Which denomination are you a part of? Mormon here!
Protestant General
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Joseph Smith was a conman whose deceitful works have been thoroughly debunked.
>But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:8-9
> 2016
> Still getting bamboozled by the Council of Nicaea
Pick one.
Hey man, born and raised Mormon here. We're definitely not protestants. No one else has continual prophets or any other institution like the Quorum.
I was raised Methodist but am an atheist now.
Let's count how many posts until this thread is ruined by Roman Cathautism.
Baptist here
Enjoy hell, sinnuhs
*sweats in white suit*
Evangelical Baptist here,
see all you in hell bitches!
my family is super Lutheran.
Like they've founded Lutheran colleges and high schools.
I really wish I could get behind it because not being a believer distinctly alienates me from my entire family.
I roleplayed really hard for a while, singing in the choir and shit, and had this weird syncretistic advaita thinking going on with the whole cosmic Christ thing going on, but eventually I couldn't get around the fact that Lutheranism, especially LCMS distinctly believes in sola scriptura, and I just can't accept that the fucking bible is infallible.
i'm a complete non believer but I wanted a way to pay lip service to it socially, but I can't agree with something I patently find essentially retarded.
I like the ELCA more than the LCMS.
Enjoy hell
> Protestants
Cathar here, enjoy the physical realm lads, I'll be relaxing in the spiritual
My family is Catholic but I guess you could call me a deist or pantheist depending on the day. Where I'm from most catholics are pretty relaxed but protestants tend to be pretty hardcore, it's their religion and they have a right to do as they please but damn, do some of their kids look unhappy when they can't even hang out with people that aren't in their church.
I figure spending my days staring at a computer screen is the closest one can get to escaping from the physical realm
>Not enjoying the tradition and art of the catholic church while dropping all the blasphemous shit.
Anglicans are pretty cool, too bad they're comparatively so small a community.
Anglicans are basically secular Christianity. Gay marriage, female ordination, dogma is "relative".
>but we have wine with our Communion so we're traditionalist, right?
The Book of Mormon is not contrary to the gospel. It is an addendum. Next argument, please.
Mormonism is polytheistic, seems contrary to me.
I was not aware it was polytheistic... specifically how? Perhaps I have misnterpreted the Book.
According to Mormonism, YHWH was originality a man (he's married), but by being a good Mormon to his god (who also presumably originally a man), was made a god and got his own universe. Every Mormon who is a good Mormon will have this.
Deist here, any belief in an interventionist god is simply narcissitic human bullshit
Can you explain your reasoning? God creates a universe and reality, but then immediately loses all interest afterward and becomes a deadbeat dad?
No, more like God creates the universe and everything in it, and then works the universe as a whole, not each little particle. You're a small part of a great light, not a light in a sea of lights. Read the book of Job.
I've read the Book of Job, it's not deist.
I don't know how working the universe "as a whole" is distinct from "every little particle," unless you mean distinguish deist's denial of a sustaining God with Christianity's affirmation of a sustaining God here
Are you mad?
The Book of Job is pretty much the opposite of Deism.
I tried to be a Mormon because it was nontrinitatian and I thought people in the Church would be well read and educated
Boy was that a fucking mistake, Mormons have the emotional intelligence and intellectual curiosity of a rock
My father is an atheist and my mother is a catholic. I myself am not baptized and raised secular (I went to a catholic school) but I am an agnost.
I like the esoterism and aesthetics of the catholic church however.