What do non-Muslims think of Mohammed? Was he a prophet who spread his genuine faith by the sword...

What do non-Muslims think of Mohammed? Was he a prophet who spread his genuine faith by the sword, or a charlatan who invented a religion to become king, and found enough followers to go out a-conquering?

faggot who ruined persia

>Was he a prophet who spread his genuine faith by the sword,

That would make them Muslims, right?

He was a heretical Nestorian preacher probably, who used his charisma and martial prowess to carve out a huge empire. Pretty impressive tee bee aych, but in the West we don't really see any religious significance to him as far as our own faiths are concerned. Still, a pretty badass guy who knew how to get things done and win people's hearts and minds over.

Tl;Dr we see him more as a statesman and a military commander than as a prophet

Muhammad was visited by a false angel of light, it was a demon, a fallen angel of deception. Satan and his workers are great mimickers and Muhammad, deceived, established a demonic cult of Allah (false-God) called Islam (meaning voluntary submission to this false-God, i.e. Satan) which he spread like wildfire by the sword convinced that it was the last revelation of God Almighty.

Islam is none other than Satan's magnum opus, which now has 1.6 billion adherents (23% of the world population) and which will probably be followed by half of the world population by 2050.

>For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15

Muhammad was a gluttonous wealthy slave owner, an adulterer, a child-molesting pedophile, a murderer, a liar, he encouraged theft, rape, torture and the list goes on. He was the pawn of Satan and is now in Hell.

>Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Matthew 7:15-20

Jesus is the Christ prophesied in scripture, born of God, undeceivable.

Read to learn more about Islam.

I'd play around with this pasta but I'm too tired

"p-pasta!" is not an argument, silly Abd Al-Makir.

child molester who made up a religion for wealth and power

He was the culmination of a century of political developments in the Arabian Peninsula in transition from chieftains to prophets, and likely just the religious leader of the Abrahamic Arab confederation who allied with Arab Jews and Christians to realize some end times prophesy.

Afterwords he was mythologized and turned into the fount of a new religious movement that swept through the new Arab empire.

He's trash, like his religion

Ironic shit posting is still shitbposting

He banged little girls and rode a horse to heaven. His philosophy is shit-tier nonsense. That's what I think of him.

I think it makes Muhammad unique among the religious founders in that he had an earthly life and participated in political life and wasn't some ascetic (Buddha) or a cult leader/teacher (Jesus).

He was prophet & king & warrior. Merchant even considering his early life.

It is written but I say unto you

A poor man's Jesus Christ.

Laid the foundations for one of the greatest Medieval era empires though.

>spread his genuine faith by the sword

Originally Arabs believed that Muslims should be Arab only.

>A poor man's Jesus Christ
Why do people keep comparing him to Jesus Christ? He's probably more a poor man's Moses than anything.

To me, Muhammed was really a guy who echoed a sentiment within the Book of Daniel and the New Testament. He responded to a time of crisis (the massive destructive war between the Byzantines and the Persians) with an End Times narrative that had worked before in Jerusalem. Through this warning, and by returning to the one true faith of Abraham, he attempted to get rid of the chaos that was engulfing his society. This wasn't really a success, but that wasn't entirely his fault, as a lot of the sectarian stuff began to get out of control after he died.

Ultimately he was really just a product of his time. Had he never been born, someone like him would've probably led similar movements in similar areas.

He was a very talented and progressive politician who understood the world and his people enough to forge them into an empire. And yes, he WAS fucking progressive.

Mohammed is not the Arab Jesus. He is more like the Arab Charlemagne or whoever we want to attribute the birth of what we consider the direct ancestor of modern Europe to.

The fuck kind of non-question is this