What medication is Veeky Forums on?

What medication is Veeky Forums on?

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sage and delete

you aren't cool
you aren't original
you aren't special

None, because I'm not a fucking loser

Have fun getting fat and watching your dick shrink.

Those are two well documented, and almost unavoidable side effects of taking that shit.

Salbutamol and fluticasone
how cool am I?

Using inhalers is sexy tbqh.


helps, yo

Spironolactone and estradiol :^)

ADHD is not Veeky Forums lol

Adhd isn't even real lmao.

This shows that it doesnt matter how effay you might be, you still are degenerate weirdos with no self control

bc or hrt

yeah lad, I'm totally addicted to my asthma puffer

literally this

also, asthma puffer? effay?

wew lad

I'm on m&ms

And you think thats effay? What has this board come to with all these new fags.

O fuck straterra do that?
Kill me

Just estradiol here ;)

But also escitalopram, trazodone, and a bunch of illegal stuff because I'm a depressive fuckup in other ways

spironolactone and estradiol as well :+)

also lexapro, trileptal, and latuda.


Fluoxetine and imipramine

Well I'm really down I mix benzos with alcohol and hope not to wake up again.

>mentally ill

no one is surprised

Self medicated duuudes!
It's how I manage my anxiety lmaoo

Wellbutrin is the most shit medication out there. Shit game me suicidal thoughts. fuck dat


No, Strattera doesn't do that.

That user is thinking of Seroquel.

>well documented
should be easy to find a link, because i searched "strattera side effects" and didn't see weight gain or anything about dick shrinkage (impotence, but that's not the same thing and it's troubling if you think it is).

Lots of amphetamines, lots of benzos. Not effay but it's nice to have stockpiles of drugs for a rainy day

Inderal (Propranolol)
Venlafaxin (Effexor)

And hopefully Accutane soon

I'm on protonix for that young gastritis

200mg quetiapine + 225mg venlafaxine

Got me an adderall script lol

300mg zoloft + 1ML Testosterone Cypionate every 2 weeks ;0)

pretty soft desu

200mg quetiapine what the fuck man i take 37.5mg quetiapine daily and it makes me completely immobile for the first few hours i'm awake wtf does 200mg do to you

Fucking americunts posting the brand name of the medication instead of the actual name.


fluoxetine, haloperidol, aripiprazole

flunitrazepam for sleeping. am i fucked up?