Anyone else here hate having str8 hair?

Anyone else here hate having str8 hair?


I've always wondered if that picture is shoped or not.


Every time I wash it it feels like constantly walking into a spider web

Yes i hate my hair

i have wavy hair and i wish i had straight

Wavy hair is the most effay and attractive

its not

My hair is really straight when dry and really wavy almost curly when greasy so Idk

I had like that weird standing up hair for a while when I was young, then for some reason, I'm assuming lice, my mom shaved it all off, then I got straight hair, and I love it a lot. But secretly I want wavy hair.

Dear Lord.
How did it happen? He was so beautiful.

Grass is always greener in the other side. Been struggling with curly hair. Thinking bout straightening it.

Why even live if you pay $900,000 annually to your ex.

does anyone want to take my hair?

Give me some of your tots Napoleon

undercut that shit senpai it will look great

shave all of it right now


midlife crisis I think
real bad shit my man

I have straight (almost) Asian hair. I have a receding hairline that has stopped for the past 2 years. It stopped in the same stop as my fathers.

I feel like I'm doomed to have the same long bangs with keeping it short on the side, or a buzz cut. But my forehead game is too strong for the buzz cut.

Who else has a JUST FUCKED UP hairline here?

Straight hair master race fuck anyone who disagrees faggot

I fucking with I had straight hair. Instead I've got curly shit that is always frizzy because I'm half a nigger unfortunately.

Oh boo hoo you have hair that does not look like a damaged brittle tumbleweed because you didn't moisturize it for a minute

it's bullshit I want goat tier waves, idk how to not look like emperor Cuzco for more than 4 minutes

has far more potential than straight hair.

I have wavy hair and it's a burden sometimes because if I let it grow too much it becomes hard to manage but I hate when it's short
t. greek