Whatever happened to the young German man in pic related?
Whatever happened to the young German man in pic related?
slow, agonizing death
Did he made it out of the gulag?
He was gunned down after that pic was taken
That might be one of the most heartbreaking pictures I've seen
That German soldier is just a soldier, he knows nothing but that he's fighting for his countrymen and he needs to put food on the table, all he wants is to go home, and then there's that Russian behind him who hates him for his invasion of his homeland. The Russian is jeering, he seems to revel in the German's misery. All this culminates in the German's 1000 yard stare filled with only one thing: hate.
>clean wehrmacht meme
yeah nah 20 million innocent people died he deserved whatever he got
>clean american soldier meme
yeah nah millions of innocent vietnamese got napalmed he deserved whatever he got
this is true as well good job
Well the only good commie is a dead commie so neither are true :^)
>Unironically believing the Vietnam War wasn't justified
You're either stupid or a Marxist.
>the look in his eye, you just KNOW
>good war against communism
>bad war against communism
knowing the difference may save your lie
>sending in the world police because you think crazy nepotistic despot 1 who causes buddhists to burn themselves to death is better than crazy despot 2
Please don't confuse the Waffen SS with teh actual Wehrmact.
Please don't confuse your dream Wehrmacht with the actual Wehrmacht heavily complicit in war crimes and genocide.
I'm not saying the Wehrmact isn't guilty of its own crimes, but the Waffen SS was the main arm used by the Nazis to exterminate and kill civilian populations in the USSR during Operation Barbarossa.
No. There's a reason why the Army High Command refused baptizing the regular soldiers into Nazi Party members.
I'd agree with you if not for the fact you're most likely a massive fucking hypocrite.
You're just engaging in counter culture backlashing against the view of history that the common soldier isn't to be blamed. You don't hold your ideas to other countries, such as the U.S or USSR and only apply your thought to the Nazi Germany.
Yes. See Omer Bartov: The Eastern Front: German Troops And The Barbarisation Of Warfare or his earlier Soldiers, Nazis And War In The Third Reich .
I always hate it when people write out cringey awful posts like these.
He was L I B E R A T E D
>That pic
And to think, just a coupla months, I was slaughtering Belorussian peasants
> tfw seasonal depression
innocent soldiers are not to be blamed
those complicit in atrocities are
including those perpetrated by the wehrmaht
did you know that there is not a single (1) recorded instance of german soldiers being persecuted for refusing what we might now call illegal orders
or basically taking part in the various genocides etc.?
yet there are several isntances of them doing exactly that
in fact, there are records of soldiers who had refused to take part in the atrocities even getting promoted later on
>Clean [instert name here] soldier meme
That Russian soldier is just a soldier, he knows nothing but that he's fighting for his countrymen and he needs to put food on the table, all he wants is to go home, and then there's that German in front of him who hates him for his attempts to repel the invasion of his homeland. The German is pouting, he seems to revel in the Russian's fury. All this culminates in the Russian's cheeky-breeky grin filled with only one thing: savage joy.
ITT soviet good boys dindu nuffin dey just revenge on evil nazis comrades
Really all we've had so far is nazis good boys dindu nuffin dey just wanna go home when invading yet another country finally doesn't work out for them SO SAD shit.
They were Soviets. They weren't people and they weren't innocent.
>Waffen SS was the main arm used by the Nazis to exterminate and kill civilian populations in the USSR during Operation Barbarossa.
No, Einsatzgruppens which did most of the killings were mainly composed from Sipo and SD personel.
SS =\= Waffen SS