Was he the greatest?

Was he the greatest?

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Why not?

The only great thing about him is how much fucking he did.

As my grandpa said: "if you stuck him in a room with a mountain of pain killers, a failed invasion plan of Cuba, and Marilyn Monroe, he wouldn't know which one to do first."

Biggest meme in the history of this country. Mob got him to power, did fuck all and wouldn't even be famous if some communist dipshit didn't kill him spawning 300 conspiracy theories.

Greatest Presidents.

1. Andrew Jackson
2. George Washington
3. Thomas Jefferson
4.Theodore Roosevelt
5. John Adams

The only thing he did was die.

>a mountain of pain killers
Didn't he have some kind of chronic fucked-up condition and had to have his dad pull strings to get him IN the army?

This thread is cathartic for me because I've always thought he was overrated and a gigantic fuck up. Glad to see other people agreeing.

He had Addison's IIRC

>Addison’s disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency, is a long term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones.[1] Symptoms generally come on slowly and may include abdominal pain, weakness, and weight loss.
Not as fucked as I thought but still not good.

I don;t mind Jackson memery but putting him above Washington is idolatry.

That gives me some mild sympathy for him since my dog had that. He still sucked as a president though. Everything he did with Cuba was disastrous and it nearly blew up the world.

He fucked up a lot, tried to make peace with the Soviets which was a death sin to the military and CIA so they offed him.

I recommend "JFK and the Unspeakable", it's an amazing book.

You're an idiot. He was killed by an accountant who had divested from space industries right before the "We choose to go to the moon" speech.

Well meme'd my property

He's the only Catholic president. So yeah, he's the greatest Catholic president.

>Shifted immigration focus from Europe to Asia and South America

He was in the Navy

Did his death spawned the most conspiracy theories?

>killed by the Jewish bankers because of FED
>killed by the mob because of some union faggotry
>killed by George Bush because CIA was fed up with him
>killed by Fidel Castro because of American interventionism and the rocket crisis
>killed by the USSR again because of those fucking rockets
>killed by Bobby Kennedy because he was jealous of his big bro
>killed by Johnson because he wanted the presidency
>killed by Nixon and Hoover because I don't even know

>Come from a rich family
>Fuck up a PT boat in WW2
>Someone writes story making him a hero
>Run for president, win
>Get shot in the head

hurr hurr guys greatest president ever

>be Kennedy
>get shot

best president evar

The only particularly great things he did were get us into space and attempt to stand up to the military industrial complex.

And die I guess. That was pretty spectacular. Anyway, the idea of Kennedy is way better than Kennedy ever actually was. The bullet that ended him was probably the best thing to ever happen to his legacy.

He was massively popular, he died massively popular, and his cult of personality will keep him massively popular for generations to come.

What did he do during the Cuba Crisis?

He used his family connections to get INTO the Navy.

That alone is amazing.

Another thing about JFK is that he and his brother supported the Civil Rights Movement and actually read up about it.

He is a meme that created another meme president, but those two events alone are admirable regardless of your opinion on him.

Agree to secretly pull US missiles out of Turkey in exchange for the USSR publicly pulling missiles out of Cuba.

He had to deal with a voting base that didn't want him to back down, the Soviets didn't care that much about domestic opinion.

Still, he did a pretty good job all around.

So basically Kennedy wasn't in office long enough for people to start shitting on him for something.

Imagine if Obama died after his second year.

If only

>Biden administration


>he wasn't that even that good of a president
>best president evar! lol just joking he was terrible XD

LBJfags, I swear.

All this Kennedy hate is unwarranted.I'm guessing you all are just ignoring the New Frontier and the shit he was gonna do before he got killed

It'd give you something to laugh at

Kennedy was a rare combination of pragmatist and idealist. He pushed this country in the right directions and inspired us to achieve some remarkable things. He also hated commies but wasn't willing to burn down the world for it so I admire him for that. He also would have kept us out of the shithole that was Vietnam.

I wouldn't call him the best because he wasn't in office that long but he made the country feel good and had the interests of the people not the industries in his heart. I remember sitting down with my 90 year old grandma and her recalling how fondly everyone in the country liberal or conservative admired him and how deeply his death affected her.

>South America
What countries? I thought at that time it was mostly Mexicans

>you will never be so based that Walter Cronkite has to physically stop himself from crying when he announces your death

Dont make me feel like that user.

well, he didn't back down on Cuba, so that was nice

No, Coolidge was

Getting shot is great for PR.


post rare kennedys


>yfw the puffy face was from the steroids he took for his Addison's
>yfw he was always jealous of his brother for having a normal looking face

It made him seem wise




>Americans give fashion advice.jpg

nice bobby

I can't believe he was only in for like 2 and a half years. The 2012 election seems like yesterday, I can't imagine assessing the legacy of a victorious Romney if he had gotten capped in November 2014, it seems too short of a time to really be fair or to draw any meaningful conclusions.

He was good, but in this case #1 was in fact #1.

It was a really, really fast paced couple of years.

Just reading into his New Frontier policies and what legislation he passed in that time its remarkable the legacy he left on the US.

That's not Ali


Put nuclear warheads in turkey and invaded cuba, later became butthurt the two communist he alienated exchanged in nuclear proliferation so he ordered every one to shoot on sight which they thankfully didn't follow. Nixon was able to open relations with china but Kennedy couldn't manage to that with the head of the anti-stalin movement

literally incoherent

Putting Jackson, Washington or Teddy in the top 5 is idolatry. They weren't even good Presidents. Washington, if judged by the same standard as literally every other president as he should be, was a horrible president and a sock puppet for Hamilton.

