor for that matter), Cyrus the Great, Ramses II, etc.
The devastation he wrecked affect many empires with their own recorded history. Even the mongols have their own account. altaica.ru
Historians have dedicated their life to studying him. They're not making it up.
what empire?
Is this a new form of shitposting?
Did Napoleon Bonaparte actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and stabilize France.
It just all seemed too convenient.
Did Bane actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and crash this plane.
It just all seemed too convenient.
Did Jesus Christ actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and stabilize Rome.
It just all seemed too convenient.
Jesus existed because he spoke to me in a vision and I'm an authority about these things so I know I'm right
t. Paul
Did Obama actually exist?
I see no evidence pointing to yes.
I think it was just a story to try and give democrats control
It just all seemed too convenient