Why is the Enlightenment a bad thing again?
Why is the Enlightenment a bad thing again?
It's not. The French Revolution is though.
>Evil science becomes more popular than philosophy and creationism
>Evil democracy takes over from kings and queens ruling everything
Pretty much the reason retards on Veeky Forums hate it.
I feel that your view is very americentric. The majority of the philosophes were very much pro-monarchy and were trying to give the king all of the power (huge supporters of an absolute enlightened monarchy) They were pretty much as anti-democracy as they could be. Only the Americans really were republicans. Most of them also were religious to some point, most likely deists.
>>Evil science becomes more popular
Stopped here
This is why the enlightenment was a bad thing
It's the beginning of an age of retards like this who, in an attempt to make themselves look more impressive, will completely defame every period of history preceding it as a group anti-scientific retards bumbling around in the mud with their fingers place firmly up their asses
It's a shallow meme just like much of French culture
Thinking you can derive morals and values (and even religion for some of them) purely from reason.
exactly. it's just another way around accepting the truth: moral relativism
Morality is only relative if you don't believe truth has anything to do with it.
Because change and new ideals are 2spooky4incumbentgenerations.
>The enlightenment was bad because we got smarter
Englightenment brought the resurgance of Democracy and new political thought
The French Revolution brought Jacobians, death, and the Left-Right dichotomy
It's the opposite of moral relativism.
The ideals of the enlightenment were that human counsciousness could, through reason, discover the fundamental truths of the human condition and thus attain virtue. It's really an aristotelian view.
Moral relativists deny that human consciousness and reason can lead man to better himself. They believe that everything is subjective, that man is a mindless animal subject to invisible (magical?) deterministic environmental forces and thus since 2+2 = 5 faggots should have the right to marry, or something like that.
Do not confuse the two.
Democracy sucks dick though.
Better than being under a king.
Also we live in a Republic user.
Constitutional monarchies with democratic systems have proven to be the best form of government time and again.
Every country barring Switzerland is a republic. There's some Democratic practices but they're mostly for show, see Scotland and now the Brexit referendum.
Democratic practices in Switzerland are also mostly for show. Especially in the ultimate 15 years.
Kings don't have to pander to special interests or people they owe power to, kings don't have to engage in domestic policy intrigue to gain more power because they already have it. The same reason we have supreme court justices given lifetime terms, is the reason why rulers should have them, and being born into is even better because you don't owe it to anyone.
Migration patterns say otherwise.
>Lets give a random guy ultimate power, what could go wrong?
>Why should a politician try owning stuff to his voters or state?
Kings gave people special privileges all the time for helping them out.
But they don't have to, not on the level elected officials do, who don't just give gifts, but actually tailor policy as payment.
Didn't the French monarchy collapse when the aristocracy and church decided to cookblock any attemps to reform?
no really, what kind of nincompoop would say it's a bad thing?
Louis XVI was actually making a lot of efforts to fix things. The main reason they collapsed is because, unlike England, they refused to sell titles, you could only inherit them. And that upset a lot of ambitious people.
Enlightenment is being able to identify and deal with awareness.
>identify awareness
As in being aware of the limitations of your own perception. Essentially self awareness.
What kind of ignorant idiot suggests that it's a bad thing? top kek
It wasn't, the only people who think that are delusional Christcucks and literal fascists.
But fascism is a product of the enlightement.
Yeah, and as i said, the Church and state cookblocked those.
And aristoctacy*
It surely had some shitty side effects, the fundaments of modern racism (so racism that isnt constructed religiously) and what came with it are a byproduct the enlightenment.
Didn't that take till Darwin?
>christcuck is also a monarcuck