Bad things:
-Bay of Pigs (Eisenhower started this to be fair)
-Directly responsible for US involvement in Vietnam because of his "America's Stake in Vietnam" speech, sent a lot of combat personnel into Vietnam as well so the only thing Johnson could do to escalate the war and finish his predecessor's initiative was properly invade

-stood up to Khrushchev at Berlin
-handled the Cuban Missile Crisis well, in the hands of many other presidents there would have been nuclear war

OK President

The great presidents are ones who get shot and survive. So no.

>Put nuclear warheads in turkey
Wasn't that Eisenhower?

Indeed he did.

Yeah, since the agreements about deployment were already signed by the late 50s.

There are reasonable people!

>Put nuclear warheads in turkey and invaded cuba
>he ordered every one to shoot on sight which they thankfully didn't follow
Both of these are wrong

Thanks, Have a rare jfk

It caused him to have chronic bouts of severe diarrhea and nausea all throughout his life. It's a wonder he held it together through his time in the White House. I think he channeled his pain into his well known constant drive for sex and adultery.

He was a tortured man. His former white house secretary/ lover recounted that he was still more boy than man and would hound on her like a sad puppy.

Kennedy's administration mostly succeeded because of the men he surrounded himself with, read Camelot's Court by Robert Dallek. Quite fascinating, without Bobby, Adlai, and McNamara his administration would have imploded in his first year.

>He also would have kept us out of the shithole that was Vietnam.

I keep hearing this shit but it's blatantly false. Kennedy was hellbent on continuing the Eisenhower's doctrine and it was during his rule when the military presence in Vietnam started strengthening.

JFK had the right idea about things (spare me the Cuba invasion). I suspect Bobby was the engine. Fucking crazy that they both got did. That was probably the point where the US could have done something about guns. The rest is a chronicle foretold.

>That was probably the point where the US could have done something about guns.

Well let's be glad that didn't happen.

IIRC the combination of the steroids and addisons medication increased sexual drive, thickened the hair, and made the skin appear tanned.

Kennedy had by 1963 a plan to keep only 1,500 personnel in the region to help with supplying the South Vietnamese. He is quitoed a billion times saying its a vietnamese struggle and not an american one. What he sough was only to support which was the right course of action because fuck the communists.

My understanding is that his stance on Nam is up for debate. I suspect it was evolving within his own mind at the time of his death. Please cite a source where the "blatant falsehoods" are shown.


It was mostly RFK and Teddy.

A True American Patriot

Almost get us all killed

Almost get us all killed >He also hated commies but wasn't willing to burn down the world for it so I admire him for that. He also would have kept us out of the shithole that was Vietnam.

These three things are incorrect or blatant exaggerations.

>what legislation he passed in that time

Please enlighten us on all this meaningful legislation he passed.

Greatest on cam head shot, yeah.

One of them is not

>Kennedy had by 1963 a plan to keep only 1,500 personnel in the region to help with supplying the South Vietnamese. He is quitoed a billion times saying its a vietnamese struggle and not an american one. What he sough was only to support which was the right course of action because fuck the communists.

Fuck what he said and planned.

The day he died we had 5,000 troops in Vietnam and were balls deep in protecting South Vietnam militarily. We were supplting them constantly, and had two fleets off the coast doing sporadic bombardements.

You're probably one of those people who thinks Obama actually withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Alright a 5 second google search yields:
- Lowering top tax rate from 91% to 70%
- Creation of the Peace Corps
- Raising the minimum wage to $1.15
- Significant investments in education
- Executive orders banning discrimination in housing
- Laid the groundwork to the civil rights act
- Put a man in space and paved the way for a man to go to the moon
- Heavy investments in science

Its all an interesting read if you look into New Frontier policies.

>Lowering top tax rate from 91% to 70%


>- Creation of the Peace Corps


>- Raising the minimum wage to $1.15

Would have happened under Nixon

>- Significant investments in education

Is that why US public universities and primary schools have been plummeting in rankings since the 60's?

>- Executive orders banning discrimination in housing

No power to them

>- Laid the groundwork to the civil rights act


>- Put a man in space and paved the way for a man to go to the moon

Eisenhower's achievements did that. JFK did boost NASA. I agree.

But it was a stupid wasteful meme to go to the moon.

>- Heavy investments in science

Statstics don't back that up.

A challenger appears.

no but pic related will be

Stop dreaming and prep the bull


Kennedy wouldn't have liked that.

Its amazing on a history board of all places that people are willfully ignorant of actual history and the implications.

>60 gorillion redshits
Kill yourself

>-handled the Cuban Missile Crisis well, in the hands of many other presidents the world would literally have ended
>OK President

>IIRC the combination of the steroids and addisons medication increased sexual drive, thickened the hair, and made the skin appear tanned.
So he wasn't just a Casanova, he was a medical Casanova!

How does the UK have any dark blue at all on that graph?

>But it was a stupid wasteful meme to go to the moon.
Megaprojects are the best way to unite a divided nation.

>$25 bill
My sides

Sexy as hell. Sexiest since Washington.

>But it was a stupid wasteful meme to go to the moon.
It was worth it just to shit all over the soviets.

>Forgetting about Taft

My husbando