Why did he do it Veeky Forums?


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Because he was a retard like everyone in that part of the world.

Because you can't fuck with the Buddhists in a majority Buddhist country and expect to get away with it.

To protest the war in Vietnam.

What an iron constitution.

eats aisian cultue has more emphasis on the society and less on the individual compared to the west

Catholics president in the wrong country being a dick and not letting based Ho Chi Minh win and then asking him to break ties with the USSR and try to get buddy buddy with the US and go "we'll drop the communist shit if you'll just fuck off from our land."

He was a hothead.

to transmigrate his soul

to be on a Rage Against The Machine album cover

Forget why he did it, explain how he withstood the heat when it has been considered excruciating by those who have survived burns.

Willpower and meditation.

Monks literally live their entire lives in a way designed to give them a strong will and a commitment to the group.

Some of the monks that did it survived, and said it was absolutely excruciating, but they were so committed to their political point that they didn't have that much trouble staying still.

the absolute madman

I find it weird that so many people in the West admire Asian cultures yet they despise anything with a slightly anti-individualist belief attached to it.

you can admire a culture and yet still recognize faults and flaws within it.

That's neither a fault nor a flaw

They're Asian.

Huge flaw right there.

For real though, collectivism doesn't work.

because Diem was a prick?

in your opinion.

That wouldn't bother me if this admiration wasn't merely superficial and only based on the "exotic" value of the culture. It has no depth to it.

Its normies dude, what do you expect?
They're content with some cheesy katakana tattoo on their chest and maybe watching Dragon Ball Z or something.

Correct answers

The rapid industrialization of China disagrees. Although I'm not sure what you mean by collectivation, I would hope not communism. Say what you want, their family structure is stronger (IMO) and at the very least more stable than much of the rest of the world's. Or was before the one child policy.

>le HCM wasn't a communist meme

Uhh I'm not sure how you figured that out.

>le HCM hated America meme

>le you have to hate a country to hate its policies meme

*Because he was a retard like everyone in the world.
everything it shit, man
even this post, man


He was against killing in the name of! Uh!


The Catholic government the US was supporting was persecuting Buddhists. The president of south vietnam and the madam president's response to this is exactly what was wrong with supporting illegitimate government.

My niggas.

There's a reason that had to play catchup in the first place.

Meanwhile, the individualist cultures of Western Europe create new technologies instead of scrambling to imitate whatever the cool kids are doing.

>immolation is rated the most painful way to kill yourself
>monk doesn't flinch or even make a noise
Was he loaded on drugs or did really have that zen on point

Are you saying that being burned alive would be extremely painful?

Quảng Đức's last words before his self-immolation were documented in a letter he had left:

Before closing my eyes and moving towards the vision of the Buddha, I respectfully plead to President Ngô Đình Diệm to take a mind of compassion towards the people of the nation and implement religious equality to maintain the strength of the homeland eternally. I call the venerables, reverends, members of the sangha and the lay Buddhists to organize in solidarity to make sacrifices to protect Buddhism

Pure, 100% determination.

We have the testimonies of Vietnamese monks who did the same thing and didn't die. They felt everything.

If Wilson had actually backed Vietnamese statehood at Versailles, then Vietnam could have been a based US ally. But because Woodrow was a useless shitbag by 1918, he fucked everything up.

How was he supposed to know that some shithead half a century later would tie America's entire foreign policy to some backwater halfway across the planet.

Yeah, but it was obviously part of his plan, though.

>implying he was ever not a useless shitbag

To get his damn point across to people.

That's certainly true. There's also the possibility that future humans may benefit more by bring more cohesive in a group, versus competitive amongst themselves.

Westerners are plenty cohesive.
They just recognize that sometimes there are individuals who can do something better than a group.

I have to completely disagree with this statement.
Constant competitive behavior Is why we have reached this era of humanity.

Not to say purely competitive with other humans but against more abstract things. Compliance In absolute terms means you do not discover, even if the circumstance of said wonder is unintebded and a by-product.

In short, compliance with no hidden agenda is reserved for the weak, forgetten in the annal of history.

I understand your sentiment and completely agree. Plus I made very clear I was referring to future. You may believe you have a perfect understanding of human nature and know the future. But I'll doubt it. My original comment in this thread was referring to the break down of the family/community, in America specifically.

Not many people actually examine their own views to see if they are contradictory.

What I disagree with is whatever your saying about compliance. Why you might think blind compliance is a good thing is beyond me

What breakdown of the family/community?

He sure showed em

I think we are misunderstanding our definitions of compliance/competitive. I was argue the larger ramification's of your statement which i feel needs to be challenged as it could warp others perception of the question without what i pointed out. Your correct in your link to American family/community breaking down.

However, you too do not know the future, nor all of human nature, instead, you and i have two counter visions of where theses two concepts lead, 'down the road' as it were, in human development (or increasing lack of development should your maxis be encouraged in society.)

It is not a case of blind compliance being a good thing. in fact i argue more for individualist mantra, both personal and on larger scales, even to a destructive degree. Compliance is good only in so far as all involved have there own selfish intrest as to why they want something to succeed as a colective. This paticular conversation on coheasive/competitive needs to be more defined, so i can be more clear on my stance and reasoning for you.

also, in answer to OP's question, He did it as a pacifist stand against his perception on the injustice of... well, other anons have already explained that part.

I would add rather cynicly that the supposed impact of this was minimal where it mattered most, Its more important as a rare glimpse at a uniqe snapshot of a scene of history and for effecting world conciousness at the time, now more a cultural significant shot which most people look at with awe yet dont even know the reasoning behined what at first glance is an random, extreme moment in fanatic humanity. (like you, OP!)

He was cold maybe?

How can one man be so based? Dude was on another plane of existance.

He sleeps now in the fire

Is he okay?

Greater self awareness leads to greater self control. He did it because he's a badass

>who did the same thing and didn't die.
uhh what


The Dalai Lama apparently doesn't react to sudden noises either. I was reading an interview with him and the author noted that a motorcycle backfired outside and the guy didn't flinch at all.

They're Buddhists. It's their schtick whenever they don't like something.

That or like the ones in China & Japan: wall themselves up.

Because he's a dumbass that doesn't know communism doesn't allow freedom of religion.

He wasn't even bitching about Communism.

To raise awareness

i remember looking at the vid and in the comment some girl said : omg the guy that put gasoline on him should be jailed

He turned them into bitches. Behold!

Not him, but that's why he's dumb. Under Diem's regime the Buddhists were persecuted but the Communist regime forbids religion. The image of him setting himself on fire only contributed to undermining the South and did nothing to help Buddhists.

i always thought the same... i know about all that zen shit about putting your mind away not to feel pain - but for fuck's sake we're talking about burning your whole body to death

so i hope they were filled with drugs

worth it

He did actually. That image ignited (no pun intended) the spark that ended with the army deposing Ngô Đình Diệm, the man the monk was protesting.

JFK remarked that "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."

It happens... occasionally

Some men just want to watch themselves burn

Buddhist monks can actually do some pretty crazy shit.
They can make wet cold towels steam through body heat produced during meditation

For Jews

shit's on fire yo!