How does one develop a style without looking like you dickride trends?

How does one develop a style without looking like you dickride trends?

bee urself

lurk, become inspired, create.

gl user you are asking the right questions.


dickride trends nobody has heard of

Pull from alot of places. Not deliberately. The Lurk enough so that all the cores annoy you. Decide that trendy fashion looks goofy. Realize that caring dsnt mean looking this way.

I feel like I have my own style
But I sort of want to bleach my hair the problem being bleaching your own hair has become a fad over the past year with the biebs and other trendy grammers
I don't know if I should just do it or not
I've bleached my hair before (like 4 years ago) and I know it looks good but I don't want people to think I'm jumping on trends especially so late in the trend
What do?

idk uhm just do what u want and dont give a fuck, make ur hair platinum blonde

after youve lurked a while and understand fashion better, or if you already do, look at yourself, really analyze yourself, your features and complement them with the way you dress. You don't necessarily look unique (in the good way) by dressing uniquely, you always look unique by incorporating your clothing onto the slate you already have (your body, hair, facial features etc).

pic related, while a model and not her personal style, has her outfit fit perfectly with her features and hair

A good question to ask yourself when you feel that you have an outfit you like, could I be in a movie? Could you be a character in a tasteful movie and wear that? If yes, then you look unique and dress well without looking like a trendriding fuccboi too much to the general public

Think about who you are as a person/the person you want to be.

Think of how you can express that though your clothes, look at others similar to you and who you want to be and how they dress

Good advice. Keeping a vision in mind of the person you want to be especially helps me.


It took me time to develop a style of my own. I never really followed many trends.
Probably the only thing I ever really did because it was trending was an undercut a few years ago. The current haircut I have is probably most similar to The Harvard haircut.

After about 3+ years of caring about how I dress, I am at the point that many of my color combinations and even some clothing styles are influenced by the styles of the 60's and 80's. The fit of the clothing is probably more modern.

I know some trendy fucks, but nobody ever really cares much for their style. It is mostly because it looks like someone trying too hard. As for myself, I get comments from both guys and girls saying they like the way I dress. The conversation doesn't even have to be clothing related to get that type of response.

I think not following trends too closely is important. Too many people follow trends, so it does not look like a genuine style. It looks uncomfortable.

long shot, but id on that jacket?


honestly there's nothing more to say in simpler terms

Pretty much what they said. Great advice on this thread overall.

w2c jakcet

A lot of great stuff said in this thread, but I'll add my two cents.

You have to be open to everything. People on Veeky Forums that shit on everything that isn't their style will never be Veeky Forums.

Being open to everything leads you to be inspired from places you'd never believe and makes your style much more diverse and unique.

When you watch a movie, pay attention to the outfits. When you watch music videos, pay attention to the crowd and the artists. When you walk down the street, look at EVERYBODIES fits. Look at ads, look at magazines, look at stuff on Veeky Forums, look at stuff google images, fuck just look at everything.

The beauty of fashion is that no two people are unique. Make your style an extension of yourself.

Not OP but this right here is spot on

here was my journey

topman shit like everyone else -> scandinavian minimalism (acne, norse, uniform is navy, black, grey, white) -> add a bit of our legacy for individuality (cool patterned shirts, rainbow denim jacket, clothes made of towel) -> and browse grailed for other stand-out pieces. invest in accessories like scarves and sunglasses. also shoes. after 2+ years i get complimented on what i wear a lot of the time

follow good instagrams like homme_vide and fredrikrisvik for inspo

it's simply a matter of choice

am I a lazy faggot who lets the internet dress me or do I give a fuck to learn about fashion

>am I a lazy faggot who lets the internet dress me or do I give a fuck to learn about fashion
Personally, I don't know anything about haute couture, I hate runway shows / fashion blogs, I've never followed anybody on YouTube or other social platforms, and I still don't understand the appeal of fast fashion and avant garde
But I obsessively follow new brands and emerging trends from Japan - particularly trad, camping style, and milspec - and have developed my own style over the last few years

w2c jacket?

i'll do this too. keeping in mind that at each transition i kept aspects from the previous ones.

ski/snowboard-core->rock-core->dad-core->minimalism-core->norm-core->whatever the fuck i am now

I also agree, literally just soaking up EVERYTHING that you see.

Don't dickride trends
Lurk fashion forums/here/blogs/fashion media etc. and find shit that feels you, that speaks to you in some level that, for the lack of better word, resonates with you
You can like designers, trends and individual pieces of clothing even though they aren't your style. You can be full pre 10 Undercover and still appreciate what Thom Browne is doing currently without ever actually buying Browne's stuff
Only adopt shit from the newest meme microtrends if they fit your style and wardrobe

looked him up and that shit is terrible
like the other guy tho, best sufu poster desu

still bretty good m8

Just look for clothes that represet your beliefes and try to imagine seeing yourself on the street. Would you appreciate yourself?

wear & collect things you think look cool, throwing / trading things that don't work every couple months until you've narrowed down an aesthetic that you like and is definitively you. Its best to do this on your own frequently with just your intuition. if you follow guides and online advice too much you'll just end up being derivitive, which will always happen but with the former method i think it will be less obvious, idk.
>inb4 advice telling user not to listen to advice

Do what girls do.
Pick an aesthetic, dickride the trend till you get tired of it, move on retaining some of the elements.

>all the cores annoy you
>trendy fashion looks goofy

this is so accurate, once you realize that 90% of the stuff on Veeky Forums is impressionable trash, you'll be able to free yourself and find your own style

yall sound weird and empty and pretentious......

and not stylish at all also

just be yourself bro

Good advice.

I think what a lot of people don't understand is that it takes time to get gud.

You can't just go from mouth-breathing shit beast to sartorial wunderkind with $1000 and a couple of moodboards.

Hardest thing for me was picking clothes that tied into my existing wardrobe. It's just something that needs a bit of practice.


id on pants?

wear stuff you like.

see how other people dress, incorporate elements of that in to your own outfits