WAYWT casual edition

Post ITT if your clothes are too casual for WAYWT. What does Veeky Forums wear when casual

Rate my casual travel fit, going to Wisconsin today

>Post ITT if your clothes are too casual for WAYWT
like that isnt literally ever Veeky Forums waywt thread nowadays

Shouldn't be though


Repost because I genuinely wore this today

Just bought some milk

Would be great if not for the terrible choice of shoes

Does it help that they're high top or do they still suck?

so bland

people (teens) here will like it tho


take the clips out and wash your hair

nah no


I'd probably beat you up and take your phone

I'm kinda new to this board. Any thoughts?

really bad

Why are you wearing clips in your hair? Does it look so bad on purpose


Super casual, just got this raf shirt back from the cleaners

yea u?

Could use some work

Why do people tie converse so tightly like this?

It looks fucking awful and borderline autistic.

>still living with your mom


>spends over $1000+ dollars on clothing
>looks like shit

people laugh at you, did you know that?

that jacket and shirt looks nice but everything else makes you look like an idiot.



Those shoes look shitty but everything else is pretty great.

you can't be Veeky Forums with calves like that

>wearing emo mall core

literally what, why post man?

i guess this is the new thread

>would chill with/10

i've had better days

>taking pictures of clothes that don't fit you in a dressing room



I like

very generic and boring

shoes are awful and the jacket is too small

i'd probably beat you up if I saw you irl

awful fit, makes you look like a manlet

shirt shape looks bad

You would not do this

This. You look so annoying. Your shoes don't look right, your shirt tuck is bad, your belt is bad, and you're so scrawny.

>i'm a lanklet and I take pictures of myself in h&m dressing rooms


I'd like to see you try kiddo

kk, on my way

I fucking hate this stupid boring cookie cutter fit every fucking loser is wearing now, no you don't look good, you look like a beta who can't dress himself

This fit is the equivalent of the undercut

>numale highschool teacher/10

yeah I'm gonna get around to getting it tailored

Come n get me :^)



Only works if you are in a kpop group

american eagle poster boy
You look like you go to hipster bars to watch game of thrones

would look better with frayed denim shorts (think SLP) and some all white sneakers, IMO. shirt is interesting but you have to know how to pull it off.

awful, nothing works, jacket is alright but not with everything else. Get tighter jeans and really consider how you're wearing those shoes. Maybe return them.

i dont do social media

whats that bed stand thing you have? i like my bed similarly low to the ground. thanks

it's just an ikea frame

>"i dont do social media"
>posts to social media site

this is my new favorite meme

top is great, bottom autismo

Thanks for the advice

I ment to post this image

I'm new.
I have a few hundred dollars to spend o clothes. I'm 6'0 slim light skinned mexican
I feel retarded when it comes to clothes. please help me not fuck up. I tend to like dark clothes but it's really hot where I'm from. How should I approach pls anything will help

sorry g xD

holy fuck kill yourself, how do you not know better than this?

>but everything else is pretty great.

u out of ur mind senpai

I actually like this. Insta?


protip: if you have to ask other people if it looks good then the answer is always no

your choice of pants is always incredible my man

good shit dog


These trousers are comfy a f

For me that shirt looks too formal, really out of place with the rest of the outfit

shirt looks too formal. a sweater over it would look good fine

shoes and socks are hideous

Wore this last night to hang

pls no bully

just lurk and looks thru websites and fits

if you want stuff for hot weather just get some shorts and basic stuff

>social media
someones a little slow in the head today

forgot pic.



its a shame if we crop you from the legs upwards you'd make a pretty cute tumblr whore.


They're a lil big :/

Is this shirt too long to wear untucked?

Good shirt decent shorts bad shoes

It's a fucking button down and jeans, can you relax?

this board is full of turbo normie teenagers now

i bet most of you arent virgins fucking dumbasses

Shirt: Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme 198x
T-Shirt: Vintage circa 2006
Pants: Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme 1992
Shoes: Rick Owens 2015

Wow! What a horrible picture! Also thanks for listing your meme brands so we can all share a laugh that you wasted all this money to look this bad! Thanks for your contribution to this thread, faggot :)

get a better pic pls

The fuck are you talking about, it's the only good part of the fit

le normie why arent u wearing a classy pair of chinos post great meme its almost 10 years old now which is only 3 years younger than you normie scum


Ohhhh you're trying to bait, ok. Nice job user!

W2c that jacket

im just teaching shit posters how to post correctly and not like normie knuckledragging girlfriend having mde fans

lesson 1: okay heres a lesson yohji yamamoto, rei kawakubo, margiela, lang, rick owens, ann dem etc. are not meme designers typing meme at designers whoa are critically acclaimed and extremely influential is not a funny joke it just shows that you are a stupid knuckle dragging chino wearing girl fucker who needs to shot in the back of the head

lesson 2: dressing like an our legacy lookbook is boring as fuck (this is directed at most neo-Veeky Forums posters) also raf simons adidas are fucking stupid

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